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New Zealander Stabbed To Death


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Don't agree with this as most attacks on westerners are provoked because of stupity or bad behaviour by westerners.


In that dear SIr, would you please state clearly with simple words of 3 syllabus or less (I am frog, so english is still a maze to me), where the NZ guy was stupid or used a bad behavior?

Or should he have to share his gf with any ######er around? I was (stupid me) thinking some thai women do not work in Nana and are not interrested in swinging?

Does bad behavior include the fact to help the lady?

Please DaveinThailand, you seems to know all about Thailand, thai people and <deleted>**** and smelly westerner, enlight me, I need to know how to behave when I am with drunk and stupid thai men? Please tell me, because I do not have (as the NZ also seems to not have) any clues on how to behave correctly.

Without irony, the root problem is culturally a girl who stand by a foreigner (mean who is behaving as a gf or a wife) is still considered low person by an important part of the thai population. Important mean not all, but mean you still have to deal with this situation. This behavior is often carried out by motorcycle boy, taxy, condo guards ....All people too ugly, too poor and too stupid to have a chance to get a 20 y old student as gf (and then as wife). Mostly those people can not imagine the girl can really choose to share a farang life or raise a familly with him. They simply consider if she have sex with a farang, so she is ready to have sex with anybody. Because she became low class by standing with a farang.

Last point, I drink only iced tea, alcohol is baned from my room, and by so I watched world cup games (my thai friends think is 'mei sanook' if they can not express themself with 2 or 3 liter of beer chang). Anyway, but it's OT, in 5 years I get some marvellous rship, but the only person close to what I call a friend is a US man, others are mostly friend when you are able to pay their drink, in other case they are so sorry ....

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The guy across the street from our new house at least said it clearly:

Another neighbor was complaining about this guy's barking dogs. I said in English that I could hear them too. He replied:

"This is not your country. This is Thailand. You cannot talk. <deleted> you." It appears he speaks pretty good English.

He's obviously disturbed -- my wife said his language in Thai was very ugly, too. But at least he really said it outloud and clearly. Better, I suppose, than smiling and saying it behind your back

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The guy across the street from our new house at least said it clearly:

Another neighbor was complaining about this guy's barking dogs. I said in English that I could hear them too. He replied:

"This is not your country. This is Thailand. You cannot talk. <deleted> you." It appears he speaks pretty good English.

He's obviously disturbed -- my wife said his language in Thai was very ugly, too. But at least he really said it outloud and clearly. Better, I suppose, than smiling and saying it behind your back

Amen, Ora pro Nobis.

Anyway, we will change nothing. Fact those thai people who accept the reality are not staying here, but going abroad with their skills, knowledge and wills. Those who stay here are people who mostly do not have the capacities to compete in other countries. By so they get frustrate, bitter , looking only to get what they consider their rightfull rights and that is alas owned by some white monkeys (I speak about caucasian people because I am sure Dave can explain us best how thai people love Arabs or african person, it is not Dave?).

On the other hands, it apply for a part of thai population, not to all thai people.It's alas cultural, and still widely used to explain why the SET went down last year, why OTOP have fail, why taxy drivers can not have sex with an young english girl (last year also) .... und so weiter.

But yes, or we accept it, or we have to leave it. But even if massively we move away of LOS, be sure it will be without any of what we had when we came here. We was us is now rightfully and legally owned by thai people, and I bet even your assets will be frozen if too much foreigners decide to walk away.

I read Dave in thailand quoting he have an house here. Wonder how he can say so. Maybe he used his money to allow his wife to buy an house. In that case , what if he leave the country? Your wife still own it, but what about the kids? They will not, so who will inherit it? Uncle? aunt? Do your kids will ever go there when your wife will pass away? Ispeak about house, I know it';s irrelevant (for now) about condo. Anyway Dave, LOS thank you to have given your money, still thank you to run a business here and by so give more money. The only problem is : as all foreigners you are such a pollutiion in LOS, could you simply let your money here, your business here (some wonderfull thai angels will take care of it better than you do) and simply go to hang yourself (with the others foreigners such I) somewhere else?????? It would be the ultimate proof you deeply and indeed understood the thai culture carried by a part of the thai society (A PART is a key word).

