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Russian newspaper prints front-page apology for MH17 disaster in Dutch


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Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta prints front-page apology for MH17 disaster in Dutch

THE left-leaning Novaya Gazeta Russian newspaper has published a highly provocative apology — written in Dutch and splashed across its front page today.

The paper has deviated from the official line coming out of the Kremlin, by attributing the source of the attack on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 at the hands of the Russian separatists.

“Forgive Us, Netherlands’’ was the bold headline above a sombre photograph of the convoy of hearses that transported the first of the bodies across The Netherlands from Eindhoven to Hilversum for forensic analysis.


-- News.com.au 2014-07-25

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Has anyone bothered to read the paper? The article goes to say that event is tragic no matter how it happened, and the article on the first page has their reporter interviewing locals, all of whom are sure it was Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian military has also admitted an "accidental" Buk launch during training excersise, but of course that isn't worth reporting.

When did they admit this? In 2001??

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Has anyone bothered to read the paper? The article goes to say that event is tragic no matter how it happened, and the article on the first page has their reporter interviewing locals, all of whom are sure it was Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian military has also admitted an "accidental" Buk launch during training excersise, but of course that isn't worth reporting.

When did they admit this? In 2001??

Today, and I'm obviously talking about MH17.

They still haven't taken responsibility for the '01 shooting, though for all practical purposes Ukrainian guilt is proven.

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Has anyone bothered to read the paper? The article goes to say that event is tragic no matter how it happened, and the article on the first page has their reporter interviewing locals, all of whom are sure it was Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian military has also admitted an "accidental" Buk launch during training excersise, but of course that isn't worth reporting.

When did they admit this? In 2001??

Today, and I'm obviously talking about MH17.

They still haven't taken responsibility for the '01 shooting, though for all practical purposes Ukrainian guilt is proven.

This is not true. There was no accidental BUK launch by Ukraine. It's a lie published by the Russian media. Show a link to a credible news source and then we can discuss this. Otherwise, it's right up there with the other lies they've published.


In the aftermath of the crash last week, the RT machine kicked into overdrive, churning out a steady stream of strange reports. In an effort to implicitly assign blame on the Ukrainians, it noted the proximity of Putin’s own plane. It quoted a Russian defense ministry source asking why a Ukrainian air force jet was detected nearby. And it quoted another anonymous Russian official, who volunteered the juicy claim that a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile was operational in the vicinity at the time of the incident. This is how RT works, explains Firth: by arranging facts to fit a fantasy.

“What they do is a very smart, slick way of manipulating reality,” she says. “In Ukraine, you’re taking a very small part of a much wider story, totally omitted the context of the story, and so what you wind up with on air is outright misinformation.”

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oh yes, a training mission with a real loaded missile? awesome...

another version by russian media was that mh17 was loaded with dead bodies and it was a set up by CIA...

probably they switch from vodka to something more creative and powerfull....

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Has anyone bothered to read the paper? The article goes to say that event is tragic no matter how it happened, and the article on the first page has their reporter interviewing locals, all of whom are sure it was Ukrainian military.

Ukrainian military has also admitted an "accidental" Buk launch during training excersise, but of course that isn't worth reporting.

If the Russian government says the Ukrainians have admitted it then it must be true?


By the way, it's not that it isn't worth reporting that news, it is that it isn't credible because it was in RIA which is a Russian government ran news paper.

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I think that what happened with MH17 is a tragedy, but I also believe that was a mistake. I do not believe that a soldier will shoot down a passenger plane in porpouse. The main responsability of this event is war, and Ukrania was in fault flying military planes in an area under fire, and not advicing commercial airlines to divert its planes. A terrorist will do it....and planes still flying..and low...over conflicts areas. Another tragedy at any time....

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I think that what happened with MH17 is a tragedy, but I also believe that was a mistake. I do not believe that a soldier will shoot down a passenger plane in porpouse. The main responsability of this event is war, and Ukrania was in fault flying military planes in an area under fire, and not advicing commercial airlines to divert its planes. A terrorist will do it....and planes still flying..and low...over conflicts areas. Another tragedy at any time....

FL320 is not low.

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This is not true. There was no accidental BUK launch by Ukraine. It's a lie published by the Russian media. Show a link to a credible news source and then we can discuss this. Otherwise, it's right up there with the other lies they've published.


You demand a credible source but present a shit-slinging article by Time regarding a different news agency. Or do you truly consider this link and the link in OP to come from a credible source?

There's a very limited number of sources for factual information on this this tragedy - the IATA investigation (has just begun),

the recordings and/or personnel of Ukrainian air traffic control (has been kept under wraps so far), Russian and US military surveillance (Russia published some, US insists that they have information but refuses to disclose it), and whoever personally did the deed, either under order or by accident (unlikely to be identified or found ever).

You'll notice a pattern here - most sources that may have real information are silent. The investigation into flight recorders has just begun. Yet propaganda and disinformation machine kicked into high gear not an hour after the plane was downed. So yeah, show me an actual credible source for anything published regarding the event, and then we can discuss what publications by Russian and US media were lies.

Edited by Scott
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The main responsability of this event is war,

Yes, and which country has actively invaded another, taken soveriegn territory, and funded, armed (And staffed an armed insurgency? If, as you posit, the main responsibility of this event is war, then Putin is 100% unquestionably culpable.

