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Chonburi: Schoolgirl escapes 'gang assault' in classroom

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hang on, what about the teacher that helped her, didnt they automatically call the police or did they just tell her to forget about it. When a teacher catches them in the act of attempted rape they are supposed to inform the authorities, just goes to show how pathetic the staff are at these schools when they simply brush it off and forget about it. Lets hope the police actually do more than have a good laugh about it.

He did. Once the teacher got through the locked classroom door the girl was taken to the police.

Poor English language coverage as usual.

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Cut their balls off !!! Best solution as we don't what these sick people spreading their genes around.

Cut their balls off !!!

You'd be amazed at the numbers of students in Thai schools who are saving hard for just that, along with the weenie as well.


This happened to my GF's orphaned niece that she raised - same age - at school in a locked classroom.

A teacher heard the boys scream as she severely bit one and broke another's nose.

She was then blamed for "causing trouble" and refused to involve the police and then they had the bloody hide to warn off her grand parents.

Her older brother broke a couple of more faces on their way home.

The GF had her on a bus immediately to us and enrolled her the next week in a local high school.

She's turned out OK and is completing a hospitality and tourism diploma with improving English skills.

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20 lashes..........in public.

Perhaps a good old fashioned stoning or maybe an amputation of a body part? Guess which?

However, I do understand your sentiments. Real punishment for these cowards will be elusive.


And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

I doubt it Rat... they will just bow, wai and say so so sorry to the girl and all will be better.


And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

Correct, but let's also accept that this crime is endemic in Thailand and often goes unpunished because of very specific issues in Thai society.

I have personally assisted a Thai colleague press charges against a male Thai colleague who subjected her to a serious sexual assault and have witnessed first hand precisely how a victim of sexual assault in Thailand is attacKed by the very people who should be offering help and support.

Correct, and we and they (Thai members) should be discussing these "specific issues in Thai society" out in the open, without fear of them losing face. Otherwise, NOTHING EVER GETS CORRECTED OR IMPROVED. I witnessed that attitude over 5 years in China also.

So what are these "specific issues"? Anyone brave enough to start?

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Touch my daughter,and your days are numbered.

As another poster already pointed out.

What a very strange avatar you have.

It appears to be a childs feet.


A good old pillory should be used for rapist and pedophiles .

Give these scumbags to the people for a day before putting them in jail .

The victems are scarred for life .

IMHO rape is one of the worst crimes mankind can do .

Yep, because medieval punishments were so effective in deterring crime, right? Ah, the good (really) old days...

They were never meant to be a deterrent, just a draconian punishment in revenge for wrong doing.

A good old pillory should be used for rapist and pedophiles .

Give these scumbags to the people for a day before putting them in jail .

The victems are scarred for life .

IMHO rape is one of the worst crimes mankind can do .

Yep, because medieval punishments were so effective in deterring crime, right? Ah, the good (really) old days...

I have never heard of any criminal that has been executed ever being a bother to society again. Not all criminals can reformed. To incarcerate some one for life is equally heinous. Perhaps some of the new way and some of the old way might strike a proper balance


As long as boys are taught - deliberately or unconsciously - by their male elders that brutality is a sign (nay, a proof) of virility, this kind of thing will happen. The comments have now reached #37 and this has yet to be clearly said. That, perhaps, is what disturbs me the most. Many are eager to punish (some of them in ways that are worthy of the Middle Ages), but who, yet, is asking the question : why do male teenagers act that way ? What is wrong with the society that breeds them ? Can it be changed ? Can it even be discussed ?

This has been happening in "all" societies, discussion is good, but prevention and deterrence is a priority until there is a solution if ever.


In my experience, Thai teachers never venture near their classroomd during lunch. In fact, they take every minute of the break they can gouging free food, and walking in and out of school, to alay their stick waving they did in the morning.

Maybe "They'll be fired" was a malapropism or even Freudian slip, as the translation could be wrong? Maybe it was all the P.E. male staff, and not students? giggle.gif

In my days of teaching, eons ago, I always took a short lunch, and walked through all buildings, and every floor, to walk it off. Even during non-teaching lessons, I walked, and even called students out of ongoing classes, for wearing shoes, or playing with phones under desk... which I cropped from approaching each class from the rear window. I was hated, as the disciplinaire, but the kids bloody knew well if I was coming on a walk.... they crapped it.

If the Thai teacher did find this incident at lunch time, then I raise my hat to him, for finding an event which would most likely have been unreported. It is a school duty to ensure all areas are staffed at all times, nowadays. We only have to look at the recent cases in the USA regarding rape.. when there are so called cameras everywhere!


Taking a step back, look, does anyone on this forum even know that the girl's claims are even true? Mabye I'll get railed for this comment, but I think it's a good point to remember ... none of us knows diddly squat about this, or am I wrong? I say hold onto your verdicts / condemnations, and put down your spiked bats and your rusty scalpels.

