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I am wondering aloud if anyone else has had the same problem as me with True Online.

For the last couple of years the connection has been mostly OK. Three weeks ago I could not get a connection on Sunday. then it was fine until the following Sunday when the same thing happened again.

The following Saturday a technician came and changed the router. The Internet was fine until the following day (Sunday) when the connection disappeared for the entire day.

It then worked again all week until I got up this morning (Sunday) and almost predictably there was no Internet signal again.

True Online seem as baffled as me. So, has anyone else out there ever had this 'Sunday' problem?


I am using True now and have never had any such issue. Do you get connection direct or is it part of your building system perhaps (and they take Sunday off)?

Sunday might also be a work day for local wire work (off day for those in paying jobs) so building rewiring on that day.

Is you connection ADSL or Cable or something else?

If ADSL do you still have the phone signal?

Could also be rewire by True of there systems but they should be able to find that out if you keep bugging them.


Is this a aDSL, or a Cable Broadband connections?

As lopburi3 points out, if this is not a direct connection then it could be a powered junction is being switched off by someone for Sunday. Any new rewire jobs happen near you?

On Sundays, Does the router report 'no connection'?

If not, can you PING the reported gateway address?


I just switched to TRUE, because I had problems with my TOT DSL-line. Every now and then a hardware failure in one of the TOT switch boxes would take down my Internet access. but NOT the telephone signal!

If it was a soft problem it helped to lift the phone and check, that I got a signal, after which the DSL signal also remembered me again...

If all else fails, switch off the router for a few seconds, that switch in on again. Tunring a device off and on again solves about 50% of all errors/problems, no joke!


Thanks for the feedback.

Well,it still doesn't work today despite unplugging, resetting and praying. The technician is coming for the 4th time in two weeks tomorrow afternoon. Nice bloke, starting to feel like part of the family!!


There is a slight improvement today. The DSL light is flashing periodically like it really wants to please me, but the Internet light doesn't want to play.


Technician came again today. Went out in the corridor fiddled with some wires and got the Internet working. Result!!

Twenty minutes later after he left the Internet signal dropped and now there is no phone signal either. Come to fix one problem and leave two behind. Thanks True Online.


Have you gone to see what wires he was playing with?

Usually there is a junction box outside the building that provides lightning/overvoltage (to ground wire) protection.

If you also have analog voice service then the next box is a signal splitter/filter, one line out for voice, the other (unfiltered) line out for DSL Internet.

If the wires are just twisted together, 'thai fashion', then that would create on ongoing problem.

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