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Health Food Info?

Mark L.

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I was wondering if anyone can give me an idea of how hard it is to get quality food/health products etc in Thailand

Organic might not be easy but I'm curious if typical Thai farming uses pesticides etc

What are animals mostly fed etc? Grains and corn etc or something more natural and healthy for them?

Can organic be found?

Unprocessed sea salt?

Is it possible to get quality water? High TDS, 300 or greater, hardness factor 170mg/L or greater. Preferably from an artesian well.

If not then RO water but then high quality sea salt is a must!!!


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I was wondering if anyone can give me an idea of how hard it is to get quality food/health products etc in Thailand

Organic might not be easy but I'm curious if typical Thai farming uses pesticides etc

Yes - in massive amounts.

What are animals mostly fed etc? Grains and corn etc or something more natural and healthy for them?

Depends on the supplier. CP, Thailand's biggest supplier of most meat products, uses standard "factory" farming methods. Some of the smaller producers are more natural.

Can organic be found?

Look in the "Organic" section of Rimping supermarket. It is not the same as European or US standards but TIT......

Unprocessed sea salt?

Yes. I use nothing but and buy in bulk from the Salterns near Chonburi. It is also available in Rimping - at a price!

Is it possible to get quality water? High TDS, 300 or greater, hardness factor 170mg/L or greater. Preferably from an artesian well.

Most of the suppliers of drinking water use filtered artesian water.

If not then RO water but then high quality sea salt is a must!!!


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any luck getting organic virgun coconut oil in Thailand I would imagine so...

sea salt is the bomb eh? :o You use in your water as well or just for food?

Know off hand how the waters are around Thailand (metal toxidity in fish)

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I have heard of several organic stores in town. One is near the airport and apparently grows its own vegetables. I can't remember the name but it has a really popular restaurant that serves a lot of (organic) salads.

There is also a govt-run organic store on Suthep road. I just heard about it this week and am not exactly sure where it is but they sell quite a few "chemical-free" products and well as other items such as trout.

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a vaguely related question...

does anyone know where one can buy quinoa in chiang mai?


ps. before someone asks:


I looked pretty hard at one point to try and get some quinoa here (both in Bangkok and Chiang Mai) but was unable to. There's no local Thai word for it either, can't find it in any of the dictionaries. So I tend to bring it back from the UK when I go across (which is very often) - put in a request and I'll bring you some across if you also have trouble finding it.

Speaking of Health food - does anyone know anyone who makes their own Kombucha tea? I'm looking for a baby kombucha :-) Kombucha Tea @ Wikipedia

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Some of the local markets will have a stall (or two) for selling organic veggies and fruits. Many (yes, I wrote many) Thais are as concerned about the overuse of pesticides as health-conscious westerners. The Mae-Kha selling organic at the MaeRim fresh market has a very nice business going for herself. Good selection, not over-priced, and she pre-packages mixed salads as well.

Go to any local market and ask around.

As with organic produce grown anywhere, wash the worms/bugs away carefully before eating/cooking. Or, go natural and enjoy the high protein-to-carb ratio :o

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virgin coconut oil can be found easy in the better supermarkets. (in the otop sections of tops supermarkets for instance).

I wouldn't use the seasalt from here. It is taken from the gulf of thailand. definitely a nono.

You should also take a look in the so called "king-shops" which have some organic product... check with the locals for locations.

there is also a thai peanut-butter (forgot the brand), but its the only one avail. It has no hydrogenated oil (small jar, green lid).

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Do people here know about Baan Pak Store in Chiang Mai? Nong the woman who runs it is a Pharmacist and has a decent selection of fruits and vegetables that are reduced pesticide and small amount of actual organic fresh produce. She has a large clientele of customers who would buy organic in a heartbeat but its just not available in Thailand. I have no doubt that people will claim to have organic for the extra money but some of the above statements just aren't accurate about the level of awareness and market for organic or reduced pesticide produce. Quite the opposite but at least awareness is growing in response to the high cancer rates etc.

She does carry non GMO soy products, Non antibiotics and hormone meats. Low toxicity grains etc, and of course some organic/reduced pesticide fruits and vegetables.

Phone # is 053-233317 and the Owner Nong speaks very good english.

and located on Vitchayanon Road just east of the Presidential hotel and near the American Embassy.Its in the little shopping center where Aden foods is located. Another store with some health type foods.

If you think you know of some actual organic fresh produce then tell her about it and if it checks out she would be very interested in sourcing it for her customers like me.


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Thanks everyone!!!

Sea Salt-I would be interested in sea salt from France or New Zealand..

Lots of great info thanks again..

Very little mention specifically on meat.. I process foods very quickly so I eat a higher protein and fat diet than some.

Any specific mentions on meat/chicken etc

Anyone know how bad the waters are in general (for fish). I don't expect they are great..

(side note for another thread. IMO soy is BAD. The studies done that say it is good are done by the people who sell it. Independant studies say its crap-just my opinion. Dr Getoffs food pyramid has smokes and booze before soy lol)

quinoa is much safer lol :o

cobrasnakenecktie(long enough name lol) umm thats a good idea...getting the seller involved. Go check it out etc.. awesome!

Thanks again to all

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Do people here know about Baan Pak Store in Chiang Mai? Nong the woman who runs it is a Pharmacist and has a decent selection of fruits and vegetables that are reduced pesticide and small amount of actual organic fresh produce. She has a large clientele of customers who would buy organic in a heartbeat but its just not available in Thailand. I have no doubt that people will claim to have organic for the extra money but some of the above statements just aren't accurate about the level of awareness and market for organic or reduced pesticide produce. Quite the opposite but at least awareness is growing in response to the high cancer rates etc.

She does carry non GMO soy products, Non antibiotics and hormone meats. Low toxicity grains etc, and of course some organic/reduced pesticide fruits and vegetables.

Phone # is 053-233317 and the Owner Nong speaks very good english.

and located on Vitchayanon Road just east of the Presidential hotel and near the American Embassy.Its in the little shopping center where Aden foods is located. Another store with some health type foods.

If you think you know of some actual organic fresh produce then tell her about it and if it checks out she would be very interested in sourcing it for her customers like me.


This is my favorite Health Food store also, and she is quite open about telling you about products that are not what they are supposed to be.

She sells fresh wheatgrass juice quite cheaply too! :o

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My Thai wife is a strict vegetarian and very conscious of what we put into our bodies. Just in following her around I know that both the Topps at Airport Plaza and Lotus have decent 'no spray' produce sections. She also frequents the 'king's stores' and there is one right inside the CM airport terminal and their prices are very reasonable in spite of the location.

Also into very clean sea salt, I look forward to more info on this.

I do not do meat all that much but know that DeCheeso carries various frozen meats from different countries. They also make their own very good cheeses, yoghurt, peanut butter and such things right on the premises. A left turn off Hangdong road after the middle ring road Just before the big Siam Commercial Bank. Their products are also available at the Art Cafe at Tai Phae Gate; I think they are connected by family or something. Ain't nuthin like their live fresh yoghurt and some of the cheeses!

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You guys rock lol thanks... I'm still deciding where to move but Chiangmai is looking very promessing. I'll have to come out and look around. I deffinatly like the North (lived in Lampang for a bit..Thoen, Lampang a few years back)..

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