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Video of Thai police slapping murder-rape suspect causes stir


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To every who wants lynch justice. Maybe you prefer interrogation style like around 200 years ago where it was kind of normally to be tortured and confessions were forced. Think about how many thousands or even millions of people in our history were killed in lynch justice.

I don't want to play down what this man did. But violence ends in violence... the police has no right to torture suspects and humans fought many decades or even centuries for this victory...

SoFarAndNear.. there is not everybody blessed with brain in the head.. some just carry their head to have a basic for the hairs...

you find a lot of them singing Halleluja on a with force installed dictatorship - who wonders when Police under military control uses military practices..

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Truly Frightening.

Once again Thailand shows that it is not a country of laws. And the fact that one officer present for the interrogation filmed the attack while nobody else stopped them, suggests this is commonplace. The video may well demonstrate coerced confession. How do we know that the rape and murder were not committed by some Hi-So on the train, and the police are coercing a confession from some punk with a drug history in order to protect the Hi-So? Maybe the second man arrested today was the first man's alibi? The point is: nobody can know for sure; anything is possible. And now they have demonstrated that this man's confession may not have been made of free will. It's all very sad.

And who are all those calling for "lynch justice" in the most Buddhist nation on earth? Is this why for many years the murder rate per capita in Thailand was 2X that of the wild and gun crazy USA? Now it's a little less than 2X, but still much higher. More violence is not the answer; never has been and never will be.

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Look at the murders face after the slap, does he look hurt, NO. If a fathers son does something really stupid like taking out the motorcycle at night without permission, without a helmet, license and without the motorcycle light on, and hits a farang walking along the road, THEN it's common for a father to hit the back of his sons head at the police station, when the father is paying the farang for the hospital charges (happened to me). Now if the officer back elbowed the idiot in the face, you do-gooders can raise a ruckess, not me! Justice is out the window when someone murders a teenager in cold blood, Hang Em Now.

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I have heard all sorts of stories about Thai police using electric cattle prods on the testicles...

Does this police station not have an electric cattle prod?

If not can we get one sent up there.

Finally, someone talking sensibly on here.

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We can be better than this, people! I am the father of a 12 year old girl and I am OUTRAGED that the police officer slapped that clearly defenseless prisoner with his hand!

He should have slapped him with his gun! The police really need to train their officers better...

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Don't see any problem here!!

Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

On further thought, only the confession can be thrown out. They would still have a case to prove with other evidence they can gather. I see no problem to convict this guy.

It is not a technicality, it's just un-submit able evidence.

Everyone can settle down now.

Well, you better hope there's a lot of good evidence beyond this confession (and I'm not talking about a ghost appearing the to victim's mother in a dream). My co-worker was murdered by his wife a few years back ... shot in the back of the head while asleep. The wife, who was initially not a suspect, was charged with the murder. The video of her confession was thrown out by the judge in the pre-trial disclosure of evidence because at the point the police started to suspect her of complicity, they did not advise her of her rights (at the point she went from being a 'witness' to a suspect, she should have been read her rights). As a result of the loss of this critical piece of evidence, she was found not guilty of first degree murder. .

Your exactly right, that's how it works. In this case however, it looks like the man or men were with her for a long time and there will probably be a lot of evidence,,,if the police are capable gathering it.

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Violence against suspected criminals or even proven criminals seems to be the norm here. I have seen a few arrests where the arrested male is punched and kicked while held down on the ground handcuffed. Irrespective of the arrested persons guilt or innocence, violence cannot and should not be justified except in extreme cases where the suspect is himself violent. Where violence is used by arresting officers it shows a total lack of training and discipline.

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The funny thing about all of this is that they have a body, and that body has trace DNA on it and in it, and they have a suspect, and they make no mention of matching the DNA before opening their gob holes.

No mention of DNA matching... or I missed it because it is buried under all the bullshit.

Thais... absolutely unbelievable.

Ranked number 3 on some polls and number 2 on others for having the most traffic related deaths annually in the world. I wonder what other polls they would rank high on regarding incompetence, stupidity, stubbornness, impulsive, irrational, knee-jerk behavior, etc.

You can't write this stuff.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Hummm..........with opinions like this perhaps we should just get rid of the judicial system. Afterall, society does like to save money! Lets just have cops who want to get cases solved and out of their way do everything........apprehension, interagation, judging & execution. Just think of all the money saved!

Opinions like this and others on this board are exactly why dictators are able to survive. You all should be ashamed.

