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Chinese paper calls Julie Bishop a 'complete fool', Australia a country of 'rascals and outlaws'

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"Julie Bishop knows, realizes, recognizes, that regardless of economic and trade ties, a World War I guns of august miscalculation or unintended chain reaction remains the unlearned lesson in Beijing. Irredentism and revanchism are menacingly alive in Beijing, which places the Boyz in a 1914 time warp everyone needs to be greatly concerned about.


The Global Times reminds us of the fact."

Yes but they are quickly surrounding themselves with enemies and even have dangerous ones on the inside, as in the out-west terrorists/"freedom fighter" who have made three brutal attacks (Kunming, Urumqi, and Tiananmen) and have vowed more. They're actively stealing from/screwing over foreign companies working inside the country and seem to act like the teenager who doesn't realize their behavior has natural consequences. Well everyone from the ancient Greeks to the Bible says that people who act with excessive pride or hubris tend to attract the wrath of the gods, so I'm waiting to see how it plays out for the boyz in Beijing.

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"Julie Bishop knows, realizes, recognizes, that regardless of economic and trade ties, a World War I guns of august miscalculation or unintended chain reaction remains the unlearned lesson in Beijing. Irredentism and revanchism are menacingly alive in Beijing, which places the Boyz in a 1914 time warp everyone needs to be greatly concerned about.


The Global Times reminds us of the fact."

Yes but they are quickly surrounding themselves with enemies and even have dangerous ones on the inside, as in the out-west terrorists/"freedom fighter" who have made three brutal attacks (Kunming, Urumqi, and Tiananmen) and have vowed more. They're actively stealing from/screwing over foreign companies working inside the country and seem to act like the teenager who doesn't realize their behavior has natural consequences. Well everyone from the ancient Greeks to the Bible says that people who act with excessive pride or hubris tend to attract the wrath of the gods, so I'm waiting to see how it plays out for the boyz in Beijing.


Me too, and many others as well are keen to see how this plays out for the Boyz in Beijing not to mention the rest of the region and world.


Trouble is the Chinese haven't any authority higher than themselves. They don't have their own equivalent (or perhaps better) of the ancient Greeks, nor do the Chinese have any Bible or other foundation of religion. The Chinese are of themselves only and exclusively, accountable to no higher moral authority, code, set of principles or ideal. Confucianism focuses only on fealty in the home, in the community and throughout the nation - it's entirely pragmatic, i.e., the traditional family system formula of good order to facilitate stability.  


Less encouraging is that the Chinese don't know hubris and their elites reject any accountability to anyone, to any institution, to any higher authority beyond themselves. Might has always made right in the marketplace of human competition. We're big, you're small, so move over or get squashed. What minority rights?!?


That's what the Global Times said and meant when it pronounced to Australia and Julie Bishop that they must inexorably come in to line with Beijing. And that's why I point out the Boyz are irredentist, revanchist, arbitrary, subcultural to the modern globalized world, and that this is as dangerous to today's world as it was a hundred years ago concerning the arrogant and unaccountable aristocrat families and elites throughout Europe.  

A nation of bogans, I'll go with that lol. Bit rich for Chinese to remark on the subject, though; a case of takes one to know one, they've had like a 5000-year head start!
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"Trouble is the Chinese haven't any authority higher than themselves. They don't have their own equivalent (or perhaps better) of the ancient Greeks, nor do the Chinese have any Bible or other foundation of religion. The Chinese are of themselves only and exclusively, accountable to no higher moral authority, code, set of principles or ideal. Confucianism focuses only on fealty in the home, in the community and throughout the nation - it's entirely pragmatic, i.e., the traditional family system formula of good order to facilitate stability."

Well Confucius at least had a system of ethics, had basic principles like the Golden Rule, etc., and also a god or Deity I think sometimes called the "Lord of the Heavens" or something like this. Seems like the boyz in Beijing aren't really following what's good inside their own country, of course not, they tried to destroy it all during the Cultural Revolution. But I called the US on their hubris 10 years ago and they've been stretched by asymmetrical warfare (but still have some fundamental strengths like education and science), so now I wonder how the PRC's hubris will come back to them as they certainly act like gods. Their own philosopher Lao Tzu said something like this, imposing laws by force only leads to greater disorder, like how they are currently trying to bring XJ under full control but this back-fired and resulted in 3 brutal terrorist attacks in the mainland.


Well, having read the lot (ooph facepalm.gif) I don't agree with anybody, yet can't disagree with anyone.


Chinese surely shouldn't have touched on 'human rights' issue.  Sort of makes people chuckle.


But they are right about fools and rascals in Aus Gov't.  When did you see a clever one last time?


Too many Chinese in Aus?  -  Just one more proof of the above statement.


One thing makes me wonder: we are Western, they are not;  we are multicultural, they are not;  we Trust in God, they are not;  we are Democratic, they are not; 

we have Friends, they do not,  so how come they are the second production super power in the world, we are not?  Even per capita.


Of course China remarks are funny.  Maybe they are even unfair.  But we should notice.

  • 2 weeks later...

The veiled threats from an anonymous but authorized Chinese CP outlet are a well-known party piece these days, not just in Australia.

The Chinese CP, of course, blanks out its own history when inconvenient to have it mentioned. eg Great Leap Forward and even more recent events. Nasty hypocrites.


I didn't know you were out


Watching their CCTV news is insane. The government is doing heavy propaganda pushing their people to hate a lot of countries.


Yes and they teach it in their school systems too. CCP Political officers teach it in mandatory attendance classes right through university.


The CCP Boyz in Beijing have the same nature of irredentism and revanchism that was so disastrous in the West and the East ca 1860 - 1945.


Forward to the past.

Every time a liberal government gets into power they have go around the place big noting and mouthing off, like Australia is some big international player. (remember George W's lap dog Howard?) We're not! Australia is insignificant on the world stage..So pull ya f$@"ing head in Australia and stop going around telling other nations how to behave and what they should be doing!!!

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