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Just some (surprising to me) information on murder rates


#1 Colombia 0.617847 per 1,000 people

#2 South Africa 0.496008 per 1,000 people

#3 Jamaica 0.324196 per 1,000 people

#4 Venezuela 0.316138 per 1,000 people

#5 Russia 0.201534 per 1,000 people

#6 Mexico 0.130213 per 1,000 people

#7 Estonia 0.107277 per 1,000 people

#8 Latvia 0.10393 per 1,000 people

#9 Lithuania 0.102863 per 1,000 people

#10 Belarus 0.0983495 per 1,000 people

#11 Ukraine 0.094006 per 1,000 people

#12 Papua New Guinea 0.0838593 per 1,000 people

#13 Kyrgyzstan 0.0802565 per 1,000 people

#14 Thailand 0.0800798 per 1,000 people

#15 Moldova 0.0781145 per 1,000 people

#16 Zimbabwe 0.0749938 per 1,000 people

#17 Seychelles 0.0739025 per 1,000 people

#18 Zambia 0.070769 per 1,000 people

#19 Costa Rica 0.061006 per 1,000 people

#20 Poland 0.0562789 per 1,000 people

#21 Georgia 0.0511011 per 1,000 people

#22 Uruguay 0.045082 per 1,000 people

#23 Bulgaria 0.0445638 per 1,000 people

#24 United States 0.042802 per 1,000 people

#25 Armenia 0.0425746 per 1,000 people

#26 India 0.0344083 per 1,000 people

#27 Yemen 0.0336276 per 1,000 people

#28 Dominica 0.0289733 per 1,000 people

#29 Azerbaijan 0.0285642 per 1,000 people

#30 Finland 0.0283362 per 1,000 people

Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)

May sound snide, but my guess is that many go unreported in less-developed countries as well.

Regardless, we all know risky behavior combined with alcohol leads to "interesting" results pretty much everywhere!

What I want to know is, why is the rich USA stuck in the middle of developing and third world countires.......?

"...guns, lots of guns"

It might interest you to know that the according to US Deaprtment of Justice numbers, violent crime rates actually dropped in the states of the US after the passage of "shall issue" concealed weapons laws in those jurisdictions. A background check and proper training is required in order to obtain a permit but they are easy to obtain. I recall one instance immediately after passage of the law in Florida. A would be robber armed with a sawed off shotgun, an illegal item in the US, decided to hit a popular resturant. He took a waitress hostage and demanded the customers turn over their cash. A minute later he was dead. Two of the customers, men in their seventies, caught him in a cross fire. Neither shooter was aware of the other until they both fired. The mother of the would be criminal complained to the press that they should have shot her boy the leg rather than the head. A lot of good that would have done. Personally I think the mother should have reflected on the values she taught in her home that led to her son's criminal activity.

Edited by AmericanExpat
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My condolences to the family of friends of the deceased.

I doubt very much that anyone as innocent or as guilty as some would like to believe. It sounds like there was quite a lot going on in this situation. Certainly nothing that deserved to result in death, though. It's too bad that someone couldn't have called the security guards to assist and possibly prevent a murder.

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Again, it's not the fault of the individual Thai people. Alcoholism and acts of extreme behaviour of this frequency is a byproduct of the lack of educational infastructure in the country. Working 12 hours a day for 200 baht carries a lot of pent up frustrations readily ignited by alcohol.

Lack of many things, including a good self image. Due to several factors.

What's scary is the blind hatred. I have a saying about people like this WORLDWIDE.