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Don't be fooled by western mainstream media. The Americans and their allies are pushing for war(as usual)


LOL. Excellent source of info:


In 2003, The Observer described the CounterPunch website as a "popular political sources in America, with a keen following in Washington".[73] Other sources have variously described CounterPunch as a "left-wing",[2][3][4] "extreme" or "radical"[74][75] a "political newsletter",[76] and a "muckraking newsletter".[77]

The Anti-Defamation League in 2007 described CounterPunch as an "anti-Zionist radical left newsletter".[78] The pro-Israel media watchdog group Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) in 2007 described CounterPunch.org as an "extremist anti-Israel web site".[79]

In 2004, Max Boot described CounterPunch as an "extreme" "conspiracy-mongering website", citing a 2003 article by Dave Lindorff comparing George W. Bush to Hitler.[74][80] The same article was also referred to by James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal as similarly permitting the dismissal of CounterPunch ("an outfit whose staple is stuff comparing Bush to Hitler"). Lindorff has defended his article against this characterisation.[81]

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This is not true. There was no accidental BUK launch by Ukraine. It's a lie published by the Russian media. Show a link to a credible news source and then we can discuss this. Otherwise, it's right up there with the other lies they've published.


You demand a credible source but present a shit-slinging article by Time regarding a different news agency. Or do you truly consider this link and the link in OP to come from a credible source?

There's a very limited number of sources for factual information on this this tragedy -

the IATA investigation (has just begun),

the recordings and/or personnel of Ukrainian air traffic control (has been kept under wraps so far),

Russian and US military surveillance (Russia published some, US insists that they have information but refuses to disclose it),

and whoever personally did the deed, either under order or by accident (unlikely to be identified or found ever).

You'll notice a pattern here - most sources that may have real information are silent. The investigation into flight recorders has just begun. Yet propaganda and disinformation machine kicked into high gear not an hour after the plane was downed. So yeah, show me an actual credible source for anything published regarding the event, and then we can discuss what publications by Russian and US media were lies.

Actually, the US has already said they detected the radar lock and missile launch. And it's widely known and reported how that was done. And they know exactly where the launch took place. No recordings are needed for this.

What they haven't said is who actually pushed the trigger. You need a confirmation from somebody there. The current "suspects" are the rebels or the Russians. Can't be Ukrainians as it's in rebel held territory. The theory that it was a Ukraine military person who did this has been ruled out. No way they could have fought their way to the launch site, inside rebel held territory, and then fought their way out. Impossible.

The IATA investigation is already in shambles due to the mis-management of the crash site and inability of investigators to have free access to the site. As was reported today, they are having to wear bullet proof vests due to the issues there. Impossible to do a proper investigation under these circumstances. And much of the evidence has been moved or tampered with.

This is an interesting read:


We have watched cranes lift plane parts and move them around, as bodies were pulled out and pieces of aircraft re-arranged.

Many journalists and international observers witnessed how pro-Russian rebels cut into plane parts with diesel saws. Was it incompetence or something more sinister? We still don't know.

We also don't know what evidence may have been lost, or how many bodies are still missing in Ukraine

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I think that what happened with MH17 is a tragedy, but I also believe that was a mistake. I do not believe that a soldier will shoot down a passenger plane in porpouse. The main responsability of this event is war, and Ukrania was in fault flying military planes in an area under fire, and not advicing commercial airlines to divert its planes. A terrorist will do it....and planes still flying..and low...over conflicts areas. Another tragedy at any time....

FL320 is not low.

No it is not it is about 30000ft above the ground. Every day planes of many airlines fly over Afhghanistan at that level and terrain there is up to 20000 feet so they fly just 12000 feet above the ground. slight problem there I think.

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Actually, the US has already said they detected the radar lock and missile launch. And it's widely known and reported how that was done. And they know exactly where the launch took place. No recordings are needed for this.

I beg to differ, factual information is precisely what is needed for this.


Otherwise, it's right up there with the other lies they've published.

The current "suspects" are the rebels or the Russians.

Says who?

Can't be Ukrainians as it's in rebel held territory. The theory that it was a Ukraine military person who did this has been ruled out. No way they could have fought their way to the launch site, inside rebel held territory, and then fought their way out. Impossible.

Again, ruled out by whom?

"Rebel held territory" is nebulous at best, there are no clear demarcation zones or controlled borders. By your own logic, since the presumed launch occurred from rebel territory, Russia is physically unable to engage anyone there, as the destruction occurred deep in Ukrainian territory.

If there was ANY factual evidence of rebels possessing and firing a Buk complex, I expect we'd have seen it from the US or Ukraine on day 1. No such evidence has been produced.

Ukrainian forces are known to have SAMs in the area (as presented in Russian defence ministry briefing), rebels are rumored to have a single captured Buk launcher (without accompanying radar/command/supply vehicles) that Ukrainian army claimed was inoperable, there is no evidence that any Buk/S300 launchers were transferred from Russian to the Ukrainian territory.

Sorry, ultimately this isn't a serious level of discourse, you clearly have arrived to a conclusion and are only interested in any factual evidence if it supports you point of view; something, amusingly, Time article you cited was busy bashing RT for.

My initial point made in this thread still stands - the news article in OP is misrepresenting information and counting on readers to be unwilling to fact-check it.

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They did it, because the tiny man in the Kremlin would not. He was more than likely directly responsible for the murder of almost 300 people. If it had not been for his expansionist ambitions, Russia would not have been arming, and financing these violent clowns. Will he ever admit his guilt? Does he ever? He has been deflecting blame ever since he was a madman murderer in the KGB. Now he is a madman leader of the Russians. The only good thing to come out of all of this is that this creton has been exposed, and most of the free thinking world (Russia excepted) now knows the monster King Vlad really is.

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The western world is crying out for someone to be held responsible. Putin denies all responsibility.

Then this guy pops up – “I was born in Moscow I was never a member of the Russian intelligence services” – the self styled leader of the separatists and self declared prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Boradai.

Now we have the newspaper article from Russia attributing responsibility for the missile attack on the separatists.

Fall guy? Bet it won’t be Putin. Mr Boradai’s political ambitions may turn out to be short lived.

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