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Ever encounter any supernatural in Thailand?


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In a small village between Mukdahan and Nong Sung, several young men died inexplicably over a number of months. The women began to erect small dummies of men dressed in red at the front of their homes. The explanation was that there was a female ghost who came t night for the men. Erecting the red dolls stopped her from entering the home and diverted her attention to the doll. Because so many homes had this doll in front of the house, one must admit it was part of the villagers reality.

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Not want to go into detail but on my very first day in Thailand i had a startling telepathy/ mind reading episode...

This is the rub. What's supernatural and what's naturally normal, but highly unusual for us daily? Just reading the posts here recalls that people who adamantly reject the unseen world are the ones least likely to experience "supernatural" events. Of course this then is self reinforcing as it always others who say this, or that. The evidence is beyond dispute, especially regarding current metadata studies, that something is going on regarding telepathy/clairvoyance.

Example: approx 15 years ago researchers set up RNG (Random Number Generators), hosted around the world by various institutions. These devices spit out... Right! Random numbers in a steady, predictable pattern. The study was set up to determine if major events which rapt the attention regionally or globally impacted the RNG. The first up was 9/11. There were stunning changes on the order of billions to one that the change in the RNG was chance. This and numerous other studies, that have been repeated and metadata analyzed over hundreds of disparate studies, indicate that "yes" telepathy exists.

You can share your story. These cantankerous old narrow minded geezers on TV are on the wrong side of science and history.

PS: Yes, I can cite many studies!

oh really, well present this 'evidence' for peer review, then for re-testing by other scientists, and then win the noble prize perhaps,

what rubbish there has never been one successful scientific experiment that even remotely proves this medieval mumbo jumbo,

if there is such fabulous evidence why is it not front page news,? i suppose there is a conspiracy preventing it right!!

did the enlightenment happen or am i just fooling myself?

Have you re read your poet. Besides your legitimate request for me to produce a study you sound like a buffoon, the type of person others intentionally spill drinks on. Your hardly worth my effort, clown. However, I will pull up the meta study and upload after coffee. Bitter fool.

This little exchange is so typicle, a newager puts out some woo, a skeptic questions the validity the woo, the newager then attacks the skeptic with insults. Notice that skeptics almost always argue their ideas without any personal attacks, the wooists almost always turn to insults againts nonbelievers, same as many religious fanatics.

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Not want to go into detail but on my very first day in Thailand i had a startling telepathy/ mind reading episode...

This is the rub. What's supernatural and what's naturally normal, but highly unusual for us daily? Just reading the posts here recalls that people who adamantly reject the unseen world are the ones least likely to experience "supernatural" events. Of course this then is self reinforcing as it always others who say this, or that. The evidence is beyond dispute, especially regarding current metadata studies, that something is going on regarding telepathy/clairvoyance.

Example: approx 15 years ago researchers set up RNG (Random Number Generators), hosted around the world by various institutions. These devices spit out... Right! Random numbers in a steady, predictable pattern. The study was set up to determine if major events which rapt the attention regionally or globally impacted the RNG. The first up was 9/11. There were stunning changes on the order of billions to one that the change in the RNG was chance. This and numerous other studies, that have been repeated and metadata analyzed over hundreds of disparate studies, indicate that "yes" telepathy exists.

You can share your story. These cantankerous old narrow minded geezers on TV are on the wrong side of science and history.

PS: Yes, I can cite many studies!

oh really, well present this 'evidence' for peer review, then for re-testing by other scientists, and then win the noble prize perhaps,

what rubbish there has never been one successful scientific experiment that even remotely proves this medieval mumbo jumbo,

if there is such fabulous evidence why is it not front page news,? i suppose there is a conspiracy preventing it right!!

did the enlightenment happen or am i just fooling myself?

Have you re read your poet. Besides your legitimate request for me to produce a study you sound like a buffoon, the type of person others intentionally spill drinks on. Your hardly worth my effort, clown. However, I will pull up the meta study and upload after coffee. Bitter fool.

This little exchange is so typicle, a newager puts out some woo, a skeptic questions the validity the woo, the newager then attacks the skeptic with insults. Notice that skeptics almost always argue their ideas without any personal attacks, the wooists almost always turn to insults againts nonbelievers, same as many religious fanatics.

Since Ive never began discourse with attacking others, only responding, I can't imagine you mean me. Perhaps "buffoon" was too much, yet barely. When the well is poisoned by suggesting any further comment I make is "conspiracy," then that is an ad hominen=personal attack by definition. Therefore, it's unclear from your quotes who you reference.

Generally, insulting others is repugnant and reflects poorly. "Clown, buffoon! fool;" is, I agree, a bit much but clearly not the first insults thrown. See facts as you will but you enter the conversation not with useful objectivity but with your own ad hominen attacks. You differ little from what you oppose; "wooist, fanatic, newager (pejorative intended);" Straw man: "Religious." You differ little from the person this exchange also references except you cloak yourself in maturity and admonishment. You define your own post!

My point remains valid: there are likely very good as of yet unknown reasons why a majority on people who have ever lived believe in ghosts. When science can assert with certainty what "mind" or "consciousness" is then I'll concede what sciences declares to be the final word. Until then science, by omission, suggests it lacks the tools to even conceive the proper tests to rule-out psychic activity, ghosts, survival of the soul, PSI! (I have never seen a ghost and usually find easily explainable reasons for a host of "scary" events. Yet people who insist there are no ghosts (self described 'skeptics') are actually the ones employing reverse bias, fear, narrow-mindedness, and "newager" thinking. They bring nothing but exclusion and omission to the debate. Discarding much of the human condition and what cultures, traditions, religious, mystical, and indeed parts of science have had to say on the issue, they rely on a narrow slice of the sensory scientific method, and personal bias, and declare the majority of all humans who ever lived "conspiracy [theorists]" or "newagers" and other attacks. Clearly this is the new age thinking and not the historical norm of human history! In the long train of history they are the "fanatics!"

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Naturally most supernatural events take place not here, but are observed within the United States. This prevalence of paranormal activity is a humanly observable side effect of an exorbitant amount of extraterrestrial traffic within the country. While to the uninitiated it may seem there is an unusually high number of such observances compared to the population, one must understand there is a whole nation on the lookout and hare-brained hair-triggered to explain every supermundane event by world unexplainable. America, I salute you standing tall in the face of science!!

(I apologise for being slightly OT, but I could tele-pathetically sense a large number of the enlightened reading this thread. It's just that I'm physically too far right now to teleport a personal message onto each one's desk.)

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