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Late night pub/bars (not nightclub) - Suk


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KL is good for going out and drinking. Massive variety of places, lots of local girls and guys out drinking too. Not that expensive but decent looking bars

I used to party pretty hard in KL - but when I was there, I was late 20s early 30s. Tall, white, handsome, professional - I had the whole package, and I was there with a crew, so I had partners in crime.

Now I'm 40, not handsome, and only an old working stiff, on short stays, BKK is great. I can hit the town at 2pm, and not be lonely until I choose to go to bed.

Traveling a lot for business is a lonely life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bangkok Beat on soi 7/1 is a good night and stays open till 4pm...most nights 2 for 1 and 2/3 live bands every night and there good...The staff are friendly

and quick to serve .Mixture of Thai and farang and the girls in there most are freelance . I usually head there around 10ish and can be a very good night

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  • 3 months later...

It is just this flying trip, which is really just an excuse to let my hair down before another (snooze) week in Singapore...

I just moved to BKK from Singapore, and S'pore is 1000x better for late night partying than BKK, unless you are looking for hookers. Loads of places with good bands and open late. For a place with a reputation as a party capital, Bangkok is one of the very worst places for that --- pretty much the worst in SE Asia...give me Jakarta or Singapore any day!

BKK does have some great rooftop chill places, but as for good live music and late night partying? Nope, and has never had much in my many years of visiting before I moved here. When we want to party we go to S'pore or Jakarta for the weekend. Just sayin'

For a place with a reputation as a party capital, Bangkok is one of the very worst places for that --- pretty much the worst in SE Asia..

Aint that the truth, well said.

Has been that way for years, nothing to do with the present junta situation.

you get what you pay for.

there plenty of better places to party if you have the cash (singapore, hong kong, paris)

phenom pehn would beat bangkok in the cheap company area, but not for partying. also, the food sucks.

its all about balancing what you can afford with whats available.

Edited by fey
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