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Passenger hit with bottle of Jack Daniels on board Thai Airways flight from Sydney to Bangkok


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Should be an automatic deportation and blacklist on arrival.

If a guy can't control himself on a plane surrounded by women and children, he is not going to be a great ambassador for the farang when let loose in never closing bars is he?

They blend in well in Patong, Pattaya or Nana.

And don't forget Kuta Beach, Bali, where 'pub crawls' have been a favourite pastime for Aussie tourists for the past 30 years.

Bali, the 'Island of the Thousand Temples' ...

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If the Auzzies slag the Brits and then the Brits slag the Auzzies and then we join up and slag the Yanks, we then just need a pompous pr*ck to report us all and then all posts can be removed and it will save us all time having to read them ! To those who like to " report peoples posts and cry baby " I have a message for you : Go and get a life and get out a bit more - if you had a few more good hidings when you were growing up then you wouldn't feel so pompous and sanctimonious !

I'm just glad I am not like you. Most posts are made " tongue in cheek " to wind someone up for a bit of fun - if you can't take it then go and play on the small rides !

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To years go on a flight from Brisbane to Auckland with Air NZ, the captain announced "Drinks will be served shortly, only one drink per person" The lady next to me with kid did'nt want anything so i ordered 3 Rum and Cokes, and got them ! I was a little surprised, but realised that the cabin staff were all Kiwi's Say no more, but its true. clap2.gif

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Now they will be banning alcohol on Thai Airways.

No, I don't think it will go that far.

May be it should. I don't see why people must have the right to get drunken everywhere and every time.

There is a difference between having a few drinks and being pissed. Just as you choose between being a bit of a nark and a bloody wowser.

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Now they will be banning alcohol on Thai Airways.

No, I don't think it will go that far.

May be it should. I don't see why people must have the right to get drunken everywhere and every time.

I also don't see why people have the right to stop me from enjoying a glass of wine or 2 on a long flight. You could always fly Saudia, Kuwait Airways or PIA, they're all booze free.

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In the 90's I was part of a team in Israel training air marshalls, we also trained the air crew how to identify and handle drunks and especially drunk/aggressive travellers. There's more than just alcohol that is the issue with the aggressiveness. Where the person is sat makes a huge difference, the air is recycled 2.5 to 3 times during the flight at the rear of the planes and only once at the front (so they we were told) and the air quality is not so good at the rear. Fresh air is drawn from the jets and compressed to mix with the cabin air, the ratio of fresh and recycled air is normally 50/50 but cut down by the pilots to save fuel to 20% fresh air once cruising. This impacts as slightly less oxygen is fed to the brain, effecting dehydration etc. There is a good call for banning alcohol consumption by the airlines for both health & safety reasons and not just the actions of people like these two bozos. Smoking has been banned for a couple of decades or more and alcohol could be next (which is a shame because a glass of wine before lights out is nice!). This particular issue is totally down to lack of proper training for the air crew compounded by the Thai cultural things about avoiding confrontation. Air marshalls are not really needed on these tourist flights but proper training really is a requirement on many levels. I hope Thai air address this in a positive rather than a "spin" manner.

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Seriously this is the crap leaving or country everyday and giving us a bad rep around the world. I can put my hand on my heart and say of all the people I carry on my flights. Aussies are the worst behaved, worst attired and just plain feral passengers in the sky. Looking for aussies overseas just look for badly dressed (footy shorts, singlet top, loads of body art and flip flops) drunk loud mouths and you can't go wrong. Time ferals who behave like this on flights or overseas lost there passport for 10 years.

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Now they will be banning alcohol on Thai Airways.

No, I don't think it will go that far.

May be it should. I don't see why people must have the right to get drunken everywhere and every time.

No need to ban the alcohol, some enjoy a couple of drinks and are harmless during flights. Others drink until stupid. Ban them or cut them off.

These guys were hooking in to their own duty free thats against the law. You cannot consume your own on board. Its just plain feral behaviour.

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It's absolute thick, selfish, d1ckheads like this who may get alcohol banned on all flights!!

More handcuffs on planes and much stricter punishments governing alcohol misuse whilst airborne?

Nope. A targeted response like that, holding just those responsible for their own behavior, makes way too much sense. The bureaucratic, big-brother, nanny-state mindset is to extend the bans & prohibitions as all-inclusively and to as broad an audience as possible, collecting as much extra revenue in the process as possible.

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Handcuff them both, and have three flight attendants take turns flogging them with a leather whip, with their pants around their ankles, in front of the entire plane. Move them from one cabin to the next, so all the passengers can enjoy, after the pilot gives an explanation. Much can be learned from this, by the drunkards. Such as civil behavior, and common decency. And it would be fun for the passengers, who might be bored.


Yep Spidermike... You have it right!

Flogging people with a leather whip with their pants around their ankles in front of a plane load of passengers including women and children is definitely the way to teach people "civil behavior and common decency."

Where are you from, again? I want to make sure I never go there.


They do that in San Fran just for fun!

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Now they will be banning alcohol on Thai Airways.

No, I don't think it will go that far.

I hope the guy gets punished hard though. It is too dangerous to be having fights in mid air.

I was on a flight from Copenhagen to Bangkok once where they actually stopped serving alcohol because 2 or 3 girls were drunk and behaving very badly.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why not ban it, they banned smoking due to other passengers, ban this too I would not want my kids to see this or it could even be worse one day and innocent people will be the victims, of a few piss heads, so ban it would be easier, that's my opinion

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How about encouraging a reasonable dress code with boarding refused if not followed.

This may give persons a heads up as to what behavioural standards are expected by passengers on flights.

Travelling etiquette tips and guidelines with a personal check list printed on one side of the boarding pass could help.

Sometimes, some people just don’t know how to behave, because they have never been told

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