"They hate themselves, They hate their job, They hate their life-

They have No problem hating you......." digitele :o

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My condolences to the family and friends of the victim.

Well, for 6 years I am working in Bangkok, I never had a bad times as posted in here. I got few farang friends and the rest, most of them are locals but they are so friendly. I just wonder why too many westerner facing this trouble. The best thing to do here "be COOL" hear their opinion and smile..:o

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I know a lot of you like posting about crime in general in Bangkok and Thailand. About that, it is clear that people who drink have a much higher violent crime rate than do people who do not drink everywhere in the world. This is a fact.

It is also a fact that Thailand has more drinking than do most nations.

This pretty much explains the crime here. Also the more crowded a place is (population density) the higher the crime rate in most places on earth. Thailand is very crowded and Bangkok is super crowded.

So I do not think Thai people are any more likely to do violent crime under these conditions than do any other group. Also remember that the vast majority of murders occur between people that know each other.

Now back onto this crime.

A woman brings another man--not family--to her boyfriend's apartment? This man is not a friend of the victim here.

Does this seem normal to you?

Is it possible that she brought the man for the purpose of doing just what he did? How do we know they came over to watch a football game? I mean we only have the story of the woman here. Was anything robbed? Likely things were taken.

Would it be possible that the woman went up with the victim here and then she opened the door for the crime to take place? Were there any other people who saw this crime in progress?

I just would have real trouble believing that this young man would knowingly take another man up with this woman to his room to watch a football game? A young man in Thailand is not likely to want a man in his apartment with a girl he likes. Three is a crowd you know. nor do I believe he wanted this man in his apartment to watch football.

Call me strange but I think the entire story is nonsense.

This man was likely robbed and murdered in the process of the crime.

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Don't agree with this as most attacks on westerners are provoked because of stupity or bad behaviour by westerners.


In that dear SIr, would you please state clearly with simple words of 3 syllabus or less (I am frog, so english is still a maze to me), where the NZ guy was stupid or used a bad behavior?

Or should he have to share his gf with any ######er around? I was (stupid me) thinking some thai women do not work in Nana and are not interrested in swinging?

Does bad behavior include the fact to help the lady?

Please DaveinThailand, you seems to know all about Thailand, thai people and <deleted>**** and smelly westerner, enlight me, I need to know how to behave when I am with drunk and stupid thai men? Please tell me, because I do not have (as the NZ also seems to not have) any clues on how to behave correctly.

Without irony, the root problem is culturally a girl who stand by a foreigner (mean who is behaving as a gf or a wife) is still considered low person by an important part of the thai population. Important mean not all, but mean you still have to deal with this situation. This behavior is often carried out by motorcycle boy, taxy, condo guards ....All people too ugly, too poor and too stupid to have a chance to get a 20 y old student as gf (and then as wife). Mostly those people can not imagine the girl can really choose to share a farang life or raise a familly with him. They simply consider if she have sex with a farang, so she is ready to have sex with anybody. Because she became low class by standing with a farang.

Last point, I drink only iced tea, alcohol is baned from my room, and by so I watched world cup games (my thai friends think is 'mei sanook' if they can not express themself with 2 or 3 liter of beer chang). Anyway, but it's OT, in 5 years I get some marvellous rship, but the only person close to what I call a friend is a US man, others are mostly friend when you are able to pay their drink, in other case they are so sorry ....

A couple of points.

First, the corruption in the Police Department is appalling. Had a friend assasinated in his home. The evidence clearly implicated his Thai wife, but after an investigation and 14,000 USD in cash that was found in the house and disappeared after investigation by the police. Case was closed due to lack of evidence. For the sake of this Kiwi man's family I do hope justice is served in this case, but sounds like it will not.

As for getting away with a crime in the US. Good Luck. I think you are fooling yourself if you think they turn their back on crimes of violence whether it be on a foreigner or a citizen. By the way Amercian citizens, unlike Thais are not so easy to pick out. Try picking out an American in NYC, could be Black, Asian, Arab, Mexican, Etc.Etc. Easy to pick out a Farang in LOS.

