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Two arrested in South Pattaya Russian Bag Snatch


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I feel it's a sorry state of affairs when only the victim gets to point at the apprehended criminal. And there's only one cop in the picture.

I long for the good old days when the handcuffed felon would be surrounded by grinning police men, at least 6, and half of them would be pointing while the other half just adopted a "concerned" pose. Or the wonderful renactments where the criminal was made to retrace his exact actions during some horid assault, all for the TV cameras and our viewing pleasure.

I believe it's little things like this that have destroyed the public faith in the BiB. I would write a letter to my wives MP, but he's now out of a job. Still, we loyal TV members should make a stand here and demand that the BiB bring back pointing!

Edited by Narratio
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