Having said that, I don't have any kids and can't imagine what it must be like to have a child who's been through a sexual assault, let alone be a victim.

Why do these things happen? Like everything else in life, ya gotta get to the bottom of things. So, yeah, we can only speculate here. I've never studied why people commit sexual assaults but there is some reason deep churning inside them. Without getting to those reasons, all we do is punish. Doesn't seem to be working very well. Wish I had some useful answers, that I could take to some place other than TV!


Just turn on the TV at around 7 pm and see how women are treated in the soap operas showing on every channel. Sexual violence is commonplace.

It's little wonder boys see no wrong in doing it.


barking dogs,smoking fires,blaring loudspeakers..........gangraping.......children beatings......

Nobody cares in LOS !

People care about the lottery , cars ,alcohol,gsm's,money ,eating and sleeping, nothing else .


Just turn on the TV at around 7 pm and see how women are treated in the soap operas showing on every channel. Sexual violence is commonplace.

It's little wonder boys see no wrong in doing it.

You mean those soaps that every Thai woman loves to watch?


"And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school."

I have never really comprehended the somewhat pre-emptive "but it happens elsewhere, too" argument. it's sounds unreasonably apologetic, trying to shift the blame.

The OP is a story about Thailand, recounts an incident in Thailand, and has Thai nationals involved. It is irrelevant whether similar crimes happen in Guatemala, India, Ghana, Switzerland, or anyplace else. In fact they do happen. But comments on this particular post should discuss the issue at hand.

Bravo that the girl's father is pressing charges against the alleged culprits' guardians and the school as well. I wish it would happen more often, because it seems that in Thailand parental guidance is very often neglected if not outright non-existent, even more so when the offspring happen to be males.

Eighth grade students are 14 to 15 years old. It should be reasonably assumed that they know that raping a female classmate is wrong and considered a serious crime.

What the poster of the above comment probably tried to express was that "Thai bashers" should hold back on equally unreasonable - and indeed unfair - outbursts like "Only in Thailand!" and similar ramblings. From that angle I can appreciate it.

I could not agree more; and this tendency is all too common on these boards. It's as if people are trying to argue that two wrongs somehow make a right. If murder, rape, corruption happens elsewhere, then does that somehow make it okay here? No.


And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

Correct, but let's also accept that this crime is endemic in Thailand and often goes unpunished because of very specific issues in Thai society.

I have personally assisted a Thai colleague press charges against a male Thai colleague who subjected her to a serious sexual assault and have witnessed first hand precisely how a victim of sexual assault in Thailand is attacKed by the very people who should be offering help and support.

Correct, and we and they (Thai members) should be discussing these "specific issues in Thai society" out in the open, without fear of them losing face. Otherwise, NOTHING EVER GETS CORRECTED OR IMPROVED. I witnessed that attitude over 5 years in China also.

So what are these "specific issues"? Anyone brave enough to start?

The mistake many are making here is to direct their anger/frustration against the individual perpetrators in this particular case.

DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS POINT (though I am sure some will).

The boys in this particular case do need to be investigated and absolutely should face punishment if the report is proven correct. Children of that age behaving in such cowardly and clearly planned/conspired vicious behaviour need dealing with.

Will they be dealt with - Well as we all know the horse trading is going on as we rant.

The punishment they receive or do not receive will depend entirely on a bunch of power plays relating to who their families are and who the family of the victim are - it is an extremely brave family that tackles the excesses of power in that game.

However, this only deals with this particular case - The question needs to be asked why is sexual violence so very prevalent in Thailand and how have these boys been influenced by this facet of Thai society.

Let us first put one myth to bed.

A common argument made in favour of legalised prostitution is that it reduces the incident of rapes - Very clearly in Thailand the wide spread availability of prostitutes has done nothing to abate the incidence of rapes.

Ask around the Thai women you know, rape and sexual assault is a far too common experience for Thai women.

The underlying cause of rape in Thailand is exactly the same underlying cause of rape across the planet - not sex - power.

Addressing the power imbalance between women and men in society, particularly power over young women in Thai society requires a challenge to the very reasons why many foreigners came to live in Thailand in the first place.

So Elzach, you are entirely right - Who dares go there.

I guarantee, the issues raised in addressing rape in Thailand do not make comfortable reading for a lot of expats - many simply do not want to hear it.

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And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

Experts warn that the actual statistics of sexual violence in Thailand are in fact much higher than official numbers, as many Thai women chose not to report the cases to the police, partly due to apathy among the police, social stigma, and small number of convictions of defendants in sexual violence cases.

The story is about Thailand, so don't obfuscate the topic by stating that "this sort of thing happens everywhere"...

Why is there always at least one apologist on these threads?