Correct me if I am wrong. [Sorry, that discussion is against the rules of the forum. Removed. /Meadish] I think we are kidding ourselves about being experts and understanding Thai culture. A few simple facts IMHO about living in LOS.

1 Look for trouble in LOS and you will find it.

2 Want to make a small fortune? Bring a big one.

3 The longer I live here the less I know about Thai culture.

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Would it be possible that the woman went up with the victim here and then she opened the door for the crime to take place? Were there any other people who saw this crime in progress?

I just would have real trouble believing that this young man would knowingly take another man up with this woman to his room to watch a football game? A young man in Thailand is not likely to want a man in his apartment with a girl he likes. Three is a crowd you know. nor do I believe he wanted this man in his apartment to watch football.

Call me strange but I think the entire story is nonsense.

This man was likely robbed and murdered in the process of the crime.

Gambling involved perhaps? Could have been anything really.

They catch the guy yet? Hopefully the girl didn't just make up a name or accuse some random guy she doesn't like, with the real culprit getting away.


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What I want to know is, why is the rich USA stuck in the middle of developing and third world countires.......?

"...guns, lots of guns"

Always with commentary on The States. "For Fuchs Sake" find something else to worry about like how the Thighmaster got named. It's neither a thigh, nor a master. Discuss

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It offends me a lot that some people here seemed to be unaware of the seriousness of the Situation


I guess some may be aware of the seriousness but i think the point most people raise is that it is common everywhere these days and it seems funny that some seem to think that Farngs are a protected species. I only have to read my local paper to see some gory death each day, an 8 year old girl raped and killed in a department store toilet. It is just a nasty world.

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I think people have to be aware of the changing status of foreigners in the country. 10 years ago and before, most western tourists were a virtual gold mine to a relatively poor country. They needed our money (I don't mean this is a derogatory sense). We were the "kings" so to speak.

As the country has progressed and people have more material possessions, we are less revered and more disliked. We are becoming more of a pain than we are worth. This is especially true for the less well-off foreigners.

If you couple the rising standard of living in Thailand along with the increased disparity between the rich and the poor in the country, you begin to see why there seems to be an increase in crime. Add nationalism and a few other things and you have more violent crimes against foreigners.

I know this doesn't explain this particular sad situation, but I think it helps address the need to be careful in who we trust and how we act--and that isn't mean to,in any way, justify what happened to this poor NZer.

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now repeat after me

no drinking alcohol with thais

dont involve yourself in thai disputes - particularly over women

dont learn thai -then you cant understand what they are saying about you

if a drunken thai hits you with their car or motor bike - say sorry and offer to pay for the damage - offer them a higher priced bottle of alcohol

if a drunken thai bumps you or steps on your foot - say sorry and offer them a higher priced bottle of alcohol

use dog language and never look a drunk thai in the eye - always look down or away - always let him think you are weaker - offer them a higher priced bottle of alcohol

there are ten thai commandments but i cant think of them all

oh yes another one

I you werent in Thailand then i couldnt fight with you, crash your car, fight over the GF - offer them a higher priced bottle of alcohol

Edited by BlackJack
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dont learn thai -then you cant understand what they are saying about you

Actually, if anything, understanding what Thai people say about you when they do not think you understand, makes you humble. Mostly nothing nasty at all, except when warranted. So if you are acting like a decent person, fear not the comments.

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Whao this hits close to home, being from NZ, and having so few of us living here is going to make this big news in NZ.

Agree with the above, sounds like he was protecting his gf from advances of her "friend".

It's sad in Thailand when we begin to see these farang murders on almost a daily basis.

Respects to his freinds and family.

It is headline news now in N.Z..

Shame really.

New Zealand and Thailand have had a " thing " going for decades and at the moment, all Thai Airways seats are full from Auckland to Bangkok.

