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Villa Market At It Again!


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Just a word of warning to anyone shopping at Villa market on Phaholyothin 8.Previously I found them at it labelling over old bacon and putting new sell by dates on it. That was resolved ONLY having created a fuss on this site, and Villa supposedly amended their ways. Until recently!!!!!

I went along about 3 weeks ago looking for western type crumpets and English muffins.

I found some in the refrigerated section. The manufacturers sell by date could just about be made out on the side of the packet April 06. TWO months out of date. If that wasnt bad enough the plastic holders at the top of the breads had either been tampered with so the original sell by date could not be seen or in some cases removed and replaced by another with no date on it!. They also had villa market stickers on giving a sell by date for Juneexpiring 3 days later.

Appalled by this but understanding that it is like P*ssing in the wind complaining, I left the store.

I was in the same store a week later, and the same breads and crumpets were there with yet another "new" sell by date on them, the same a week later with yet another new sell by date.

Obviously Villa still have the practice of re labelling old stock with new sell by dates. Not only do I find this pathetic and annoying, it is also potentially dangerous.

I will only purchase tinned products from this shop and then only when absolutely neccessary.

I would never ever recommend buying any so called fresh produce or meats from Villa because they have done in the past and continue to sell old product as if it were fresh.

I hope to bring this to the light of all shoppers BEWARE!!!

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I remember reading sometime back about Villa's unhealthy practices. We don't shop at Villa, but I know of some coworkers who do so I will pass this warning on to them. It's not uncommon to see out of date stock still on the shelves...I've seen it quite often at the mom and pop stores with things like peanut butter and soda. That's not so bad since those things don't really go sour and are often good past their expiry date anyway. Things like dairy products and meats don't keep nearly as long so you really have to check the dates on those.

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Hi Jack,

Thanks for the warning.

Should we consider bring them to court to find out who are the people responsible behind this?

If you have 100% proof of it I would be willing to donate money and help you winning the case.

I am just tired and frustrated about things like this.

Kind regards,


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Hi Jack,

Thanks for the warning.

Should we consider bring them to court to find out who are the people responsible behind this?

If you have 100% proof of it I would be willing to donate money and help you winning the case.

I am just tired and frustrated about things like this.

Kind regards,


I think the best way to get back at these crooks is to bring it to everybodys notice. Remember we are in Thailand!!

Its bad enough having out of date stock and charging highly inflated prices, but when they try to deceive the buyer into thinking a product is fresh, then that is premeditated deception. They have done it before and they are continuing doing it today.

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i got rob by them with some packed ham ( out date with new labels ) , I decide not to go back to any villa market shops ever

It doesnt surprise me. I just think that people should be made aware of this. But also look closely as any Western made foods which are imported still have their sell by dates on somewhere. Even though Villa do their upmost to either delete or disguise, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

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i got rob by them with some packed ham ( out date with new labels ) , I decide not to go back to any villa market shops ever

It doesnt surprise me. I just think that people should be made aware of this. But also look closely as any Western made foods which are imported still have their sell by dates on somewhere. Even though Villa do their upmost to either delete or disguise, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

I agree that Villa should not be doing this, but, on the other hand, what are they supposed to do with unsold stock? It is expensive as heck to import this stuff.

Maybe Thailand should drop all the silly tarrifs on foreign food and alchohol? :o

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i got rob by them with some packed ham ( out date with new labels ) , I decide not to go back to any villa market shops ever

It doesnt surprise me. I just think that people should be made aware of this. But also look closely as any Western made foods which are imported still have their sell by dates on somewhere. Even though Villa do their upmost to either delete or disguise, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

I agree that Villa should not be doing this, but, on the other hand, what are they supposed to do with unsold stock? It is expensive as heck to import this stuff.

Maybe Thailand should drop all the silly tarrifs on foreign food and alchohol? :o

So because they have out of date stock, they should be allowed to re label it as fresh??

Apart from anything else it is potentially dangerous!!

They should be organised and maybe a couple of days before the sell by date offer the goods at a reduced price. But hey farangs have more money than sense, they are so stupid, they will never know the difference. Well Villa this one has found you out and I hope that this bad press will make you think again before you stoop to these depths.

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i got rob by them with some packed ham ( out date with new labels ) , I decide not to go back to any villa market shops ever

It doesnt surprise me. I just think that people should be made aware of this. But also look closely as any Western made foods which are imported still have their sell by dates on somewhere. Even though Villa do their upmost to either delete or disguise, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

I agree that Villa should not be doing this, but, on the other hand, what are they supposed to do with unsold stock? It is expensive as heck to import this stuff.

