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Hi folks,

just upgraded the set top satellite box OTA and made the mistake of choosing digital TV for the channel search, now I only have 48 channels (albeit in HD), but have lost all the others. Any ideas on how to do a non digital TV search??

You all know why I am asking here because the help line is non existant!

Thanks in anticipation!


Your situation/question is very confusing.

What is the Make/Model of your Satellite TV box?

Some the DVB Set-Top-Boxes can do both DVB-S2 and DVB-T2 (Satellite vs Terrestrial transmissions)

It can sometimes be selected using one of the marked buttons on the remote (S2/T2) or, more likely, in the setup menu

If you can't find it, try forcing another OTA


I'm not finding any information on an " HSP4 " ( H.264 maybe? unfortunately this doesn't help )

Is there a label on the back or bottom with more Make/Model information?

Can you point me to a page on the Internet that shows an exact picture of the unit, or where it can be purchased?

Is there a button on the remote for entering the MENU / SETUP (and have you looked at the options)

//edit: removed text as the thread header states the box is set for CTH broadcasts


The STB was a standard CTH package HS8871r as shown in this video:

as for C-or Ku-band no idea!

I tried tor redo OTA but option now not available!


OK, that's getting closer. Unfortunately there's no information online related to channel selection via the OTA process.

My first suggestion would be to find and set the menu to English.

The second would be to verify how many channels are currently programmed in the box.

All satellite channels are sent as digital (no longer analog). The OTA feature is used to download/install the current firmware and update the channel list. The menu also allows you to search/scan for the existence of other channels not included in the OTA channel update (non thai-language based).

I wonder if your errant menu selection actually reprogrammed the box to have only 48 channels in the list, or if some menu/remote button is set so you can only view the HD channels.


have you tried this ? Menu > settings > Channel search ...choose either manual or auto


Yipee, solved the problem, pressed facory default and then code "0000" which then asked for "CTH" or "Digital TV"

Chose "CTH" it then searched for channels and they all came back!

Thanks for all your comments and help!

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I don't have any non Thai channels. Tried the Info--OTA upgrade route but it cannot be done. Looks promising but it freezes. Eventually told that the search has been aborted.

Tried also the Auto search route and again nothing. Getting a message: E0160--No Valid Entitlement Found.

Not good. Haven't used the system for a few weeks. Any ideas. Thanks.


I don't have any non Thai channels.

Tried the Info--OTA upgrade route but it cannot be done. Looks promising but it freezes. Eventually told that the search has been aborted.

Tried also the Auto search route and again nothing. Getting a message: E0160--No Valid Entitlement Found.

Not good. Haven't used the system for a few weeks. Any ideas. Thanks.

What problems are you having that prompted you to do an OTA?

If you're not receiving ANY channels then the system needs to be properly diagnosed (dish / LNB alignment, cable/connector integrity, electronics).

The availability of receiving additional channels really depends on what satellite your dish/LNB is receiving.

Most DVB satellite boxes sold in Thailand are linked to a service provider and the OTA just updates the box with the current package from the provider when everything is set up properly


The DVB boxes I've had (PSI, GMM z, IPM, Dream, etc) all had menu items to search for FTA channels or find transport streams that could be viewed when the decoder was manually updated.

LyngSat: Free to Air Satellite TV from ASIA

LyngSat: Asia and Pacific Satellites Click a position (ie: 78.5°E ) to see the Streams/Channel lineups from the satellite or satellite group

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