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The dumbass that made the gross generalisation that all English teachers here act like dogs. Let me ask you a question. Where are you meeting these "dog like" English teachers? Nana or Cowboy. Please tell me you are not making judgement based on your experiences with English teachers at places such as this. I have lived here for 5 years and yes I am an English teacher and I dont act like a dog infact I am married and have friends that are English teachers and they too do not behave like dogs. I have been too places such as Nana or cowboy before with friends and yes i have seen many farangs behaving poorly but too assume that they are English teachers is a little harsh. From my experience I would think its a mix of expacts from all backgrounds and proffessions. Ask yourself this question. How do you think other Farangs would view you when you are out drinking?


The argument over whether this country is safe or not safe or those who feel its not safe should go home etc is just ridiculous. We are all here because we love this country otherwise we would be back home in our own countries. The fact is we just need to be careful just like we would if we were in our own countries. I think all farang males who are dating thai girls in new relationships should be careful at first until you get to know her and the families better. I have never dated a bar girl but have friends who have but I can assure that if I was too i would be careful until I really got to know her. There are places back home that I would not go to late at night because I am aware that it could be potentialy dangerous. Certain bars or pubs or streets that you just dont go to. It is the same as Thailand but we just need to be aware of what the dangers are here. It is not the streets or the clubs its the way we react or treat the Thais that can really be the dangers. People that piss us off, most of us that have been here for a while would know to just smile unlike back home where you probably wouldnt back down. Here it is different, you just smile and thats that. Walk away cause its not worth it. IMO

I think many of need to understand that many Thais (not all) do not value life as much as we do ours (this can be said about many farang as well). This is clearly demonstrated with their driving of cars and motorbikes at high speeds. Not thinking about the concequences of their actions. I wouldnt get into a fight with a Thai because I dont know what they are capable of.

My deepest sympathy goes to the family and friends of the victim.

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dont learn thai -then you cant understand what they are saying about you

Actually, if anything, understanding what Thai people say about you when they do not think you understand, makes you humble. Mostly nothing nasty at all, except when warranted. So if you are acting like a decent person, fear not the comments.

I do agree, I wandered the first 2 years in thailand with wealthy and well educated thai people. Going only in decent places, and it was more than nice. People were more than nice.

Problem started to going on when after 2 years I was still here. I get the feelings I was invited to move back home to let the place to a new one, with bigger wealth that I have (sorry I am in the category work 7days/weeks 16 hours a day, not a even a middle class entrpreneur).

One simple and very sade point abot that feeling :

I went in Thailand because I loved someone here. This person was a singing teacher, also a TV producer. Smart, wealthy well educated, from an kinda important familly (one uncle was till recently the second in command of the immigration Police). As this person was also a ladyboy, I prefered come here and suffer the life of an imigrate rather than have her come in France and stay there as a travestite without any carrer opportunity.

Life is life, and our relationship lasted only 18 month. I did mistakes who led to our separation. But even after that we stayed in touch, because feelings were real and deep.

3 weeks ago I learned this person had pass away. And amongst all the people close to her I knew, and who often called me their friends, all and the familly decided to no tell me she wasdead, on the ground I was oonly a farang. Happilly one thought I have to know the sad news, because I was honest in my feelings for her. So, imagine how they were shocked when I went to temple for her funerals ....

I precise, even if I am not wealthy, I work for my living, I do not to hook up in Nana or patpong, my appartment is not a short time hotel, and I am from a respectable familly, existing since 1200 years. SO there is no reason to put ostracism on me ... maybe just because anyway I was just a farang, maybe bccause I have nothing to do here, because I would offend their sense if I go to temple ... because anyway it's thailand, it's thai people, and never I (you) will be accepted as equal by the population (some individual do, but the group never do it).

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Thai police investigate NZ man's death

Police in Thailand are investigating the stabbing to death of a New Zealand man in the capital, Bangkok.

