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Ukraine may soon become NATO military partner


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Ukraine May Soon Become NATO Military Partner – Ex-SBU Foreign Intelligence Chief

KIEV, July 25 (RIA Novosti) – The United States may grant Ukraine a status of NATO’s privileged non-aligned military partner soon, the former head of the SBU Foreign Intelligence told the UNIAN news agency.

“Exactly this time period when we conduct all the operations I think this aid will be already coming, including with military hardware. It will arrive some time later,” Mykola Malomuzh told the Ukrainian news agency.

Malomuzh said citing his own sources in Washington that the US Senate and the Congress support this decision and could approve it in the coming days.

The status would allow Ukraine to receive expanded funding to buy and lease military hardware and defense complexes, and also the right to get supplies of military hardware and armament during military actions.

Full story: http://en.ria.ru/military_news/20140725/191238404/Ukraine-May-Soon-Become-NATO-Military-Partner-Ex-SBU-Foreign.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2014-07-25

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I have it on very good authority that the Government of Ukraine resigned "en masse" today, in protest at the very expensive terms imposed on them by the IMF loan they have just received. As a rudderless ship are they really going to be an asset to NATO? Are these people for real? With a hugely provocative gesture like this do they truly expect Russia to stand idly by?

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I have it on very good authority that the Government of Ukraine resigned "en masse" today, in protest at the very expensive terms imposed on them by the IMF loan they have just received. As a rudderless ship are they really going to be an asset to NATO? Are these people for real? With a hugely provocative gesture like this do they truly expect Russia to stand idly by?


"As a rudderless ship are they really going to be an asset to NATO?"


Assuming this is true, do you really think NATO is looking to acquire assets? I'd say it was more a matter of finding an expendable proxy for the latest reincarnation of the cold (& hot) war ... much as Zaire was used as a proxy for playing out the tit-for-tat games of the mid 20th century.


Mobutu Sese Seko profited quite nicely from hosting the conflict. The rest of the population, not so much. Zaire was never regarded as an asset but a convenient place for bodies to pile up without much direct damage to the US or the Soviets.



.The Congo, Decolonization, and the Cold War, 1960–1965

The decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s resulted in several proxy Cold War confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union over the dozens of newly independent, non-aligned nations. The first such confrontation occurred in the former Belgian Congo, which gained its independence on June 30, 1960



Edited by Suradit69
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I have it on very good authority that the Government of Ukraine resigned "en masse" today, in protest at the very expensive terms imposed on them by the IMF loan they have just received. As a rudderless ship are they really going to be an asset to NATO? Are these people for real? With a hugely provocative gesture like this do they truly expect Russia to stand idly by?



Yes I've been waiting waiting for news to appear on BBC and Fox News but I'm still waiting! But not a mention (very predictably.)rolleyes.gif


Ukraine Coalition Government Collapses as 2 Parties Quit



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most of the Euroweenies are worried about selling warships (!) to Russia (France), banking (London), Gas (Germany) and too timid to stand up to Russia. Just read a report that Russian artillery is shelling Ukrainians. Turnabout is fair play. Or maybe some of you think letting Putin et al taking parts of Ukraine is okay. That appeasement strategy worked so well before WWII with Hitler.

It all depends if you are going to lose your job and freeze in winter i suppose,like all things, judgement depends on your perspective. The Ukraine is a long way from America and America is energy independent. 

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I have it on very good authority that the Government of Ukraine resigned "en masse" today, in protest at the very expensive terms imposed on them by the IMF loan they have just received. As a rudderless ship are they really going to be an asset to NATO? Are these people for real? With a hugely provocative gesture like this do they truly expect Russia to stand idly by?


Your "ggod authority" comment needs to be moved to TV Comedy section.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The 'reports' of Russia shelling Ukraine military units are coming from US military 'intelligence', never the best source of honesty or facts (Iraq anyone?).


Getting Ukraine into NATO has been the US's aim ever since they prodded the EU into bringing down the previous government. it's back to the old 'Cold War' scenario unfortunately with Ukraine just a piggy in the middle.


Cool heads in the EU and Russia need to prevail - without US interference.


The source of WMD's in Iraq did not come from the US military, nor NSA, nor CIA. It came solely from the White House.


How wrong can you be? You didn't see Powell's 'presentation' to the UN where he emphatically relied on US 'intelligence' which proved to be total crap.


The White House used (& manipulated) that faux intelligence in a failed attempt to justify the invasion. Now we've got a deja vu scenario.


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In Washington they are not always on the same page as in Berlin and Paris :  Germany and France refused to approve the Security Council presentation made by Colin Powell to justify a war and a regime change in Iraq.

I cannot believe the Germans will accept Ukraine as a NATO member : there may be fools in the USA but not in Germany after 1945.

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"The US may grant..."......What about NATO deciding?

High-handed and crass stupidity from across the pond yet again.

