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Influenza A (H1N1) in toddlers nursery


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Hello, Was hoping for some quick advice while we await a reply from our dr who we cannot contact at the moment. My 22 month old son started going to a nursery a few weeks ago. Last Saturday some irresponsible parents sent their daughter to the nursery knowing that she was not feeling too well. The nursery did the right thing and contacted the parents after a few hours telling them to take their daughter home and that they should never have brought her in while running a temperature. So cudos to them. It later transpired that the little girl was admitted to hospital with the highly infectious Influenza A (H1N1).

My son, of course was exposed to her, and as such the disease for a few hours, and while he still has no symptoms, I am a bit worried. I wonder if there is anyone here with a medical background who can suggest anything we can give him. I am not really talking medicines, but rather some foods to boost the immune system which may have some form of preventative bodies.


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Enough sleep and well balanced diet are key.

Plus some supplemental zinc (10 mg/day), has been proven to decrease the severity of respiratory infections.




Even if it does not prevent, the severity of illness will usually be less.

Aside from this the only other intervention would be anti-viral meds but I agree that the degree of exposure probably does not warrant that.

The incubation period is 1 -7 days (about 4 on average) so after a week if he shows no sign of infection, probably in the clear.

Should however get him vaccinated (both for H1N1 and seasonal flu). Children coming down with this can be infectious before they show symptoms and being in pre-school, he is vulnerable.

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