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I have seen but not talked to a number of well presented 50+ years falang tourists that claim that they come to LOS for 'the golf' and recite lovely conditions for fees, quality of courses and etc...no matter that they are found breakfasting, lunching or drinking in some dive in Soi Nana. This is sort of like to say that I met my thai girlfriend singing in the choir in the local buddhist church.

How many of you guys actually play golf? I played little league in the US and was a good surfer in US west coast conditions 30 years ago but could never say 'I came to Thailand for the baseball and the surf...'

I have seen but not talked to a number of well presented 50+ years falang tourists that claim that they come to LOS for 'the golf' and recite lovely conditions for fees, quality of courses and etc...no matter that they are found breakfasting, lunching or drinking in some dive in Soi Nana.

I met quite a few Asian and European playing golf in Thailand and the main reasons they come here are : the low fees, the beauty and number of golf courses, the quality and availibility of the "small hands" and the girls, and the girls, and the girls,...

Sad (?) but true,...


bluecat...no reason to ever be sad about nothing, or guilty. Just hate some smug holier than thou jerkoff talking jive...

getting laid is one thing...golf is another...



It's like the old adage ... "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."

Or about men doing the 5-knuckle shuffle ... "95% of us have done it and the other 5% are liars."

Going to LOS just for the golf ???? Yeah ... right!

I played all of the sports too when I was younger, and also like to chase the little white ball on occasion. But at least I have sense enough to know I'll never be worth sh*t at it, that it ranks very low of life's priority list, and that I will have very little interest in it when I relocate permanently to LOS.

Keep the funny stuff and dry sense of humor coming. It livens up what has otherwise been a sort of miserable week or labor for me.

Spee :o


My sister comes out here once a year to play golf around the Pattaya area.

She has played on about fifteen different courses, all within 45 minutes of our apartment.

But the fella's in our apartment block only play golf during the day to get rid of the hangover from the previous night (alcoholic or bar-girl ....)


When I first started coming to Thailand I played golf everyday. The reasons outlined earlier are all valid. There are about 22 courses within the 45 min drive of Pattaya and each is different and mostly a good day.

However, no one mentioned that there is beer on the course as well so a few cleansing ales make for a good day.

Then a few more at night rounds of the day. Oh I miss those days.. :o


I know I am a rare specimen under the golfers.

I started 31/2 years ago together with my wife.

I play 1 time weekly and my wife 2-3 times.At the moment we stay in Indonesia (absolutely the top for any golfplayer as far as course layout and luxery and fees).In Indonesia we are member of the Thai Golf Club in Jakarta since 2001.

Last year we started our discovery of Thailand golf by playing about 14 different courses during our holiday.2 weeks ago we made a short trip (with our club) to Thailand and Myanmar and played 3 times.

After my retirement (january next) we are planning to play 2-3 times every week and discover a few more courses than we know right now.

We played mainly in Nakhon Ratchasima- Pak Chong and Bangkok.

Hope to keep the condition and health on playable level :o


OK, OK...I admit defeat...I didn't know that there were any golf courses in Thailand and couldn't even recognize one. I always thought that the green area between runways at Don Muang was an artificial display by TAT to demonstrate the wholesomeness of a Thai holiday to arriving tourists...


Hey Tutsi......you should check it out some time on the internet....loads fo course in Thailand all over the place. I am a part time golfer who says he gets better value for money than better golfers because he hits the ball more times :D Those guys and gals that only hit the ball a few times are kidding themselves...it is much more funto have loads of hits and also to watch and giglle as your ball drops into the lakes !! great fun. :o

Its a bit pricy in Thailand by Thai standards......if you compare to eating out for example. It is definitely seen as an elite sport here. And it is highly regulated too.......eg you have to take caddies withyou.......they are usually local women who have a laugh at you as you try to direct your shots in the right direction. But its ok to have caddies as they drag your clubs around for you and are good fun.


women caddies are good fun and drag around golf clubs?...it is now all revealed...I presume that there are air conditioned 'refreshment areas' on these thinly disguised 'golf courses'...the proprietors of course shielded from extortion by the police...

I shall go 'golf clubbing' soon...can I rent the required apparati?