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And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

Correct, but let's also accept that this crime is endemic in Thailand and often goes unpunished because of very specific issues in Thai society.

I have personally assisted a Thai colleague press charges against a male Thai colleague who subjected her to a serious sexual assault and have witnessed first hand precisely how a victim of sexual assault in Thailand is attacKed by the very people who should be offering help and support.

Correct, and we and they (Thai members) should be discussing these "specific issues in Thai society" out in the open, without fear of them losing face. Otherwise, NOTHING EVER GETS CORRECTED OR IMPROVED. I witnessed that attitude over 5 years in China also.

So what are these "specific issues"? Anyone brave enough to start?

The mistake many are making here is to direct their anger/frustration against the individual perpetrators in this particular case.

DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS POINT (though I am sure some will).

The boys in this particular case do need to be investigated and absolutely should face punishment if the report is proven correct. Children of that age behaving in such cowardly and clearly planned/conspired vicious behaviour need dealing with.

Will they be dealt with - Well as we all know the horse trading is going on as we rant.

The punishment they receive or do not receive will depend entirely on a bunch of power plays relating to who their families are and who the family of the victim are - it is an extremely brave family that tackles the excesses of power in that game.

However, this only deals with this particular case - The question needs to be asked why is sexual violence so very prevalent in Thailand and how have these boys been influenced by this facet of Thai society.

Let us first put one myth to bed.

A common argument made in favour of legalised prostitution is that it reduces the incident of rapes - Very clearly in Thailand the wide spread availability of prostitutes has done nothing to abate the incidence of rapes.

Ask around the Thai women you know, rape and sexual assault is a far too common experience for Thai women.

The underlying cause of rape in Thailand is exactly the same underlying cause of rape across the planet - not sex - power.

Addressing the power imbalance between women and men in society, particularly power over young women in Thai society requires a challenge to the very reasons why many foreigners came to live in Thailand in the first place.

So Elzach, you are entirely right - Who dares go there.

I guarantee, the issues raised in addressing rape in Thailand do not make comfortable reading for a lot of expats - many simply do not want to hear it.

Biggest load of BS about rape is this idea of a universal motivation. Rape is not always the same and not always about power.

It depends on the culture, it depends on the age of the aggressor(s).


Correct, and we and they (Thai members) should be discussing these "specific issues in Thai society" out in the open, without fear of them losing face. Otherwise, NOTHING EVER GETS CORRECTED OR IMPROVED. I witnessed that attitude over 5 years in China also.

So what are these "specific issues"? Anyone brave enough to start?

The mistake many are making here is to direct their anger/frustration against the individual perpetrators in this particular case.

DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS POINT (though I am sure some will).

The boys in this particular case do need to be investigated and absolutely should face punishment if the report is proven correct. Children of that age behaving in such cowardly and clearly planned/conspired vicious behaviour need dealing with.

Will they be dealt with - Well as we all know the horse trading is going on as we rant.

The punishment they receive or do not receive will depend entirely on a bunch of power plays relating to who their families are and who the family of the victim are - it is an extremely brave family that tackles the excesses of power in that game.

However, this only deals with this particular case - The question needs to be asked why is sexual violence so very prevalent in Thailand and how have these boys been influenced by this facet of Thai society.

Let us first put one myth to bed.

A common argument made in favour of legalised prostitution is that it reduces the incident of rapes - Very clearly in Thailand the wide spread availability of prostitutes has done nothing to abate the incidence of rapes.

Ask around the Thai women you know, rape and sexual assault is a far too common experience for Thai women.

The underlying cause of rape in Thailand is exactly the same underlying cause of rape across the planet - not sex - power.

Addressing the power imbalance between women and men in society, particularly power over young women in Thai society requires a challenge to the very reasons why many foreigners came to live in Thailand in the first place.

So Elzach, you are entirely right - Who dares go there.

I guarantee, the issues raised in addressing rape in Thailand do not make comfortable reading for a lot of expats - many simply do not want to hear it.

Biggest load of BS about rape is this idea of a universal motivation. Rape is not always the same and not always about power.

It depends on the culture, it depends on the age of the aggressor(s).


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And it is not just here in Thailand this happens so let's be fair with the comments. I hope the full force of law is used against these boys who attacked this girl at her school

Experts warn that the actual statistics of sexual violence in Thailand are in fact much higher than official numbers, as many Thai women chose not to report the cases to the police, partly due to apathy among the police, social stigma, and small number of convictions of defendants in sexual violence cases.

The story is about Thailand, so don't obfuscate the topic by stating that "this sort of thing happens everywhere"...

Why is there always at least one apologist on these threads?

"Why is there always at least one apologist on these threads? "

There's a lot more than one! who is in denial, and think it's still Paradise, and it's the rest of the world that has the problem!

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