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4 Daughters and Mum Married Farang. Offputting?


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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

Oh how little do u know

Yes, thanks for pointing that out.

Clearly I have gained little or nothing in all my years in Thailand. Please excuse my observations, clearly they have no substance.

Over to you ohhh wise one.

com'on you two ... I like you both.

Let's be nice ... please.

Not being a Policeman ... just a mate ... thumbsup.gif


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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

Oh how little do u know
Yes, thanks for pointing that out.

Clearly I have gained little or nothing in all my years in Thailand. Please excuse my observations, clearly they have no substance.

Over to you ohhh wise one.

com'on you two ... I like you both.

Let's be nice ... please.

Not being a Policeman ... just a mate ... thumbsup.gif



I am being nice. Clearly Thai at Heart knows so much more than me, how could I possibly gain his worldly experience & Thai expertise and Im simply acknowledging that. I wouldn't want him to work himself into a frenzy over a flippant remark I made. Perhaps it struck close to home and apparently theres absolutely no substance to what I said.

I stand corrected.

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At least they wouldn't all be living off YOU!

Do all Thais live off foreigners?

Exports in Thailand increased to 19401.62 USD Million in May of 2014 from 17249.44 USD Million in April of 2014. Exports in Thailand averaged 8919.85 USD Million from 1991 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 21227.12 USD Million in August of 2011 and a record low of 1997 USD Million in February of 1991. Exports in Thailand is reported by the Ministry of Commerce, Thailand.

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Can't blame them for being smart.... Would YOU marry a typical Thai man?

I know women, and people in thailand have a different view to my upbringing, but id rather be with a girl that I really love who is normal, then a filthy rich bottom feeder

Have dated a few filthy rich women, and their attitude stank, a few dates max for each

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I haven't met all the sisters but I have met the one lady and although clearly an ex bar girl she is very pleasant..

The guy the mother is married to is a monstrosity (he is really, sorry to say that) and it would be impossible to imagine she was in it for the guy...he is about 70 and pretty unclean looking and if you saw him in a playground in UK you would probably call the police.

I would honestly find it all extremely off putting and would find it hard not to dwell on it.

To be fair, I would need to know who introduced who to who.

I have lost count of the number of falangs that have visited Thailand and got into relationships. On return to their home countries, likely through tales of triumph, they make the next visit with "Bob" from the local pub with promises of "fixing him up". Before you know it, they have their own "village" and increasing yearly.

May not be this particular case, but just sayin'.......................wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

Blimey thought you were my Wife for a moment!

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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

Blimey thought you were my Wife for a moment!

Is it my new hairstyle or the fact I shave my legs?

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The worst part of the situation the OP describes is the in-laws getting to choose a bunch of foreigners that you are going to have great difficulty avoid at any and every family gathering.

I'd flip the circumstances and advise any foreigner planning marry a Thai woman who has single sisters, mother, cousins or aunts to make it a condition of their marriage that he gets to interview and approve/not approve any foreigner that any member of his wife's family has ideas of marrying.

The amount of damaged foreign goods washing up in Thailand and the inability of Thais to see through the Walter Mitty lies peddled by so many foreigners in Thailand makes for pretty good odds that unless you set the above rule in place you are going to wind up with a dysfunctional foreign in-law.

Generally, I find the foreigners get the bum end of the deal.

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The worst part of the situation the OP describes is the in-laws getting to choose a bunch of foreigners that you are going to have great difficulty avoid at any and every family gathering.

I'd flip the circumstances and advise any foreigner planning marry a Thai woman who has single sisters, mother, cousins or aunts to make it a condition of their marriage that he gets to interview and approve/not approve any foreigner that any member of his wife's family has ideas of marrying.

The amount of damaged foreign goods washing up in Thailand and the inability of Thais to see through the Walter Mitty lies peddled by so many foreigners in Thailand makes for pretty good odds that unless you set the above rule in place you are going to wind up with a dysfunctional foreign in-law.

thats probably very true what you say, but the ratio of men getting screwed over vs ratio of women ending up with "damaged goods" id say is higher.

When people are in love (men and women) they do stupid things, like many of the men in thailand, however, if the 25 year old woman cannot see that the 60 year old, balding, fat, ugly, been divorced 3 times, relies on a weekly pension, who knocks off 40 beers per week, gets abusive when he is drunk, uses bargirls behind the gf/wifes back is "damaged goods" then id say thats even more stupid!

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The main reasons why some farangs find Thais married to farangs as off-putting or even intimidating is because they know that these Thais will be onto the bull shi--ing of farangs and can compete with them either above or on their own levels and the farangs will find them intellectually superior in many ways, having the advantage of being in the worlds of both cultures.