Maybe Thailand should drop all the silly tarrifs on foreign food and alchohol? :o

Maybe they can sell it cheap to a certain 'Dog' for his dogs? :D

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Lived in bangkok for a while but was always wary of Villa, it seemed a bit seemy. I'd buy packaged goods, and fruits and vegetables, but that's it. I just thought it was the nature of getting foreign food in Thailand, and I was lucky to get any at all, until...

I moved to Chiang Mai, and got a load of Rimping Market. The new store they opened up on the ring road is exactly like a supermarket in the states. Nice wide isles, impeccably clean and a huge range of products from overseas. Seriously if it wasn't for the 30 varieties of prawn crackers, you wouldn't know you weren't in an American supermarket.

I don't know if they have a branch in Bangkok (there are no Villas up here), but if you find one it might be worth a look.

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i got rob by them with some packed ham ( out date with new labels ) , I decide not to go back to any villa market shops ever

It doesnt surprise me. I just think that people should be made aware of this. But also look closely as any Western made foods which are imported still have their sell by dates on somewhere. Even though Villa do their upmost to either delete or disguise, if you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

I agree that Villa should not be doing this

So because they have out of date stock, they should be allowed to re label it as fresh??

Is THAT what I said? :o

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So because they have out of date stock, they should be allowed to re label it as fresh??

Maybe shoot some steroids and a little food coloring in?

Fresh as new! :o

Please dont give the management any ideas, they will probably try it!!!

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So because they have out of date stock, they should be allowed to re label it as fresh??

Maybe shoot some steroids and a little food coloring in?

Fresh as new! :o

Then they could sell it at McDonalds! :D

To only dumb Farang though... :D

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So because they have out of date stock, they should be allowed to re label it as fresh??

Maybe shoot some steroids and a little food coloring in?

Fresh as new! :o

Then they could sell it at McDonalds! :D

To only dumb Farang though... :D

Thats odd, when I walk by McDonalds the line is always 99% "stupid?" Thais.

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Naturally all that imported stuff they sell goes out of date. They charge 20% more than foodland on the stuff. And as UG stated, the tariffs on the crap is exhorbitant and on top of this they gouge. Now did you really expect them to pull out of code products? LOL. What, did you think this is the US or something? they pull products, they lose money. They will go to the greatest of lengths to make as much as they can and lose not a single baht. I walk into the place from time to time to observe the beer (which of course is horrifically stale) and I always get a kick out of seeing the farangs shopping there as if it were god's gift to BKK shopping. LOL. I was always bewildered how the Villa in Chit Lom basement stayed in business. A crapload of dust collects on the goods in that place. Also, I have never, ever seen a supermarket in a mall in the US, EVER. This must be a Thai concept. No one, I mean no one goes to the mall for groceries. rofLmao

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Naturally all that imported stuff they sell goes out of date. They charge 20% more than foodland on the stuff. And as UG stated, the tariffs on the crap is exhorbitant and on top of this they gouge. Now did you really expect them to pull out of code products? LOL. What, did you think this is the US or something? they pull products, they lose money. They will go to the greatest of lengths to make as much as they can and lose not a single baht. I walk into the place from time to time to observe the beer (which of course is horrifically stale) and I always get a kick out of seeing the farangs shopping there as if it were god's gift to BKK shopping. LOL. I was always bewildered how the Villa in Chit Lom basement stayed in business. A crapload of dust collects on the goods in that place. Also, I have never, ever seen a supermarket in a mall in the US, EVER. This must be a Thai concept. No one, I mean no one goes to the mall for groceries. rofLmao

Fair comment.

I have been here for 7 years, and when I first arrived Villa had a good reputation. I think that most farangs who do shop there are simply not aware of the fact that this re labelling and deceit goes on.I just wanted to make the unsuspecting aware of what is happening.

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didnt I read in any earlier thread about the VILLA scam that there is some kind of "Bangkok food police" ? why not report to them or report to the big THAI newspapers (maybe even reporting to BKK Post or The Nation would make sense....) worth a try, isnt it ?

thanks god I never have such problems when shopping at my beloved CARREFOUR :o

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Frankly I think the majority of Villa Customers don’t even look at the pricing on items, much less their expiry date.

