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Buying a tuk tuk?


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Next year I want buy a tuk tuk

I think it's enough here,

I allready see a company when I was walking last year in udhontani

Of a tuk tuk factory, is around 40 k

For a new one, I think there are not many company's avalible?

Does all use the same motor , want let install a filter for better breeze!

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You need a special license to drive a tuk-tuk. Learn to ride a buffalo if you really want to impress the natives.

Think Sandman is talking about a sam lor.

No license needed.

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Last year, I was in Australia driving through the township of Cowra, it's in NSW and a blooooooody Thai tuk tuk overtook me in the township. Now I would of thought I'd gone completely mad, but the wife was seated next to me and she saw it too.

I simple muttered under my breath, 'Well <deleted> me'. A farang was driving it and he had a huge smile on his face. I didn't think you could even get a roadworthy for one of those things O/S.

Just an interesting tid bit for you all, I am sure you care.

I wouldn't buy one, dangerous things. smile.png

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I looked into this before - as I understand it there are laws in place against non-Thai's owning tuk-tuks + If I were to get one it stopped by the police it was a 600Baht fine (last year)......

One guy got hauled off to the police station as they thought he was operating one for profit.......

Get a golf cart maybe?????

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What have the law that Falang cannot own a tuk tuk real funny ok I will buy in here name!

But in backside I will replace name

Thailand into Austria!

And how about tuning the motor of full speed 80 km h

Like most bk tuk tukin night time !

Wife ask how much a go kart?

Is it same atv?

Yes face pretty funy and Iam for sure the attraction in lower isaan country!

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Why not get the new solar powered one !

Dont forget to have your theme tune playing over loud speaker when you ride it.

What tune would you play chuck?
There is only one.....


And I was thinking he would have ice cream van music...

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Hello Snotty !

Poor old Sandman was just chasin some tuk tuk info, the gang here will have the poor bugga driving one with Nitrus and wide wheels, boom box on the back and half a dozen slurries in the back seat.

It needs to have lots of lights

and a mandatory cd hanging off the centre rear vision mirror, half a dozen Buddhas on the dash.

We should all get one and hit bangers like a Gang of Ulysse motorcycle gang bangers :P

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Why not get the new solar powered one !

Dont forget to have your theme tune playing over loud speaker when you ride it.

What tune would you play chuck?
There is only one.....



Next we need a colour scheme and an outfit ;)

I think the flames look rather snazzy!

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1403419885.880508.jpg

Nice, I want a skull and crossbones on the front !

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sandman, they arent flaming u; they are 'joshing' you i.e. humoursly teasing you meaning they like you. they arent being mean or rude, just laughing along with you... so enjoy while u can until someone else new comes along...

btw, a precious momen was my daughter , sitting on a buffalo while everyone says: no problem really easy. the buffalo took one look at her white face, adn ran, and she slid off his back... in to the rice fields... we photoe'd it, three pics are worth a million words and everyone in the village still remembers it from 6 years ago...

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She seem's to enjoy the 'ride',of course it could be acting ,but having been trained at RADA,i don't think so,by the way i narrowly missed out on a part in the Harry Potter movie,i auditioned as a owl,but narrowly missed out,the usual devestation ensued,hating myself.drinking too much,falling into a canal,but that's par for the course for an aspiring actor,as i strode around London in a long coat and Tom Baker like scarf,yes, many hard years followed,treading the boards,for a few crumbs,to eat when i finally got back to my garret,at last i saw the light and threw the acting away,like a worn out coat,and became a succesful pest manager in Australia,until foully betrayed i made my way here,i do still stride around the village in the coat,and scarf,i have warned them of the Dalek's,but they don't seem to understand that mobile trashcan;s could actually take them over,maybe that could be a good thing.

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