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Anyone know anything about Phrao?


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The only post on Phrao I could find was 4 years old, so I thought I would start a new one. To make a long story short, I have family (foreign family, not Thai) that really like it in Phrao and they would like to rent a house for a month or 2 to see if they really really like it. The more in the country the better. A "Thai style" house in reasonable condition would be fine, we're not a "Hi-So" family. If anyone up there knows about a place for rent, please PM me. So Far I haven't had much luck finding information on Phrao.

Any other tips or info on Phrao would be apreciated. Thanks in Advance.

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^ Hello.. very likely that is a big part of the attraction.

(Generally speaking, I know my own ability to be an a##hole is second to very few, but I *am* capable of realizing that not everyone is just like me, all of the time. wink.png )

Anyway, there's the off-chance that someone on the forum will know of something for rent, and there is another chance of finding something on-line, but realistically a challenge of this type just means going over there in person and asking around. Bring a Thai person if language is an issue, and make sure this is a person who is not shy, and is good at striking a deal. (And then preferably a deal that doesn't include a commission for him/her, although he/she is entitled to something for the effort put in, of course.)

Typically this involves going to the local noodle shop and asking around. Your mileage may vary, as will be the furniture (if any) you will find in such a house. And it may be quite spartan, but again that could be part of the attraction. The limited time of 2 months makes this a bit more challenging, though it also opens up the possibility of getting a house where people normally live, but get them to vacate it for two months. That's doable if the price is right. ("Here is 40K Baht, see you in two months; take your toothbrush but leave everything else." wink.png ) (Ok I make it sound harsh, but essentially that's the deal, and one that many will go for when the price is right.)

Just in case, also look over AirBnB just in case. You do get some interesting odd-ball locations and the advantage is that you can just drop your bags and have everything ready and comfortable. (Ask for a discount for two months) Not sure if Phrao is a firm requirement or that similar 'middle-of-nowhere' locations can also be considered? There's no shortage of those in the North. wink.png

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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For example: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2448933

(Not in Phrao, but similarly remote location.)

I believe it has a lot more western accommodations than housing available in the town it's self.

Friend lives close by in a small village and says he enjoys the motor biking into the surrounding country side and visiting the many different villages.

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