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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Most of the people that are bitching about Americans would love a green card , being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

I like the average American more than I like most other nationalities , I am Canadian and people constantly ask me if I am American because of the similar accent , I tell them no I am Canadian and then they apologize , <deleted> do they have to apologize about .

And pay taxes to the US even if we don't live there - for the rest of our lives (if we EVER wanted to move back).

Add in the hassles involved in opening bank accounts in foreign countries if you have a green card, and I think you'll find that record numbers of Americans have been giving up their nationality.

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A very rich and powerful country many governments kowtow to, people have their pride and don't like to see our governments as yes men to the states. Aussies will remember the government of the day brown nosing the Bush administration, it was sickening. Unfortunately the many good American citizens will be treated negatively for this at times. As mentioned the aloofness of some Yanks does not go down too well either.

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Some call us arrogant and some call us self assured and confident.

I'd say many are overconfident and as a result full of it.

And some attempt to compensate for their own self esteem issues by ridiculing others....just saying.

Not to be taken seriously as it's just banter. Everyone always has a go at the biggest kid on the block.

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A question to all Americans.

You have guns and a lot of them. Why don't You use em'?? I thought Your founding fathers said what they are for!?

The guns are there, sure. But that darn ammo gets expensive.

We are all just waiting for the Red Coats to come back.

Not firing until we see the whites of their eyes.....

(Only kidding....gonna blast away as soon as we see the red)

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The problem with Americans is that when you start taking the piss out of them they think you're being serious laugh.png

The problem with most Yanks is, they dont have a sense of humour, have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Gawd I love NY, every one there is a NYorker not a Yank.

Please list the ones you have seen and think are crap.

Also list some British shows that are to your taste.

I might be able to hook you up, dude.

Perhaps you haven't been exposed to the stuff you would like. You do realize there are probably thousands of choices and that American comedy is very diverse?

BTW, I am a big fanny (oops) of many British comedy shows and I simply don't believe an intelligent English speaking person can't find some American comedy shows that would amuse them,

I suppose though that some people are pathetically PROVINCIAL and can't appreciate comedy from any country other than their own. A pity.

Everybody Loves Raymond – including me, a Brit, but just realised he's a NYer!

Edited by laobali
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I am a Canadian and I can honestly say that i am not aware of one Canadian that has a problem with US citizens

I currently live in Latin America and most of my friends are American

also I spend a lot of time in Thailand and have good friends from America there

it is possible that some dislike your government and hopefully they can searate the people from the government

as for myself I do not like having to pay transfer fees to a US bank simply because I am sending US dollars

I never again want to live anywhere near a US military base (look at Angeles)

As I live in Latin America, My personal financial affairs seem to be open to the US governmant

I decided to move to Asia about 3 years ago to get out from underneath this US umbrella,,,imagine my shock when just three months later they announced they were coming to Asia (Darwin to start)

as said in above posts, I think it is your governments foreign policies that bring some resentment to peole who are unable to separte the people form the government

this being said, I don't like my own socialist government that much better either,,,which is why I left

I myself have felt some anti Canadian sentiment in some of the northern states,,,although very rarely,,,most Americans have always treated me well

I hea,r also in the north, that some Americans are not too fond of the people from Quebec and hope this is just a few

my point,,,in every country in the world there are a frw ignorant and narrow minded individuals that can give us all a bad name

I am sorry that you have found anti Ameican sentiment in Canada but belive me this is not the norm

and are you sure they were Canadian's and not from somewhere else As I am not aware of one Canadian who really dislikes Americans although I am sure there are a couple

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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


"if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !"

More like Russian! I'm not putting down the American contribution, especially logistically, but the Russians faced and defeated many more German regiments than all the allies combined.

Number of German divisions by front in World War II - Axis ...

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coffee1.gif Everyone hates/envies the international winner. Europe will never forgive us for saving them in WW2blink.png When the 'ship hits the sand' in the world, who are you going to call? Actually, this 'yank' believes the US should stay home and let others fend for themselves.thumbsup.gif

There you go again...join a war after others fought for two years and claim you won it for them.

This is why people don't like Americans. Arrogance.

