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More rains expected next week in Thailand


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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

I predict rains for July August and September-lessening in October and even less for November-becoming cooler December January February, warming up March with a little rain at the end of April.

Plenty of water available for April water festival.

Does this qualify me for work in the Met office.???thumbsup.gif

No it doesn't,

you never predicted no tsunami's forecast in the gulf of Thailand, and that seas levels will not increase in the gulf due to melting polar ice caps as Thailand is too far away

Jinjag don't pay any attention to Soutpeel and his polar cap nonsense. We are told by the experts (someone out of town with a briefcase) that global warming, global cooling, El Nino, sun spots, imminent ice age, a meteorite big as Texas, climate change is going to be the death of us all. Can you tell us when the ocean will rise enough and Issan will disappear just like Atlantis did? How much time do I have left?

I believe that Isaan is situated quite high,it will be Bangkok that disappears.

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You plonkers, it's not like they made it a newsflash on all the front pages. It's called the weather forecast. You have it everywhere, and at all times of year. While there are many occasions where there is good reason to take the piss out of news sources, this ain't one of them.

Unless it's completely wrong.

Which it might be.

Then you can come back and rip

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

But I must admit than in Europe everyone is acting surprised in autumn when the first snow fails, like it is complete unexpected

Funny quirk of human nature, the first rain: It's going to be a very wet winter this year! The first hot day It's going to be a scorcher of a summer this year! What about this weather were having.

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You plonkers, it's not like they made it a newsflash on all the front pages. It's called the weather forecast. You have it everywhere, and at all times of year. While there are many occasions where there is good reason to take the piss out of news sources, this ain't one of them.

Unless it's completely wrong.

Which it might be.

Then you can come back and rip

Heard of a thing called---a sense of humour ??? try it let your daft out, it's good for the body.

I think posters are well aware of the weather forecast, but it was how it was worded as though it was something new to us all. OR we were in the mood after all the doom and gloom, can afford to relax a bit more now thank goodness.

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I predict rains for July August and September-lessening in October and even less for November-becoming cooler December January February, warming up March with a little rain at the end of April.

Plenty of water available for April water festival.

Does this qualify me for work in the Met office.???thumbsup.gif

No it doesn't,

you never predicted no tsunami's forecast in the gulf of Thailand, and that seas levels will not increase in the gulf due to melting polar ice caps as Thailand is too far away

Jinjag don't pay any attention to Soutpeel and his polar cap nonsense. We are told by the experts (someone out of town with a briefcase) that global warming, global cooling, El Nino, sun spots, imminent ice age, a meteorite big as Texas, climate change is going to be the death of us all. Can you tell us when the ocean will rise enough and Issan will disappear just like Atlantis did? How much time do I have left?

I believe that Isaan is situated quite high,it will be Bangkok that disappears.

The vast rice paddies and plain vast flat areas are at river level. see Udon---Khorat---easily flooded.

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

I predict rains for July August and September-lessening in October and even less for November-becoming cooler December January February, warming up March with a little rain at the end of April.

Plenty of water available for April water festival.

Does this qualify me for work in the Met office.???thumbsup.gif

Do not know, I've never seen it change over the years. Have you? My wife has been home in Mukdahan, Thailand, I have been there, and it always rains like this, for this time of the year. The wife has been home for almost a month now, it rains everyday, just like it did when I was there the more than 8 years ago. It is called the rainy season, any questions? Never make it more than it has to be, just enjoy it.
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This is your Hippie dippie weatherman with the weather, whether you want it or not the chances are it will be wet when it rains and hot when it is sunny. Oh and windy when it is windy Otherwise you can count on it to happen sometime in the year.

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This is your Hippie dippie weatherman with the weather, whether you want it or not the chances are it will be wet when it rains and hot when it is sunny. Oh and windy when it is windy Otherwise you can count on it to happen sometime in the year.

High pressure By Prestige,

Anti-cyclone Lived in the next street to us,

Depression 1945,

Twister Chubby Checker,

Typhoon, tempest, tornado, Hurricane, Lightening, types of aircraft still flying.

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

A bigger piece of advice, it hasn't happened thus far, don't farangs know this yet:

Rain nearly every day here. Sometimes heavy, sometimes not.

In which area of England are you living?

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

Just to correct you there the rainy season goes on to at least mid October and the period mid September to mid October is the most intense of the rainy season for most Eastern and Central regions of Thailand where probably most of us reside. Most recent years the rainy season seems to go on until end of November even so probably yet another result of climate change which so many folk with their heads in the sand refuse to accept.

Also yes we do want to know as the rainy season has as we all know periods of dry and wet so good to know when they are so we can plan ahead our activities. Mind you not seen a lot of rain down here in Rayong province despite frequent forecasts of heavy rain so not impressed with quality of the local Thai weather forecasts I have to say. Sure we have had some but very little so far and my well is still very low and below the 8 metre form surface level my pump needs to lift it, so relying on the horrid local Ban Chang piped water for now which blocks up my water purifier 5 or 6 times quicker than my well water. So yes I will welcome some considerable rainfall if just to lift the local ground water level and thus that in my well.

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

A bigger piece of advice, it hasn't happened thus far, don't farangs know this yet:

It certainly hasn't happened yet in my part of Isaan. Might have to start buying water next week (industrial amounts).