Please re-read the article and see who made this statement. It was not a senior member of the US Adminsitration, a US citizen or a US government official. It was an ex-SBU official and I believe a Ukranian..

News articles are often rife with inaccuracies, which in turn feeds the prejudices that lurk in certain circles...again.

Stupidity resides on both sides of the pond and in small fishes, as well as large ones. Edited by Benmart
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In Washington they are not always on the same page as in Berlin and Paris :  Germany and France refused to approve the Security Council presentation made by Colin Powell to justify a war and a regime change in Iraq.
I cannot believe the Germans will accept Ukraine as a NATO member : there may be fools in the USA but not in Germany after 1945.

Germany has larger selfish interests at stake having little to do with what is morally or philosophically correct. Germany has placed itself in a position of being Russia's little economic b&@# and cannot stand alone without doing severe harm to its own economy that is very dependent upon not pissing Russia off.

I, however, get it and many Euro countries tapped heavy investments into Russia when Russia effectively became a booming emerging market. Not critical of Germany. Germany, however, is frozen and now cannot stand alone without severe financial consequences.


For Germany, curtailed trade with Russia could really bite. And considering as the former is Europe's biggest economy the implications would be felt well beyond its borders.

More than 6,000 German firms operate in Russia, pouring in billions of dollars in foreign direct investment. Some 300,000 German workers depend on their country's trade with Russia for their livelihoods.



Moscow Times Article


BRUSSELS Germany and Italy have most to lose if the European Union makes good on its threat to impose harsher sanctions on Moscow,

The picture emerging from United Nations and European Union data shows the impact of restricting trade with Russia would be far from even, with Germany dwarfing others' exposure and those urging sanctions loudest, such as Sweden, having less at stake.

http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/russian-cash-trade-splits-eu-on-sanctions/504018.html Edited by F430murci
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In Washington they are not always on the same page as in Berlin and Paris :  Germany and France refused to approve the Security Council presentation made by Colin Powell to justify a war and a regime change in Iraq.

I cannot believe the Germans will accept Ukraine as a NATO member : there may be fools in the USA but not in Germany after 1945.


Ha ?  Plenty of fools and US-boot lickers in (my) German Government.  They are Obama's most subserviant boot lickers.

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"The US may grant..."......What about NATO deciding?

High-handed and crass stupidity from across the pond yet again.


The United States has the sovereign right to declare the Ukraine a "non-Nato military ally."


At the request of Prez Obama the Congress on Saturday, July 19th passed the Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA), which granted Ukraine together with Moldova, and Georgia major non-NATO ally status.


The new law authorizes the transfer of military assistance to Ukraine, including Ukraine requested anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, small arms and the sharing of intelligence between Washington and Ukraine.

The new law further increases US military interaction and joint US-Nato security assistance to Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and the post-Yugoslavia republics Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.

Washington had already deployed two AWACS command and communications aircraft to the areas along with relocating Air Force fighter units to Poland from Germany..


The U.S. has already made new troop deployments and conducted military exercises along Russia’s western borders in Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The deployments include a Nato Ukraine-Polish special forces unit and a Combat Team of the U.S.173rd Airborne Brigade from its base in Italy,   ..


Military maneuvers  "Saber Guardian" in Bulgaria earlier this year included troops from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States, as well as representatives from NATO.


Georgia will be admitted to Nato, perhaps in September but likely this year. It was the summary and arbitrary Russian declaration of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia proper that sparked a brief war between it and Georgia that will never happen again without severe direct consequences to Russia.


General Martin Dempsey's statements Thursday clearly indicate that the post-USSR Kremlin has to face the realities of a new world order in which Putin's Russia is as contained as is China, predictable German and French squeamishness notwithstanding..



U.S. General Dempsey: Putin May 'Light a Fire' He Can't Stop in Ukraine


The U.S. military’s top commander, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, warned Thursday night that with the Russian military’s artillery assault on Ukrainian forces this week, President Vladimir Putin “may actually light a fire” he cannot control.


Instead of de-escalating the violence, Dempsey said, Putin has “actually taken a decision to escalate.”


In an appearance before the Aspen Institute, Dempsey said Putin’s decision to launch artillery strikes across the border into Ukraine has changed the entire equation and relationship between Russia and the United States and Europe.



Edited by Publicus
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A sure way to steer us even closer towards world War 3 but probably that's what those in power want

Exactly, someone with a head. Educate these people.

Educate? You guys are operating on or possess, at best, 20 % of the facts and in 100 % emotion. World leaders have a aged to keep the world out of WW3 thus far. No one wants that except maybe some nutter small terrorist type nations that want the world to implode. Obama does not want, Putin does not want and etc.

When it comes to trust and confidence, I would trust those in power comprised of huge teams of individuals armed with all of the facts over emotional types driven by resentments and armed with Internet information to make the difficult choices.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


The 'reports' of Russia shelling Ukraine military units are coming from US military 'intelligence', never the best source of honesty or facts (Iraq anyone?).