Played a couple times out at the Rose Garden golf course long time ago but you gotta go real early. The courses in Singapore are a lot better from everything I saw. The one at Changi used to kick my ass - lots of hills... :o


actually, i used to play golf almost everyday in pattaya. a lot of my friends still do. there are a lot of courses close by and there are also golf societies here that make golf different than anywhere else in the world. there's always an outing everyday from one bar or another, complete with transportation and tee times with anywhere from 20 to 70 people. you meet new people everyday. you can't go to myrtle beach by yourself and play in an organized competion everyday, you won't meet anyone. you can also play some great courses here for less than $50 whereas in the states the same course would be at least 3x the price. on course antics? c'mon, don't be an idiot. not every thai girl is a bargirl.



even though I think about settling down in LOS asap there is one (of many) points I will MISS a lot: play my round on suitable temperatures!!!! Having both memberships in Austria and Sweden (and both countries do have excellent courses) I definitely know about european weather advantages (how fantastic even rain can be...). Anyway, IF u decide to "fight" any thai golf course be aware of temperatures and caddies! Both is not what u might get used to european/U.S. standard. (1) Caddies do not know nothing about golf but always smile (waiting for the tip they definitely deserve after 18 holes) and (2) the course itself (anywhere LOS) will help u loose some 2-3 kilograms in weight.

Q to all you golfers: who knows about cheapest fee rates around Bkk? And: is there any (new) place close (almost close) to Ko Chang? Thanks.


this is ridiculous...regardless of my abhorrence, dismay and vehement condemnation of hypocritical falang behavior in Thailand my thread has now been turned into a chat room for 'golfers'.

dr PP I condemn your non-intervention and your absurd attempt to have this forum be 'all things for all people...' at the expense of tutsi's integrity and virtue...




How many of your guys actually play golf?

That was your question in the first post!

Topic was;Do you play golf in Th....?

Now you complain that some of us react :o

I think not too many of us reacted,because of the tendentious reactions of some of the forum members .

I think your reaction to Dr.PP is not correct.Why should he intervene?


I noticed that DrPP can speak for himself very well.

My main reply is;

You ask for reactions and the next time you complain about getting reactions :D

At the same time I try to express my opinion that some reactions are somewhat tendentious.Just my opinion :o


dr PP...whaddid I tell ya??...the swords are drawn and I am undefended...

dutch...don't mess with me or I'll tell the teacher...make you stay after school for a month...goddam, muh fuh...



can not disagree more baout the caddies not knowing anything. Mine always point out the water, sand and OB hazards, call the break on the putts and even have opinions of the club to use.

Non of which helps my golf, but makes for an enjoyable day out when either one of us gets it wrong.

Golf here is fun, the courses immaculate, better than most you will be able to play in your home country and no the drink stands aren't air conditioned. in most cases they are the hottest place on the course.

Cheap golf in BKK? - NO

But for a short drive outside you canplay for reasonable prices. Ask you Thai friends they will know where to go and on what day. Most courses have "Sports Days".

Just for the interested (not tutsi obviously) there are about 272 course in Thailand and the green bit in Don Muang (at th eend of the runway) is actually one of them. Maybe some remeber the QANTAS plane stopping on the putting surface a couple of years ago?

Enjoy, don't take it seriuos and always remeber there are nasty things with teeth in the rough here, so send the caddie in to find the ball. :o


OK, OK...golf is a respectable activity in Thailand and maybe I should investigate rather than condemn...

seems weird though that you guys wear funny clothes in full sunlight and hot weather and probably don't care what your caddy looks like naked...wonderful sweaty brown body and all. Why would anyone choose to spend an afternoon in those conditions...

just like Fat Back, the down home negro street type said upon encountering Flakey Foont, the neurotic middle class white man 'Mah oh mah...white folks sure is crazy...'


I reckon the caddies in Thailand are great. Most of them seem to be older women from the local area and are definitely not providing extra services. They also do not hold out their hands for tips. I do however tip them every time as their job is a bloody hot boring task. Although at Rose Gardencourse near bangkok they do request players not to tip and the women willactually shy away from it. Hopefully they get a tip built into the price to pay.

It is a crazy game tutsi.......silly folks getting about in the heat. But games like American football are equally as crazy......and boring. At least with golf, anyone can play it regardless of who they are. If you dont want to run around in the heat you can start early in the morning. Or limit your rounds to the cool season. But really if you choose to live in Thailand please dont complain about the heat.


ned...when I was in Abu Dhabi people that I worked with would actually get up at 5am to play golf on their days off...I viewed this as insane behavior...wouldn't one choose to stay in bed with his wife in air conditioned comfort instead? And these guys were beginners, not crazy-assed afictionados working on their 'handicap'. There is something inherently evil about golfing...like you won't get a raise or a promotion unless you golf...that you would be talked about by others unless you showed up at the golf club...etc. Can you dig it?...40oC at 10 in the morning with 100% humidity. Absolute madness.

