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Electricity leakage kills Thai schoolboy beneath sports bleacher


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What the hell is a bleacher ?

Thought it was something you put in with the washing to make the whites whiter.

I believe there has in the last year or three been a law passed in Thailand that the electrical systems of all new buildings must be earthed and they must have 3 core wiring and 3 pin sockets.

Got that from a real properly trained Thai eletromanic, one of the good guys who does the job properly.

What the hell is a bleacher ?

You can't be expected to know as you are a Kiwi, but here's an explanation.


Thanks for that Ratcatcher, as I suspected from the country where when you make British chips from Irish potatoes you somehow get French fries.

However back on to the topic.

I have seen some very dangerous wiring at a school graduation I went to recently where bare wires had been twisted together to connect temporary fans, when I pointed it out to one of the teachers all I got was a shrug. These things only become a problem when someone dies.

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

Earth leakage , no CB to turn off power, zap, it used the young man as an earth (conductor) that's why you are not allowed to stand in water or work near water when welding, sometime your earthing cable might not be earthed out enough, rubber sole shoes or boots are also needed.

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A couple weeks back I was walking in town, the wife was walking a few paces behind me, as I walked past an electric pole on the pavement I put my hand up to wipe sweat from my brow, as I took my hand back down to my side at the point I'm walking past the pole I felt what I thought at the time was an insect or something brushing against the hairs of my arm, just as I turned back to my wife to mention it she said darling be careful I see spark from cable as you pass the pole,, I looked back at the pole and see 2 open cables pointing out just beside a leccy meter ends not taped up,, Now I didn't see the spark but I suppose possible it could've been an arc from the open wire ends ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I was at a very nice resort a few months ago. We had a bungalow on the beach, restaurant was on the beach, so went barefoot to breakfast. It had rained a bit the previous night, so the outside patio was a bit wet. Went to grab the coffee pot which was on a warmer and was almost knocked to the ground. Coffee all over me, arm was numb for at least an hour.

I tried to ask about grounding...blank looks. They did unplug it though...

We do a village party every year. Wish I had the pic I took. Safety pins stuck into the electrical cable to power light bulbs put into the trees. A disaster waiting to happen.

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

Electrical cables are not all designed to be used in the weather, if you use the standard house electrical cable outside in the rain it will become soaked and electricity will discharge through the water into the surrounding area because the cable does not have adequate waterproofing or weather proofing.

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I was at a very nice resort a few months ago. We had a bungalow on the beach, restaurant was on the beach, so went barefoot to breakfast. It had rained a bit the previous night, so the outside patio was a bit wet. Went to grab the coffee pot which was on a warmer and was almost knocked to the ground. Coffee all over me, arm was numb for at least an hour.

I tried to ask about grounding...blank looks. They did unplug it though...

We do a village party every year. Wish I had the pic I took. Safety pins stuck into the electrical cable to power light bulbs put into the trees. A disaster waiting to happen.

Local made coffee pots and kettles are deadly... obviously 2 wire items where you are often pulling the plug at the back in and out.

I threw one away when the TGF got a shock from one.

Her mother still has a back problem after being thrown after a shock.

Standard to see electrical supplies in the village using bare wires held by bits of wood out in the rain!

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...this is rampant....

...a result of 'someone knowing someone'.....or......'nobody will be blamed' anyway.......

...so....people do as they please...no fear of being caught or punished....

...it ends up these scumballs 'get away with murder'......

...at least in the recent train rape/murder case they caught the perpetrator...

.....but not the 'high up connection' that had the relative hired.....

...and it is present in everywhere.......

...that is the cancer that has been eating Thai society....

...the perfect example is the Rice Scheme/Scam.....

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

Sorry to say, but they don't ground anything here in Thailand. That's too much work.

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Here some Thais offer to rewire the house for only 2000 Bath.

The will bypass the electricity meter and you get free electricity.

(Until you go to prison)

I say: No Thank. I prefer to pay my 1200 Bath / Month and I have seen

how they do electricity work in TH.

(Not European standard :-)


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I was at a very nice resort a few months ago. We had a bungalow on the beach, restaurant was on the beach, so went barefoot to breakfast. It had rained a bit the previous night, so the outside patio was a bit wet. Went to grab the coffee pot which was on a warmer and was almost knocked to the ground. Coffee all over me, arm was numb for at least an hour.

I tried to ask about grounding...blank looks. They did unplug it though...

We do a village party every year. Wish I had the pic I took. Safety pins stuck into the electrical cable to power light bulbs put into the trees. A disaster waiting to happen.

Deadly stuff electricity, you can never be too careful.

Glad you are okay, sounds as if you were quite lucky (in a roundabout way).

Many years ago I was shocked by an exposed cable, I was burned by it but that was only a small thing but probably saved my life as I chose to take myself down to the hospital to have the burn dealt with. Not long after reaching the hospital & whilst being assessed by medical personnel I lost consciousness as my heart went into some irregular beating mode, a form of cardiac arrest. Rather fortunate it didnt happen as I was driving to the hospise.

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

If he / they made direct contact with the active (live) cable or the steel frame which must have been active then they became a path to earth and hence the electrocution.

Sad state of affairs but then no one in Thailand seems to care less about live cables etc. running everywhere - accidents waiting to happen.

yes simple realy,,, irresponsible thai--innocent boy--death

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One more thing for the good General to add to his task list marked URGENT.

U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Even by Thai Standards, this is utterly ridiculous ! ! ! ! ! !

Please Gen. Prayuth: dont mark this "urgent"; please mark it "TODAY" ! ! !