Getting Ukraine into NATO has been the US's aim ever since they prodded the EU into bringing down the previous government. it's back to the old 'Cold War' scenario unfortunately with Ukraine just a piggy in the middle.


Cool heads in the EU and Russia need to prevail - without US interference.


The source of WMD's in Iraq did not come from the US military, nor NSA, nor CIA. It came solely from the White House.


How wrong can you be? You didn't see Powell's 'presentation' to the UN where he emphatically relied on US 'intelligence' which proved to be total crap.


The White House used (& manipulated) that faux intelligence in a failed attempt to justify the invasion. Now we've got a deja vu scenario.




Secretary of State is part of Presidential branch of the government, so until he resigned, he was part of that Bush team (and being fed that crap is one reason he quit, to his credit). Recall as soon as 9/11 happened, Bush was always seeking a way to tie Iraq to  it. WMD info I think came from an alcoholic source in Germany, which the Germans said was unreliable. If some thing US is greater threat to Europe than Putin and his friends..... I suggest and wake up and smell the coffee

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"The US may grant..."......What about NATO deciding?

High-handed and crass stupidity from across the pond yet again.

Please re-read the article and see who made this statement. It was not a senior member of the US Adminsitration, a US citizen or a US government official. It was an ex-SBU official and I believe a Ukranian..

News articles are often rife with inaccuracies, which in turn feeds the prejudices that lurk in certain circles...again.

Stupidity resides on both sides of the pond and in small fishes, as well as large ones.



There is a bill in the Senate introduced by Sen Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, to confer major non-Nato ally status to Ukraine, Georgia,  Moldova. This bill has not yet become law.


A lot of Eurasian media have misread and misunderstood the actions the Senate has taken regarding the bill to consequently and wrongly report the bill was enacted in to law. I myself posted above that the bill had become law, basing my information on a quick look at several of the Eurasian erroneous media reports.


There are no reports in established credible MSM that the bill had become law because the bill has not become law.


However, Sen Corker's bill would reshape U.S. military posture and preparedness in Eastern Europe and Eurasia in coordination with Nato and to include conferring non-Nato ally status to the three countries, Ukraine, Georgia, Modlova. Nato however is currently moving towards admitting Georgia as a member, perhaps in September.


Sen Corker's bill would also establish a United States-German Global and European Security Working Group to try to resolve current high profile disagreements between the two governments concerning how to respond to the recent developments.



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"The US may grant..."......What about NATO deciding?

High-handed and crass stupidity from across the pond yet again.

The United States has the sovereign right to declare the Ukraine a "non-Nato military ally."
At the request of Prez Obama the Congress on Saturday, July 19th passed the Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA), which granted Ukraine together with Moldova, and Georgia major non-NATO ally status.
The new law authorizes the transfer of military assistance to Ukraine, including Ukraine requested anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, small arms and the sharing of intelligence between Washington and Ukraine.

The new law further increases US military interaction and joint US-Nato security assistance to Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and the post-Yugoslavia republics Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
Washington had already deployed two AWACS command and communications aircraft to the areas along with relocating Air Force fighter units to Poland from Germany..
The U.S. has already made new troop deployments and conducted military exercises along Russia’s western borders in Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The deployments include a Nato Ukraine-Polish special forces unit and a Combat Team of the U.S.173rd Airborne Brigade from its base in Italy,   ..
Military maneuvers  "Saber Guardian" in Bulgaria earlier this year included troops from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States, as well as representatives from NATO.
Georgia will be admitted to Nato, perhaps in September but likely this year. It was the summary and arbitrary Russian declaration of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia proper that sparked a brief war between it and Georgia that will never happen again without severe direct consequences to Russia.
General Martin Dempsey's statements Thursday clearly indicate that the post-USSR Kremlin has to face the realities of a new world order in which Putin's Russia is as contained as is China, predictable German and French squeamishness notwithstanding..
U.S. General Dempsey: Putin May 'Light a Fire' He Can't Stop in Ukraine
The U.S. military’s top commander, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, warned Thursday night that with the Russian military’s artillery assault on Ukrainian forces this week, President Vladimir Putin “may actually light a fire” he cannot control.
Instead of de-escalating the violence, Dempsey said, Putin has “actually taken a decision to escalate.”

In an appearance before the Aspen Institute, Dempsey said Putin’s decision to launch artillery strikes across the border into Ukraine has changed the entire equation and relationship between Russia and the United States and Europe.

why do the ukrainians need anti-aircraft weapons when they are fighting with rebbels who dont have plains.

Or to shoot down another civilian airliner in order to get the west to fight russia.
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"The US may grant..."......What about NATO deciding?

High-handed and crass stupidity from across the pond yet again.

NATO prompted by the US started the whole Ukraine situation anyway.
Yes, I can dig out links if really needed.

Ukraine as a member of NATO is ludicrous.

It's OK for the US to overthrow one elected government but complain about the very different actions of General P.
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