This is why many farangs living in Thailand prefer to be in relationships with Thai women from the underclasses of Thai society in which they feel more comfortable with and the least competitive with having lower expectations of their farang male partners.

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The worst part of the situation the OP describes is the in-laws getting to choose a bunch of foreigners that you are going to have great difficulty avoid at any and every family gathering.

I'd flip the circumstances and advise any foreigner planning marry a Thai woman who has single sisters, mother, cousins or aunts to make it a condition of their marriage that he gets to interview and approve/not approve any foreigner that any member of his wife's family has ideas of marrying.

The amount of damaged foreign goods washing up in Thailand and the inability of Thais to see through the Walter Mitty lies peddled by so many foreigners in Thailand makes for pretty good odds that unless you set the above rule in place you are going to wind up with a dysfunctional foreign in-law.

thats probably very true what you say, but the ratio of men getting screwed over vs ratio of women ending up with "damaged goods" id say is higher.

When people are in love (men and women) they do stupid things, like many of the men in thailand, however, if the 25 year old woman cannot see that the 60 year old, balding, fat, ugly, been divorced 3 times, relies on a weekly pension, who knocks off 40 beers per week, gets abusive when he is drunk, uses bargirls behind the gf/wifes back is "damaged goods" then id say thats even more stupid!

In your generalization you forgot.....tattoos.....

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At least they wouldn't all be living off YOU!

Do all Thais live off foreigners?

I don't know, I've not met all Thais yet!

But given a fair go, I'd live off a foreigner, wouldn't you?

I dare not oppose you, observing the number of followers you have! Obviously you reflect the majority opinion.

Having a conscious smaller than a pin-head, I still would be ashamed living off anyone.

(I now understand the true meaning of the word 'parasite'.)


Just have a look here >>> http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/738325-should-i-help-on-this-scam/#entry8032626

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The main reasons why some farangs find Thais married to farangs as off-putting or even intimidating is because they know that these Thais will be onto the bull shi--ing of farangs and can compete with them either above or on their own levels and the farangs will find them intellectually superior in many ways, having the advantage of being in the worlds of both cultures.

This is why many farangs living in Thailand prefer to be in relationships with Thai women from the underclasses of Thai society in which they feel more comfortable with and the least competitive with having lower expectations of their farang male partners.

Not the case with me. I don't want my wife to hear all the BS. It's tedious. For example the one about borrowing money to buy a house is foolish. Every bar girl or ex bar girl that I have ever met has used this worn out cliche and every employed non bar girl has said, "lets go to the bank and borrow the money to buy a house."

Thailand is no different than the West. You want a house you go to a bank and borrow the money. The only exceptions are in Bargirlland.

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I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

You forgot. The normal Thai bashing thread, respect for elders face comes into play and stops all competition in Thai society.

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I could just imagine the competiveness between the mum and the 4 daughters to see who could siphon the most.

You forgot. The normal Thai bashing thread, respect for elders face comes into play and stops all competition in Thai society.

Meaning...mom has to set the example.

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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

More or less on the same lines as I was trying to describe in my post.

Many farangs living in Thailand perceive Thai women as the types you quote in between the lines of your post as these are the types they mostly associate with.

Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang, so when farangs do meet Thai women at a higher social level or those with high levels of Western influences and behaviours some farangs will find it difficult to relate to them.

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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

More or less on the same lines as I was trying to describe in my post.

Many farangs living in Thailand perceive Thai women as the types you quote in between the lines of your post as these are the types they mostly associate with.

Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang, so when farangs do meet Thai women at a higher social level or those with high levels of Western influences and behaviours some farangs will find it difficult to relate to them.

On which way....difficult to relate to them ?

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All lovely ladies no doubt. Married for love no doubt. All with lovely lower back tats, no doubt. All using the constant terms, Daaarrrling and sexy man, no doubt.

More or less on the same lines as I was trying to describe in my post.

Many farangs living in Thailand perceive Thai women as the types you quote in between the lines of your post as these are the types they mostly associate with.

Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang, so when farangs do meet Thai women at a higher social level or those with high levels of Western influences and behaviours some farangs will find it difficult to relate to them.

You wrote, "Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang," Since that has nothing to do with the Farang why would it make it difficult to relate to the woman?

Wouldn't it be the opposite? The Thai woman would have difficulty relating to the Farang? The hi so women I met in the West always had trouble relating to me as I drove a motorcycle and hung out in dive bars. I however had no trouble relating to them.

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Most middle and upper class Thai women would never consider becoming romantically involved with a farang unless that farang was a social cut above the rest. In fact in Thai society it is considered as a come down by marrying a farang, so when farangs do meet Thai women at a higher social level or those with high levels of Western influences and behaviours some farangs will find it difficult to relate to them.

Most middle and upper class Thai women (and their families) consider marriage a business.

Romance has little or nothing to do with it.

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