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Thai electric meters are notoriously easy to tap. I recommend checking your meter to see how many electrical wires are inserted into it. There are two coming from the electrical source - most often a pole where the supply lines are. Then there are two wires on the 'house' side leading to your condo, apartment, house, bungalow, etc. This gives a total of four. If you have six - two more on the house side - someone is stealing your electricity. The two 'house' side wires should be running to a 'breaker'' box for distribution to other parts of your dwelling. You should not have extra wires running directly from the meter to other parts of your house as this would likely indicate the breaker box has been bypassed .. not good.

If your electric meter is in a large compartment box with other meters this is good but you have to trust those who have maintenance access to the enclosure. I advise to make sure you know which meter is yours if it is in a large enclosure with other meters.

You can turn off ALL lights, appliances, etc. - unplug as necessary - if your meter is still running - then either you didn't unplug or turn off everything or someone has tapped your meter.

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

Every 10th pole should have a copper wire from power cables to an 8ft copper rod buried at the base of the pole. I doubt that Thailand really does that. To answer your question, the article said the boys took cover from the rain. Water is an electricity conductor. Electricity, not properly earthed will go down a pole in rain water and earth that way. I have read safety reports in the States of workers being electrocuted touching the down guys anchoring the end of pole lines because of Static electricity built up and released during a rain storm.

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Sad news.

Can someone makes sense of this article what actually happened? Wouldn't the stand be earthed?

Have never come across a Thai house that is earthed the house that I had built was earthed with a steel cable thankfully I checked it and replaced it with copper

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When building my .....i told the elec. contractor to use a 3-wire system as in the western world. He smiled at me.... no. No.

They will not listen because they know better.

Taking a shower in a new room, touching the fawcett i was electrocuted.

Mai pen rai !! My fists are itching when i see the guy. I am supposed to keep my mouth shut. Yes 4 years of nightmares.

They won't listen !!!!!

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Thai electric meters are notoriously easy to tap. I recommend checking your meter to see how many electrical wires are inserted into it. There are two coming from the electrical source - most often a pole where the supply lines are. Then there are two wires on the 'house' side leading to your condo, apartment, house, bungalow, etc. This gives a total of four. If you have six - two more on the house side - someone is stealing your electricity. The two 'house' side wires should be running to a 'breaker'' box for distribution to other parts of your dwelling. You should not have extra wires running directly from the meter to other parts of your house as this would likely indicate the breaker box has been bypassed .. not good.

If your electric meter is in a large compartment box with other meters this is good but you have to trust those who have maintenance access to the enclosure. I advise to make sure you know which meter is yours if it is in a large enclosure with other meters.

You can turn off ALL lights, appliances, etc. - unplug as necessary - if your meter is still running - then either you didn't unplug or turn off everything or someone has tapped your meter.

Better still just turn off the main fuse box switch at the top take a reading of your meter leave for an hour check meter if reading has changed someone is stealing your electricity !

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Electricity is neither a liquid or gas so it does not leak. My guess is the Electrical Cable had a bad spot in the insulation and was covered or at least partially covered by water. The article then goes on to say the teacher saw their hands on the post of the stand. So, if they were standing in the puddle and touched the steel post of the stand they provided a ground for the electricity to flow.

Chances are the lad that did not die was shocked while trying to rescue his mate. Never touch a person that is being electricued with you hand use a piece of wood or something that is an insulator. If nothing else take a run at them so your inertia will break them away as a ground.

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Thai electric meters are notoriously easy to tap. I recommend checking your meter to see how many electrical wires are inserted into it. There are two coming from the electrical source - most often a pole where the supply lines are. Then there are two wires on the 'house' side leading to your condo, apartment, house, bungalow, etc. This gives a total of four. If you have six - two more on the house side - someone is stealing your electricity. The two 'house' side wires should be running to a 'breaker'' box for distribution to other parts of your dwelling. You should not have extra wires running directly from the meter to other parts of your house as this would likely indicate the breaker box has been bypassed .. not good.

If your electric meter is in a large compartment box with other meters this is good but you have to trust those who have maintenance access to the enclosure. I advise to make sure you know which meter is yours if it is in a large enclosure with other meters.

You can turn off ALL lights, appliances, etc. - unplug as necessary - if your meter is still running - then either you didn't unplug or turn off everything or someone has tapped your meter.

Better still just turn off the main fuse box switch at the top take a reading of your meter leave for an hour check meter if reading has changed someone is stealing your electricity !

Yes - that is a good way to do it ... but some older structures do not have a breaker / fuse box or only part of the house goes through that box and / or the house (structure) may have individual breaker switches such as the ones often seen supplying electricity to shower water heaters, air con units, and even refrigerators. I have been in several houses, apartments, bungalows that have these individual switch/breaker units and no central 'breaker' box.

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The Thai Electrical Generating system is no different than any where else in Asia, or Europe.

Earthing and Bonding the neutral IS Required by MEA and PEA regulations (avaliable in line).

The problem is as usual the lack of enforcement.and inspection.

I am really supprised this does not happen more often here in The Kingdom.

Are you mixing up transmission path with fault path?

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Another example of a good "green building" and power reduction......instead of using their own power.....their bills are reduced by illegal connections!

This isn't something new. It has been going on for years, even back in the 70's... Neighbors always tried to tap into your electricity. The real problem is, that they do not understand electricity, and how it works.

Many think it is like connecting a car battery, but is much more powerful..... Just my thought! It is time for them to wake up to the reality, that yes it can kill you.....


There are no standards in home wiring in Thailand, and in rural areas it is worse.

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