It became something of an “institution” among older Expats in Thailand from the early 70’s when it was established – it used to be the only place one could buy Heinz Baked Beans, Branston Pickle, Ribena etc. until the annual Ploenchit Fair for example :o .

I must confess that until fairly recently I was in that category, I never looked at labels, and just picked up what attracted my attention: That was until a few months ago when I noticed a note attached to one of the Tills in Villa Soi 33/1, which read, in Thai, “Mr. XXXX will send his Driver to give a cheque for this Bill today” …….. the Bill was in excess of Baht 300,000.- . (This was an individuals’ Account, not a Hotel, and the Statement was current – i.e. it was not an overdue account covering several months).

Despite the fact that I have been a customer for over 30 years I never had an Account at Villa so when I arrived home I checked my Credit Card statements and found that on average I was spending just under Baht 17,000.- a month there ……… without thinking whether or not I was getting value for money (much less worrying about whether or not the food was past its’ sell by date!).

The last few months have been a revelation, my monthly bill at Villa is now less than Baht 6,000.- a month and overall I guess I am saving in excess of Baht 2.000.- or so by doing the balance of my general shopping at Carrefour or Tops etc..

It’s quite amazing how certain habits become so engrained one never thinks to question the routine.


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Slightly off-topic, but hopefully close enough... I bought a plastic watering can in Big C recently - the type that is manufactured in two halves and then welded together by heating the plastic. I didn't notice that the seam at the bottom had a split in it about 10cm long and up to 1 mm wide.

I had often wondered if returned goods were put back on the shelves for other unsuspecting customers to buy, so I wrote my initials inside the can - where the water goes in - and took it back.

At Big C they had the cheek to ask if the split was there when I bought it. :o Anyway, after filling in the form I got my money back.

A few days later I was back in Big C and had a look at the watering cans. Sure enough, there was my one with the broken seam - and my initials - back on the shelf.

Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware - everywhere. :D

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The way Villa handled the original problem report that was well documented here was in my opinion a farce. They claimed they corrected the problem and apologized and that just didn't sit well with me at the time. Where was the accountability? Why wasn't the cheater fired to set an example of what is unacceptable conduct to the rest of the staff? It was plain as day they were concerned about image, but not substance and it's no surprise to see they are back to cheating customers in exactly the same way again.

I recently had an experience at Villa. I bought an avocado, choosing a Thai local one because it was cheaper and really I wanted to support the local produce versus one of the usual nice Haas ones from NZ. Upon opening it the very same day I was shocked to see it was gruesomely moldy inside worse than any produce I've seen in my life. I've never returned anything at a market but this I thought was at least worth bringing to their attention and went back and raised the issue. They told me I could replace it with a new one, but they had since either run out or threw out all the local avocados and when I reached for an imported one they said no, that costs 20 baht more than the one I bought! They refused to do anything other than give me a form and said when they get Thai avocados again I can get a free one. For months now I've patiently been waiting with this form at the ready for them to appear again, but they never have. But I haven't given up to see what will happen. To be continued...

I really hope anytime anyone sees tampering of use by dates, especially Villa who claims they don't do this, they report it to the authorities. I think there is a phone# in the original thread of who to contact. I honestly don't check the use by dates except on perishables, just trusting the stores but will start looking carefully when I go to Villa.

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Even though UG is right about the high tariffs, the decent thing for Villa to do would be to sell the stock about to expire at a reduced price and take the resulting loss.

The loss of credibility caused by this kind of cheating should surely be a greater blow to their long term business?

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The best supermarket by far I think, is Foodland.

To be honest, I don't check the sell by date unless it milk or something perishable....(a product of my upbringing where everything leftover and was thrown into a 'casserol' on Sunday nights!) but because they are open 24 hours, the ones in places like Suk Soi 5 I'd assume have a quick turnover of their stock, thus less need to check.

In terms of prices for local goods, they don't gouge you enough to make it worth your while to go elsewhere if you are doing an emergency shop, and their range of meats, fish etc are excellent and value for money. We also reckon they are cheaper than Careforre for the stuff we like to buy at home.

Villa for me has rested on its laurals for too long and the laziness of the well compensed expat who use it as a one stop shop, and IMHO their product range is more American focused than other places (nothing wrong with that though if you like American goods!), but I am impressed for instance on the range of Australian and UK products at other places. Many better supermarkets about such as Central Market Place at Chitlom about now.

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