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I am an American. It is govt. policy, and the extent to which the US Govt. is compromised. Run by $35 street whores from Obama right on down. Bone headed foreign policy. Tremendous arrogance and hubris. And an unwillingness on the part of the listless, incompetent US govt. to acknowledge how much less relevant they are, at this stage. And lastly, there is tremendous resentment due to the useless wars we keep getting ourselves involved in, and the problems they create for the planet. So, basically I can sum up the problem by saying US Govt hubris, arrogance, carelessness, incompetence, poor foreign policy, and recklessness. I do not think it is about most American people. Yes, some are loud and clumsy. But, most are decent folks, and most people I meet seem to hate our super corrupt govt. whores, not us.


Wow, I was going to post my thoughts, but you said it all. And I'm an American.

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Ok, I'm Aussie, and willing to have a go at this.

To me I have no issue with any of it. I have never been to the states, but would like to, always wanted to see New York city for some reason.

Any American I have ever met has always been really nice. Never met a rude one yet and met plenty.

I even feel like a Big Mac every once in a while.

I will say the accent gets a bit strong after a while,especially in a drinking situation but that's accents, and I'm sure Aussie accents start to get a bit much also after a while.

I don't want to get into politics, that's a never ending debate, so shall not go there.

Time for some music...

I have been in most parts of America, Don't want to sound racist, but I never had any problems with any white American, and found them all very decent people.

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


And you think any of those countries would be so much better off if they hadn't? Notice they didn't bother with Thailand. smile.png

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Being I'm an American I will talk with just about anyone.Um I might not go out of my way.As for other Americans I can't speak for them.As far as Thai's.I don't have any trouble with them.As far as people from European countries,the same,no problems.

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Hi USA Mate

I was born in the UK but living in New Zealand for 27yrs and now Thailand for 8 yrs.

A lot of people outside USA have gripes with USA they have started most of the wars around the world except for WW1& WW2. They did not come into WW1 till 1918 at the end and then made movies showing they won it, WW2 they never came in to help us or the countries in Europe until December 1942, Churchill warned Rosavelt that Japan was planning something bad against the USA he even went as far as presenting USA with 2 radar trucks for Hawaii your idiots running them saw all the spots coming and said aw they are ours when the Japs started bombing the ships they reported it but the HQ in Hawaii were afraid to report it to the commanding officer because he was playing GOLF.

You came into the war and your first invasion was in Marrocco and headed East you were getting slaughtered by the Germans and a Kiwi company saved you, a Kiwi received 2 VC's in that battle.

You screwed up in the Korean War and the Vietnam war you never to the advice or results of the French there you thought you were the number 1.

Later you invaded a small island in the West Indies Granada with your fleet and planes and made a big movie from it. You never made any movies of your true failures in The first battle of WW2 but made a great movie with Garry Cooper Sargent York.

You started the Bagdad war to turn it into a democracy which was stupid as there are so many tribes there it would have been impossible, also you were part of putting Sadam In power, that country could only be ruled as a police state and Sadam kept it that way, peace for years until you stuck your nose in.

Sorry Mate, nothing against the American working people just your politicians. The conditions for you coming in Churchill had to give you a lot of space in certain country's which we did. All about money etc, and Britten just about went bankrupt on the cost you put on them for supplying a lot or your derelict old ships and supply's.

On another point I do not think we could have won WW2 without you but we would have tried hard like the battle of Britten on our own, Roosevelt wanted to come in and help UK but he had a lot of pressure from a lot of people especially that German guy who flew a cross the Atlantic

But I still love a lot of the working people Mate.

I think you forget one very important incident. Americans turned WW2 in to their favour by capturing ENIGMA coder from German U-Boat!! smile.png (I think Brits made a movie about it)

OK am I the only one to catch on to this? The Brits captured the device, Hollywood changed it to the good ol' USA. What Hollywood does to every war movie...make the US the hero.

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


And you think any of those countries would be so much better off if they hadn't? Notice they didn't bother with Thailand. smile.png

At least everyone's speaking English now

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Last year watched a news clip about the high speed train crash in Spain. A few minutes into the clip I heard something that infuriated me ...