Has something to do with middle age. When you are young and strong you can get into a pick up game of 'touch football' and have a good go of it for an hour or so. With golf, for the same sporting privilege you have to pay 50 dollars...sort of like the price of admission...keep the young punks out.

I could carry on but I won't. But I am suspicious and if I hear golfing innuendoes I shall see all of you 'swinging from the highest yard arm in the British navy'.

See that? from Frank Lloyd's 'Mutiny on the Bounty' with Charles Laughton, Clark Gable and Franchot Tone. Something to be said for dark cool bedrooms, a good video selection, plenty of vodka and mixers and your beautiful brown naked wife laying next to you. Golf???...sheesh...


Couldn't agree more Ned,

It seems that some people start a topic and than, not satisfied by the reactions,try to bring in more and more arguments that simply have nothing to do with the original topic or just being a caricature of reality.

Half naked women,social status, dressing code,ridicule the sport and so on.


Tutsi i see where your coming from now. yeah I know what you mean. But for me I would never feel comfortable in that sort of scene. It is pretentious. Where I come from we used to go early sometimes to play golf on the local course a few miles out of town. There was never anyone there and we would leave our $5 uner the door of the clubhouse. yes $5 Aussie was all it cost to play 18 holes. We were a bunch of young blokes out for a bit of fun and commerarderie (spelling). A couple of them were good golfers but the rest of us were there only to be with the mates. And beleive me we never went to the clubhouse or anything like that because we felt it was for the snot noses ! It was a small country town course and quite fantastic as it was besdie a small river so had irrigation for the greens. Just a few miles furthe west all the golf courses had sand greens which was a real shit toplay on.

Basically golf for me is an occasional thing to do for fun with a few mates. No scene. No snotty nosed club scenes ect and no business. On Thai course you dont have time to stop and talk business. The caddies make sure they get you through so fast it's not funny.


totally agree Ned...lots of pressure to play your 18holes and (unfortunately) one more reason not to play unless your mind tells you to keep a lil bit of practice while staying in Thailand (talking the tourist way). On the other hand - IF I decide to settle down - WHAT kind of alternative sports should I look after if it wasn't golf? (back "home" there is skiing, mountain biking and golf....not sure about what kind of those sport activities I'd better forget when moving :o )



i think you are missing the point of the caddie. They are there to help you enjoy your day.

If you want to stop at a drink stand for an extended period, then go ahead. Slow play is always frown upon on any course in the world. Even the pro's complain if it happens in tournaments. but a leasurely day can be had with a few cold beers and a some fun with the mates (friends for those non australians).

Caddies get a little pushy if you start you rround early in the morning and then take a long time, but this is because if you finish early they may be able to get another customer for a late afternoon round and make more money. Not unlike some of there sisters in a different profession in that respect. :o

Tips are generally regarded as a repsose to the service given. Not just in golf but for restaurants, bars etc. The caddies get on the average Bt200 (around Pattaya anyway) for the task of lugging your clubs around and finding golf balls for you wherever you hit them, so a little extra to make their life easier is always appreciated. And lets face it, unless you are a good golfer you will probably loose Bt100 to Bt200 in golf balls on some courses.


Yeah I know what u mena ozman, they do want to finish so they may get another round. But one thing I would never do is to ask any of the caddies I have seen so far......to find my balls !! :o And yeah I do hit plenty into the water ....... the splash they make is very nice dont you think !! Haha...then theres the guy who comes up to you after you hit a ball into the water and presents you with the ball. Yes you have to give hima tip for getting the ball for you....fair enough.......where did he come from......must have been hiding inthe water somewhere waiting for me to slice my shot !! Actually those hire sticks they give you must be crooked because everytime I hit the ball it seems to veer off to the right hahaha !! Tradesman always blames his tools !! :D

  • 1 month later...

Agree with DUTCH

ther is more than 200 golf course in Thailand and most of the best in Asia (Blue Canyon in Phuket, a lot around Bangkok and on the road to pattaya, and some very nice in CHIANGMAI the cheapest area of thailand (and the Santiburi of ChiangRai - Number 4 or 5 in my peronal rating of golf course in LOS !!!!)


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