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Smoking in Chiang Mai


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Smokers forget that it is them creating the pollution. It's not a question of "rights" to do it. I have the legal right to walk around shouting every conversation- but I don't because I and others would consider it rude. So smoking inconsiderately around children or diners just because you have the legal right to do it does not excuse the behaviour.

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Sweaty Bars and clubs I don't care. Actually think it is a positive.

But around kids and in public family places I think it's not good at all.

Should ban smoking in public exempt for specially licensed premises.

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The worst is when people just smoke away with out a care for the kids around them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's the worst is it?

You've led a sheltered life then.

The worst type of inconsiderate smoking.

Not talking about worst thing in the whole world.

Personally I liked clubs better when they were all dark and smokey- so you couldn't smell the BO and farts. I can't stand the stink of rave type clubs now - minging.

But smoking around kids is very inconsiderate; especially other peoples; but smoking around your own makes you look like a terrible parent, selfish with no morals.

Feebley blowing it a but another direction doesn't make it any much better.

Go walk around a corner at least ya lazy selfish bums.

How about smoking while pregnant? Now *that's* pretty selfish.

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Smokers forget that it is them creating the pollution. It's not a question of "rights" to do it. I have the legal right to walk around shouting every conversation- but I don't because I and others would consider it rude. So smoking inconsiderately around children or diners just because you have the legal right to do it does not excuse the behaviour.

Why play the children card? Smoking in a non-smoking area is inconsiderate (and probably illegal).

Anything else is just an excuse for a good whinge, let's face it.

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Smokers forget that it is them creating the pollution. It's not a question of "rights" to do it. I have the legal right to walk around shouting every conversation- but I don't because I and others would consider it rude. So smoking inconsiderately around children or diners just because you have the legal right to do it does not excuse the behaviour.

Why play the children card? Smoking in a non-smoking area is inconsiderate (and probably illegal).

Anything else is just an excuse for a good whinge, let's face it.

Smoking used to be allowed everywhere / no non smoking areas- until people whined about it.

I mention children because when with mine is the only time smokers really bother me.

I used to smoke but gave up for mine and my kids health. If people want to ruin their own health up to them but I don't appreciate them polluting ours.

My parents are both basically really sick, bodies breaking down well before natural due to smoking and drinking too much all their lives. Most smokers seem to live in denial until they or some one they know get seriously ill from it. The negative against smoking is for good reason. You could be fine for ages then in space of a year or two your body just start to give up on you. 50s 60s. Too young. I like to live to hopefully be healthy and active in to 90s or past 100 even. I might die before that for any number of reasons of course but at least can effect the probabilities with my choice of actions.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Stay in Canada. There's a lot more you won't like if you're a little old lady.

If you must make the trip, be sure to schedule around the hot season and the smoky season and the rainy season and the low season and the high season and the dry season.

It's your choice when you see a pile of garbage as to whether you walk around it or step over it. Oh, and the movement you'll see is just rats in the pile.

Street vendors will pick their noses every time just before they handle your food. They'll also have a pet dog, cat or monkey walking around in your food.

Actually you'd prefer Paris. Perhaps the Champs Elysees where they have marvelous outdoor sidewalk seating all up and down, and everything is 1st world standard.


Here we go again. Another PERSON trying to impose their home country customs on thailand. IT AIN't canada. It ain't England. Or the United States ! Got it? Go to mexico with the rest of the Canadians and don't forget to inflate the price of EVERYTHING while you're there.

Since every CM hotel I've stayed in has both smoking AND non-smoking rooms, what difference does it make?

My usual one has an entire floor set aside for smokers, and there is no other place in the hotel where smoking is permitted.

Yet there is probably some desperate, paranoid curtain twitcher somewhere in there swearing blind the smell of cigarette smoke is bringing on his or her asthma/emphysema/lung cancer/whatever.

These anti-smoking nazis won't be happy until they've banned it from the world, they're almost as bad as muslim extremists.

Reckon non of em will be Happy till were all the same.Ever noticed when they finish one rant they start on Big Cars n Rich People. Sexist Comments,and how they all have one Gay Friend.Not that they can stand them, just softens their intolerable attitude towards different Folk,they think you cant sus them if they waffle a bit...thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

I have no problem with non-smokers not wishing to be exposed when they are eating, or in an environment where smoking is not permitted. I smoke in neither.

But where it is expected, I take exception to the tired old litany of stupid dirty looks, constant tutting and murmured moans, and do everything I can to blow smoke in their direction for being d***heads.

If you don't like places where people smoke (and are allowed to), just **** off, it's quite simple.

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^ The world is full of nut jobs.

Almost all of us humans are led by feelings , emotions and the senses. Troubled from ego and all really quite mad to just a differing degree.

Very few manage to step out side of their subjective perspective and break free of the self created personality illusion.

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For anyone wishing to stop smoking, pick up (or order) a copy of Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking from Asia books.

7 months now and won't be smoking again, not ever. After 25 years doing it I even surprised myself.

Edited by DaamNaam
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For anyone wishing to stop smoking, pick up (or order) a copy of Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking from Asia books.

7 months now and won't be smoking again, not ever. After 25 years doing it I even surprised myself.

Same here but it's been a few years for me. I don't keep track of how long because I will never start again.

I too was surprised how easy it was.

And you can download a PDF for FREE.

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For anyone wishing to stop smoking, pick up (or order) a copy of Allen Carr's easy way to stop smoking from Asia books.

7 months now and won't be smoking again, not ever. After 25 years doing it I even surprised myself.

Same here but it's been a few years for me. I don't keep track of how long because I will never start again.

I too was surprised how easy it was.

And you can download a PDF for FREE.

I found the book much more convenient. Can take it with you wherever you go (the shithouse).

There are several videos associated with Allen Carr that helped me in the weeks after my "last smoke".

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Good for you DaamNaam. Of course the pdf can be printed or put on a kindle.

Anyway you do it, Just Do It. It feels great.

Yes indeed. Anyway you can get it is great.

Wish i had of read it years ago.

In the 7 months i have stopped 2 other good mates of mine have flicked the smokes too after reading Allen Carr's book.

The fact he is 100% against nicotine replacement therapy goes against the grain and turns everything on its head.

A must read....

Edited by DaamNaam
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