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When is it supposed to start raining in Chiang Mai? Getting a bit tired of the wife bitching at me for letting the plants die.

Maybe you should let her hear this.


Thanks for the advice and video Forest, I think I will just drag out the hose. Pregnant women can be so moody. She put me in charge of naming the baby, as well. Easy right? Why would anybody bitch about the name,BUTCH? I would not even consider that name if it was gonna be a girl.

I reckon 'Butch' would be an acceptable name for a large and growing proportion of the female Thai population!

Edited by SunsetT
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When is it supposed to start raining in Chiang Mai? Getting a bit tired of the wife bitching at me for letting the plants die.

Maybe you should let her hear this.


Thanks for the advice and video Forest, I think I will just drag out the hose. Pregnant women can be so moody. She put me in charge of naming the baby, as well. Easy right? Why would anybody bitch about the name,BUTCH? I would not even consider that name if it was gonna be a girl.

You're welcome my friend. Butch is a right fine name. I'm kinda partial to Harley Rufus for a boy and call him Rufus. For a girl Trixiebelle Earlene for sure and call her Trixie.

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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

It doesnt rain every day and people that don't live usuless expat deadwood lives are interested in the weather. This was reporting a specific storm system and affected areas. Don't you know UbonRatch that this is responsible reporting? By your logic weather reports are superflous during rainy season. I believe that you and your avatar share similarity of physical composition above the shoulders.:P
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When is it supposed to start raining in Chiang Mai? Getting a bit tired of the wife bitching at me for letting the plants die.

Maybe you should let her hear this.


Thanks for the advice and video Forest, I think I will just drag out the hose. Pregnant women can be so moody. She put me in charge of naming the baby, as well. Easy right? Why would anybody bitch about the name,BUTCH? I would not even consider that name if it was gonna be a girl.

You're welcome my friend. Butch is a right fine name. I'm kinda partial to Harley Rufus for a boy and call him Rufus. For a girl Trixiebelle Earlene for sure and call her Trixie.

We know it gonna be a boy, due first week in September. Harley Rufus is definitely going high on the list. You being from Kentucky, is this a first and middle name or is it two first names? biggrin.png

BTW still no rain in CM, I guess the Royal Thai cloud seeders have no budget allocated yet.

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Typically, weather predictions in this forum are 180 degrees off. So it should be a nice, dry week upcoming.

Not just this forum, I usually go to weatherdotcom, among others. Supposed to be thrashing it down on Phuket last three days or more. Nada. Bloody hosepipe saai.gif

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Maybe you should let her hear this.


Thanks for the advice and video Forest, I think I will just drag out the hose. Pregnant women can be so moody. She put me in charge of naming the baby, as well. Easy right? Why would anybody bitch about the name,BUTCH? I would not even consider that name if it was gonna be a girl.

You're welcome my friend. Butch is a right fine name. I'm kinda partial to Harley Rufus for a boy and call him Rufus. For a girl Trixiebelle Earlene for sure and call her Trixie.

We know it gonna be a boy, due first week in September. Harley Rufus is definitely going high on the list. You being from Kentucky, is this a first and middle name or is it two first names? biggrin.png

BTW still no rain in CM, I guess the Royal Thai cloud seeders have no budget allocated yet.

They are first and middle names. If you give a kid too many names in a row they tend to forget one or two of them. That happened to my ex brother-in-laws' fifth son Cletus Elrod Cooter Heenehan. Heenehan being the family name. Of course he was a tad slow on picking up things. But he set one school record that still stands until today. Five years in the first grade. biggrin.png

Edited by Pimay1
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Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

I predict rains for July August and September-lessening in October and even less for November-becoming cooler December January February, warming up March with a little rain at the end of April.

Plenty of water available for April water festival.

Does this qualify me for work in the Met office.???thumbsup.gif

No, you'd make the others look bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep... we know. It's called the rainy season. Don't you Thais know this yet? Expect it until September... piece of little advice for free.

I predict rains for July August and September-lessening in October and even less for November-becoming cooler December January February, warming up March with a little rain at the end of April.

Plenty of water available for April water festival.

Does this qualify me for work in the Met office.???thumbsup.gif

No it doesn't,

you never predicted no tsunami's forecast in the gulf of Thailand, and that seas levels will not increase in the gulf due to melting polar ice caps as Thailand is too far away

Jinjag don't pay any attention to Soutpeel and his polar cap nonsense. We are told by the experts (someone out of town with a briefcase) that global warming, global cooling, El Nino, sun spots, imminent ice age, a meteorite big as Texas, climate change is going to be the death of us all. Can you tell us when the ocean will rise enough and Issan will disappear just like Atlantis did? How much time do I have left?

Some quotes and theory's, somehow I can not listen to all of this crap! I try not to get involved in it all.. I guess the sky is falling correct? Yeah, it is called rain! Do a better assessment of what is going on, it is either flood or drought, and these leaders and officials think they control this? My wife has been home in Mukdahan, for almost 6 weeks now, been raining everyday, it is called nature.... I was there 8 years ago, at the same time, and it was the same.... What? We are all going to control what is natural... I don't think so..... I love a rainy day.... worked on many farms in the day, never saw it change yet....


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