It is too late for our generation; we are already screwed, but let's at least try to do something to give our children a fighting chance at having a normal life, not having their every move controlled by Big Brother.

Nice rant. Feel better now?

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Don't blame ordinary people because of their governments. I hate and detest the British government, and their history, I would hate to think that people blamed me because of them.

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Hi USA Mate

I was born in the UK but living in New Zealand for 27yrs and now Thailand for 8 yrs.

A lot of people outside USA have gripes with USA they have started most of the wars around the world except for WW1& WW2. They did not come into WW1 till 1918 at the end and then made movies showing they won it, WW2 they never came in to help us or the countries in Europe until December 1942, Churchill warned Rosavelt that Japan was planning something bad against the USA he even went as far as presenting USA with 2 radar trucks for Hawaii your idiots running them saw all the spots coming and said aw they are ours when the Japs started bombing the ships they reported it but the HQ in Hawaii were afraid to report it to the commanding officer because he was playing GOLF.

You came into the war and your first invasion was in Marrocco and headed East you were getting slaughtered by the Germans and a Kiwi company saved you, a Kiwi received 2 VC's in that battle.

You screwed up in the Korean War and the Vietnam war you never to the advice or results of the French there you thought you were the number 1.

Later you invaded a small island in the West Indies Granada with your fleet and planes and made a big movie from it. You never made any movies of your true failures in The first battle of WW2 but made a great movie with Garry Cooper Sargent York.

You started the Bagdad war to turn it into a democracy which was stupid as there are so many tribes there it would have been impossible, also you were part of putting Sadam In power, that country could only be ruled as a police state and Sadam kept it that way, peace for years until you stuck your nose in.

Sorry Mate, nothing against the American working people just your politicians. The conditions for you coming in Churchill had to give you a lot of space in certain country's which we did. All about money etc, and Britten just about went bankrupt on the cost you put on them for supplying a lot or your derelict old ships and supply's.

On another point I do not think we could have won WW2 without you but we would have tried hard like the battle of Britten on our own, Roosevelt wanted to come in and help UK but he had a lot of pressure from a lot of people especially that German guy who flew a cross the Atlantic

But I still love a lot of the working people Mate.

I think you forget one very important incident. Americans turned WW2 in to their favour by capturing ENIGMA coder from German U-Boat!! smile.png (I think Brits made a movie about it)

Now Now! no need for sarcasm, the yanks wouldn't recognise it anyway.

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


And you think any of those countries would be so much better off if they hadn't? Notice they didn't bother with Thailand. smile.png

At least everyone's speaking English now

Americans will say that's due to the internet.

Most Thais don't speak it though.

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


And you think any of those countries would be so much better off if they hadn't? Notice they didn't bother with Thailand. smile.png

Of course the British invaded Thailand in the course of WWII. It's a pretty difficult fact to dispute. I'll attach a headline. You only need to perform 30 seconds of online research before you start providing your mis-information. As I said in my previous post, there are very few countries that were exempt from Britain's imperialism.


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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


And you think any of those countries would be so much better off if they hadn't? Notice they didn't bother with Thailand. smile.png

At least everyone's speaking English now

Americans will say that's due to the internet.

Most Thais don't speak it though.

Who taught the Americans English ?

One day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Yes Bill Hicks was amazing. I assumed he was talking about television comedy shows though rather than comedians.

The best singers were and are all Americans, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Gene Pitney and not forgetting Jo Stafford, then in Country music, George Jones, Vince Gill.

Yes, the Americans sure have and had the best entertainers. No doubt about that.

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I love hanging out with Americans ...they are easy going and friendly instead of being reserved ....

Those Americans I have met aren't superficial or aggressive or hostile ..

my husband and I have lived in LA for 10 yrs and finished master degree there ...I could say they are a lot better than some bogan elsewhere ...well, I'm Chinese and I love American and its culture .

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Don't blame ordinary people because of their governments. I hate and detest the British government, and their history, I would hate to think that people blamed me because of them.

In my defence, I did say mainly, I have also met many yanks but only a few nice ones.

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