The 32-year-old, who worked as an English language teacher, was stabbed during a fight in his 10th floor apartment.

Thai police say he had been watching England's match against Portugal in the Football World Cup, with his girlfriend and another man.

A fight broke out and he received several stab wounds, and died later in hospital.

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson says Healey's identity has been confirmed, and his next of kin notified.

The ministry understands no arrests have been made at this time.

Source: TVNZ.co.nz - 3 July 2006

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England has murders everyday? Why don't you mention this?!

Statistically, one is safer in Thailand than in England, you bastard racists!

Thailand has a higher murder rate than England for one.

The other point that people seem to be missing is that no matter who's country the murder takes place in, it still wrong to take another human life.

Many on this board have turned this topic into a debate on Thailand's living standards and crime rates. Others dismiss this becasue "it happens everywhere". There are also posts telling those who dont like it to "go back home", my statement to those people: If nobody asked questions as to what goes wrong within a country then nothing changes. People here are well within their right to vent frustrations at the Thai system, if everybody who doesn't like it "goes home" then nothing here will ever change.

Thai people are masters of accepting things without question, and just look where it has got them.

The people who post on this site are expats, and to many (including myself) Thailand IS home. We have houses, cars, wives, businesses, and freinds.

The comments made about Thailands downfalls should not be taken as a write off of the country, but as a positive step forward towards change.


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My heartfelt condolences to the kin of the victim.

Just wondering how long before the official story changes to "attempted rape thwarted by irate boyfriend with fatal consequences". TIT. :o

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Just some (surprising to me) information on murder rates


#1 Colombia 0.617847 per 1,000 people

#2 South Africa 0.496008 per 1,000 people

#3 Jamaica 0.324196 per 1,000 people

#4 Venezuela 0.316138 per 1,000 people

#5 Russia 0.201534 per 1,000 people

#6 Mexico 0.130213 per 1,000 people

#7 Estonia 0.107277 per 1,000 people

#8 Latvia 0.10393 per 1,000 people

#9 Lithuania 0.102863 per 1,000 people

#10 Belarus 0.0983495 per 1,000 people

#11 Ukraine 0.094006 per 1,000 people

#12 Papua New Guinea 0.0838593 per 1,000 people

#13 Kyrgyzstan 0.0802565 per 1,000 people

#14 Thailand 0.0800798 per 1,000 people

#15 Moldova 0.0781145 per 1,000 people

#16 Zimbabwe 0.0749938 per 1,000 people

#17 Seychelles 0.0739025 per 1,000 people

#18 Zambia 0.070769 per 1,000 people

#19 Costa Rica 0.061006 per 1,000 people

#20 Poland 0.0562789 per 1,000 people

#21 Georgia 0.0511011 per 1,000 people

#22 Uruguay 0.045082 per 1,000 people

#23 Bulgaria 0.0445638 per 1,000 people

#24 United States 0.042802 per 1,000 people

#25 Armenia 0.0425746 per 1,000 people

#26 India 0.0344083 per 1,000 people

#27 Yemen 0.0336276 per 1,000 people

#28 Dominica 0.0289733 per 1,000 people

#29 Azerbaijan 0.0285642 per 1,000 people

#30 Finland 0.0283362 per 1,000 people

Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention)

May sound snide, but my guess is that there is a higher incidence of unreported murder in less-developed countries as well.