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I would much rather they used an iron bar but then I am prejadiced, these animals deserve whatever they get, the worse the better as far as I am concerened, These do gooders have no idea of the pain when your daughter is raped and murdered by scum like this, lets see how forgiving they are when they find their daughter in the same way.mad.gif

These so called do-gooders, human rights activists always think that they are always ' holier than thou".....bah.gif

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for me it looks more like beating on the head, than slapping.

slapping is with an open hand on a skin, this one is violently punching on the back head, so it moves.

surely, a case for an officer dismissal. Firstly, for beating a detainee, secondly for recording it on his mobile and publishing online. Breach of regulations.

defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation

Just a tap to wake him up and get him to pay attention.

sleep deprivation is already o torture

was it sleep deprivation or drowsy due to the effects of drugs?

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Very unprofessional. But what do you expect in the 3rd world..

One of the dumbest comments for months...

I guess you are one of those thai apologist farang who has convinced himself Thailand is a developed country and this happens everywhere, so it's all ok

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Thai policemen hitting detainees is per rigor. Just like teachers hitting students in the government schools its totally expected and accepted by most of society. I've seen people hit on the side of the road here during traffic stops. Then again I was beaten by the NYPD when I was teenager with night sticks. Its what cops do all over the world, its the reason most cops become cops. The only dumb he did was record to show the world what a tough guy he is.

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I am generally very right wing in my views, but I don't like to see the authorities acting in this intimidatory way. Hitting this,as yet, unconvicted man is quite wrong

For all those posters who applaud the assault, how would they feel if they were mistakenly arrested for a crime they didn't commit and physically abused in custody?

Innocent or guilty the actions of this policeman are wrong on every level

Let the courts decide his guilt and punishment

If he is guilty of this heinous crime I hope he is executed forthwith

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Another reason why these idiotic re-enactments don't need to occur.

The guy is lower than scum. Do what you like to him, just don't do it in public. Get him to court, death sentence and off you go. Bear in mind, aside from the rape. He murdered someone. Murder in Thailand often carries the death penalty. For a country with such a huge sex and prostiutiton industry to be debating the death penalty for rape is a little odd. I think there are far greater social issues to be solved than executing rapists.

No social issues need discussing at all. He's a scumbag who admitted raping a 13-yr old girl. Deserves a bullet or a rope immediately. End of story.

He murdered the girl. That's enough.

I am still undecided on the death penalty. It relies on having an extremely honest and thorough police organisation. Its one thing here where the guys has confessed. Its another where the police actively investigate.

I think its plain to see and acknowledge, there are many circumstances of rape, so death for all rape is nonsensical. This act is so heinous, he deserves certainly never to be freed again. Whether he deserves death is an up to you belief.

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Another report sanctioned by the Junta? Why?

Terryp was right to say that this could be used in court, which won't help the police investigation (one would think, but this is a Thai Judiciary system, where everything has a value).

They have been running a number of these stories, which even on this board gets a lot of emotion happening. This emotion is energy that is focused in a direction against other things that the junta may or may not be doing.

I just think its more of the spin doctors at work where they have discovered a foil to get some of the negativity off the puppeteers wanting your string to be pulled in another direction.

One of the best ways to divide community opinion and have them fight against each other.

Of course the elite will be for capital punishment; as they have the money to get off (Ferrari Boy) while exterminating the poor (try and get a solicitor on 300 baht a day).

Round 2 to the General?thumbsup.gif

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To every who wants lynch justice. Maybe you prefer interrogation style like around 200 years ago where it was kind of normally to be tortured and confessions were forced. Think about how many thousands or even millions of people in our history were killed in lynch justice.

I don't want to play down what this man did. But violence ends in violence... the police has no right to torture suspects and humans fought many decades or even centuries for this victory...

"The police has no rights" Did the little girl have any rights?

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Very unprofessional. But what do you expect in the 3rd world..

This happens in civilized country's too .

I come from the Netherlands , and i know that people "fall of stairs" , "slip while showering" "accidently forget to turn out the lights in a policecell for days"

"resisting arrest with 5 coppers word against 1 suspects word "

And thats the Netherlands , and it's peanuts compared with Belgium for example .

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To every who wants lynch justice. Maybe you prefer interrogation style like around 200 years ago where it was kind of normally to be tortured and confessions were forced. Think about how many thousands or even millions of people in our history were killed in lynch justice.

I don't want to play down what this man did. But violence ends in violence... the police has no right to torture suspects and humans fought many decades or even centuries for this victory...

That's right. Cops have no right to mete out any punishment. That is for the courts. Innocent until proven guilty or confessed in a court of law. Cops should only respond if threatened. Coward jerk.

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