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Stakes are huge if Yingluck goes to trial


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Bad Nation, bad boy. The NACC has recommended charges of negligence only ... NOT corruption.

If the OAG decides not to prosecute, despite the millions of tonnes of rotting evidence, it will destroy a certain someone's credibility. This whole issue cannot be judged on political sensitivities - it is too big for that. The country has been screwed big time, seriously big time, and a complete accounting is necessary. It's the flagship corruption case to end flagship corruption cases. If it's not pursued to its logical conclusion, regardless of who is involved or who gets hurt, then the world's condemnation of the coup will be justified.

Agree 100%. You have put to lie this statement in the OP, 'The price-pledging policy will be a forgotten anecdote of bureaucracy compared to the history being written'.

Thaksin, once again, breaks records for corruption in Thailand and someone must be held responsible. His baby sister did the dirty work for him so the punishment falls on her (IF she returns). Without her collusion, this rip-off of the public could not have happened. She is as responsible as if she conceived it.

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"turning a blinded eye to corruption and being negligent in one's duties are not the same things. " If their not intrinsically linked together I'll eat monkey stew!

When the PM of any country lets corruption flourish it is beholden on the justice system to bring that person to account.

If she faces court she will get a fair trial. For it not to be fair would lead to more civil unrest.

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There is also the matter of setting a precedent for prosecuting corruption at the policy level. New ground will likely be trod in terms of politicians' accountability.

Thailand needs this so badly. Politicians from all sides need to see they aint untouchable.

Meanwhile Yingluck has wondered aloud why the usually slow-moving commission is moving so quickly on her case, suggesting that her political opponents are influencing it,

Get over yourself girl, the NCPO are pushing this with huge support from a lot of the country one would guess. You and big bruv were too greedy and guess what? It backfired badly, that's why your in the <deleted>.

For the sake of the country, this trial needs to go ahead.

Meanwhile Yingluck has wondered aloud why the usually slow-moving commission is moving so quickly on her case, suggesting that her political opponents are influencing it ? ? ? ?

The problem for Yingluck is, that this case (Rice Pledging Scheme) is, basically, a very simplistic scheme - and therefore, any fraud committed within that scheme is very easily made evident.

Let's not forget that the amount of money which 'disappeared' amount to + Tbt. 780 Billion ! ! ! This is an amount of money hardly anybody can get his head around, but just give this a try:

Tbt. 780,000,000,000.-

is equal to: 780,000 brand-new, top of the line Ford Rangers,

or is equal to: 350,000 brand-new, basic Mercedes-Benz C-Class

or is equal to: : 7,647,059 Years of an average Thai's yearly income (if taking an average Thai' Workers annual income @ Tbt. 8,500.-/month) - that is more than 7 1/2 million Thai' peoples yearly earnings ! ! !

The big question here is: WHERE DID THIS MONEY GO ? ? ? ?

Once their in-depth investigations are completed, we will know the answer to this and THAT will make extremely interesting reading, I reckon ! ! !

I also believe that, once this evidence (of who were the REAL beneficiaries of this Mega-Fraud) becomes public, a lot of so-called Red-Shirts may just change their allegiance . . . . . . . . .

I, for one, salute this current "Military Junta", because what Thailand has been in dire need of, over the past 20 years, was a benevolent Leader; well, now Thailand HAS this benevolent-leader and - as they say in the States: "The Proof Is In The EATING . . . . . ." - Voila !


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If I was a betting man, I take the odds that Yingluck would go to Dubai (and stay) before ever going to trial.

It really would be best for all concerned if she did not come back to Thailand.

Thailand can then get on with the job of reconciliation, without more angst.

What? Like wot her brother did you mean? blink.png

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National Anti-corruption Commission urging her prosecution on charges of corruption and dereliction of duty

Questions needed to be asked first.

1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

2. Once the Rice Farmers knew about this pledge, did they also Cheat by growing cheaper low grade rice without fertilisers ect., and/or saying it was 5% broken rice or better?

3. Why would anyone place Rice Pledged rice into Warehouses with old and rotten rice in the first place?

4. Are the Warehouse Owners not responsible for the storage and well keeping of such New Rice (as in the pledge) and not mixing it up with old and rotten rice?

5. We keep on reading reports, near on daily of missing, rotten, spoilt rice, as the real checks and balances are carried out, not good news by the way, is it?

So the bottom line is ............. who did it and when? coffee1.gif

Win facepalm.gif

In other words, the PTP have done nothing wrong, it was all a big misunderstanding and if anyone is guilty it is those scoundrels the rice farmers and the low-life Warehouse Owners. Yingluck and the PTP are squeaky clean and should be back in power...............................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You are right about one thing, questions should have asked back when Yingluck was sending the country broke while lining her pockets and wardrobes at the same time. But it would have been a waste of time asking Yingluck any questions anyway, she would not have answered them.

The only ones who will answer your anal questions are the handful of desperate red fans who haunt this forum, and most of them work for the PTP propaganda machine anyway.

Edited by mikemac
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So how long is Yingluck going to stay out of town? Perhaps until the courts rule on the charges?

No. She will come back soon. Then she will wait and see how the cases against her are going. She might want to leave again when the going gets tough. If she wants to leave she will say: "I came back last time so you should trust me this time too"..... giggle.gif

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mikemac, on 24 Jul 2014 - 15:45, said:
Kan Win, on 23 Jul 2014 - 18:02, said:

National Anti-corruption Commission urging her prosecution on charges of corruption and dereliction of duty

Questions needed to be asked first.

1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

2. Once the Rice Farmers knew about this pledge, did they also Cheat by growing cheaper low grade rice without fertilisers ect., and/or saying it was 5% broken rice or better?

3. Why would anyone place Rice Pledged rice into Warehouses with old and rotten rice in the first place?

4. Are the Warehouse Owners not responsible for the storage and well keeping of such New Rice (as in the pledge) and not mixing it up with old and rotten rice?

5. We keep on reading reports, near on daily of missing, rotten, spoilt rice, as the real checks and balances are carried out, not good news by the way, is it?

So the bottom line is ............. who did it and when? coffee1.gif

Win facepalm.gif

You are right about one thing, questions should have asked back

The only ones who will answer your anal questions are

I was thinking more of The National Anti-corruption Commission could/would answer these questions in their prosecution case of charges on corruption and dereliction of duty as They, The National Anti-corruption Commission did not investigate (the real Truth behind this case) so now the Junta has to do all the rice checks, which I am very glad that it is being done, by the way. wai.gif

1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

So was this, as you put is, an anal question also?

As for the Ex-PM returning back from her summer holidays in and around the world, I think that she will return on time as she stated. thumbsup.gif

Win facepalm.gif

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