Regardless, we all know risky behavior combined with alcohol leads to "interesting" results pretty much everywhere!

what is your stats for..foreigners here..how many foreigners..how many murdered..i say this because it would be nice to know..and we can see..if their are more being murdered..over the last 5-10 years..we keep hearing there are more foreigners here then 5-10 years ago..does anybody know the stats

If your that negative about the place then why visit here or post on a thailand based forum? :o

i live here dave, i have a house here dave, i am a foreigner dave, i am married to a thai for 11 years dave, are you thai dave, are you a foreigner dave, do you live in thailand dave.. if so you should ask questions. just because the guy was not from the united states like me dave, does not make me less concerned..we are all foreigners dave.. livng in a foreign country dave, and maybe we should start sticking together dave. maybe we should ask what is the government doing about this..dave..is their an increase of murders of foreigners.. do you know dave. how many foreigners live here dave..can you tell me.. i spoke last week with a thai girl who lives in pattaya. i asked her if its nice there, she told me its beautiful..except for all the foreigners..dave..i guess since your thai she was not talking about you, too. ( and this is coming from a girl who makes her money from foreigners ) if you know what i mean ...dave..

Does that make you an expert then?

i spoke last week with a thai girl who lives in pattaya. i asked her if its nice there, she told me its beautiful..except for all the foreigners..

And???? does her input mean anything?

Do your homework on this forum and you'll see that I live here Tom, I have a house here Tom, I have a wife here Tom, I have a business here Tom, I have a work permit here Tom, I'm also English tom.

with regards to sticking together!! I stick together with those that are important to me only. :D

Recent murders here regarding farangs were planned IMO.


Dave......Tom :D

......and most probably all made possible for you because you have a THAI wife , no doubt? wonder how the wife must feel and think about comments made about her country and the folk of Thailand or is it not just that important what with the good lady thinks /feels as she is a Thai after all?.

Are negatitive comments made about Thailand made because the underline problem is that the people who make them are unhappy because their own lives are in turmoil and its so easy to direct the blame to others ?, my experience of Thailand has so far been that the happy folk (expats) who have made a good and peaceful life here and are content with their families and in their marriages will listen to all openions and smile.

Is this aimed at me? My wife has nothing to do with my business or my buying a house, I do not have a marriage visa.

I have never slagged of this country on this forum. :D

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Enough flaming and enough off-topic slagging of every country on the planet.

Lets try to keep this on topic or, like every other topic similar to this one which turned into off-topic flame fests, it will be closed.

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The guy across the street from our new house at least said it clearly:

Another neighbor was complaining about this guy's barking dogs. I said in English that I could hear them too. He replied:

"This is not your country. This is Thailand. You cannot talk. <deleted> you." It appears he speaks pretty good English.

He's obviously disturbed -- my wife said his language in Thai was very ugly, too. But at least he really said it outloud and clearly. Better, I suppose, than smiling and saying it behind your back

Amen, Ora pro Nobis.

Anyway, we will change nothing. Fact those thai people who accept the reality are not staying here, but going abroad with their skills, knowledge and wills. Those who stay here are people who mostly do not have the capacities to compete in other countries. By so they get frustrate, bitter , looking only to get what they consider their rightfull rights and that is alas owned by some white monkeys (I speak about caucasian people because I am sure Dave can explain us best how thai people love Arabs or african person, it is not Dave?).

On the other hands, it apply for a part of thai population, not to all thai people.It's alas cultural, and still widely used to explain why the SET went down last year, why OTOP have fail, why taxy drivers can not have sex with an young english girl (last year also) .... und so weiter.

But yes, or we accept it, or we have to leave it. But even if massively we move away of LOS, be sure it will be without any of what we had when we came here. We was us is now rightfully and legally owned by thai people, and I bet even your assets will be frozen if too much foreigners decide to walk away.

I read Dave in thailand quoting he have an house here. Wonder how he can say so. Maybe he used his money to allow his wife to buy an house. In that case , what if he leave the country? Your wife still own it, but what about the kids? They will not, so who will inherit it? Uncle? aunt? Do your kids will ever go there when your wife will pass away? Ispeak about house, I know it';s irrelevant (for now) about condo. Anyway Dave, LOS thank you to have given your money, still thank you to run a business here and by so give more money. The only problem is : as all foreigners you are such a pollutiion in LOS, could you simply let your money here, your business here (some wonderfull thai angels will take care of it better than you do) and simply go to hang yourself (with the others foreigners such I) somewhere else?????? It would be the ultimate proof you deeply and indeed understood the thai culture carried by a part of the thai society (A PART is a key word).

