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Why no more IN/OUT repetition? A guess answer

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Thailand seems to be saying that it wants to maintain some "control" on the foreigners inside its borders. It apparently fully re-registered the neighboring migrant workers recently.

By offering a free 30day entry to European types, it is opening the door to losing the location of this category of foreigner (one who wants to live here, visa or not, and likely has nothing to go back to where ever he came from).

The goal here, just like tourist visas to USA, it to make sure a tourist LEAVES and stays gone. All the tourist visas of any length have the goal of getting the tourist OUT of Thailand, and also knowing where the tourist is staying while in-country. This is called in USA "controlling the borders" and Obama is catching flack for seeming to not be doing that. Border control is a major way of defining a nation and is practiced everywhere.

Chinese are given lenient tourist entries because their history has shown that CHINESE GO HOME. European tourists, mainly Brits if we believe thaivisa.com, do not go home. Too, the visa run allows the repeat offender to "get lost" easily... not desired by Thailand as shown, for example, by the 90day location reporting requirement.

There are plenty of ways to LIVE in Thailand for a long time and legally. Seems sensible to use one of those methods instead of trying to be a perpetual TOURIST.

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