I'm not even going to waste my time explaining how i have things set up here as it quite frankly is'nt your business.

What do YOU do here if i may ask? (if you can understand my english of course?


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Don't agree with this as most attacks on westerners are provoked because of stupity or bad behaviour by westerners.


In that dear SIr, would you please state clearly with simple words of 3 syllabus or less (I am frog, so english is still a maze to me), where the NZ guy was stupid or used a bad behavior?

Or should he have to share his gf with any ######er around? I was (stupid me) thinking some thai women do not work in Nana and are not interrested in swinging?

Does bad behavior include the fact to help the lady?

Please DaveinThailand, you seems to know all about Thailand, thai people and <deleted>**** and smelly westerner, enlight me, I need to know how to behave when I am with drunk and stupid thai men? Please tell me, because I do not have (as the NZ also seems to not have) any clues on how to behave correctly.

Without irony, the root problem is culturally a girl who stand by a foreigner (mean who is behaving as a gf or a wife) is still considered low person by an important part of the thai population. Important mean not all, but mean you still have to deal with this situation. This behavior is often carried out by motorcycle boy, taxy, condo guards ....All people too ugly, too poor and too stupid to have a chance to get a 20 y old student as gf (and then as wife). Mostly those people can not imagine the girl can really choose to share a farang life or raise a familly with him. They simply consider if she have sex with a farang, so she is ready to have sex with anybody. Because she became low class by standing with a farang.

Last point, I drink only iced tea, alcohol is baned from my room, and by so I watched world cup games (my thai friends think is 'mei sanook' if they can not express themself with 2 or 3 liter of beer chang). Anyway, but it's OT, in 5 years I get some marvellous rship, but the only person close to what I call a friend is a US man, others are mostly friend when you are able to pay their drink, in other case they are so sorry ....

That comment was based on this earlier statement-

It is time for the Embassy's of European and other western countries to place travelers notice (Warnings) on their web sites informing the general public what they can truly expect to find when traveling to Thailand - this I'm sure would hit home with the locals as it would have the impact of curbing travel to Thailand - and I'm sure the government here does not want the world to know of these almost daily attacks on westerners. The result to the tourist industry would be felt in lost dollars something the government cannot afford.

I don't agree with the feeling that westerners are attcked daily for nothing.

After living in Pattaya (the worst place as people reckon) I feel quite comfortable saying this, alot of incidents here are because of drunken behavior or rudeness by farangs.

Not all cases but some.

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Just to add... I'm getting a bit sick and bored with this anti & "dangerous" Thailand crap.

Alot of us live here and have NEVER had a problem!

This is the best Thai forum and its being over run with "don't go to Thailand its too dangerous" rubbish, probably a bit off putting for members that are looking to visit.

If you live your life here a certain way then its possible that you will at some point land in hot water! I see it everyday and night.

I live here, I work here, I pay tax here, I'm married, don't screw behind the wifes back, Support her kids (who live with us) and unless someone wants to do me over then I'm not walking around being cautious as theres no need to.


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Just to add... I'm getting a bit sick and bored with this anti & "dangerous" Thailand crap.

Alot of us live here and have NEVER had a problem!

This is the best Thai forum and its being over run with "don't go to Thailand its too dangerous" rubbish, probably a bit off putting for members that are looking to visit.

If you live your life here a certain way then its possible that you will at some point land in hot water! I see it everyday and night.

I live here, I work here, I pay tax here, I'm married, don't screw behind the wifes back, Support her kids (who live with us) and unless someone wants to do me over then I'm not walking around being cautious as theres no need to.


Dave as allways you are correct, lets keep the posts positive, we can find any number of negative things in any country.

I will close this one now as it is redundant

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