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roberta,s dilemma and anybody else.

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to follow up from the interest forum on info.on finances and what you actually need to live in Thailand.

there are plenty of us that have seen it all here,for me the last 30yrs.what I can remember exchange rates at 36-98bht.to the uk.pound.interest rates of 13%-2%.

as this is for roberta he does need to look and see exactly what he has and what he can live on,reading his posts I don't think Thailand at the moment is for him.to live comfortable he needs to put everything down on paper on expences vs income.6%-8% he can forget about that,he should calculate at around 2.8%-3% maximum.as he has been told tax on fixed deposits is 15% but you have an allowance of 150,000bht.which if he reads in the bank interest forum he will find its easy to reclaim.the next 150,000bht.earned is taxed at 5%,so all in all if he has an income from fixed accs.of 300,000bht.he will pay only 7,500bht.tax.but he should look at an income of 600,000bht.at least.

now for expenditure,there is so much he does need to look at this not at what he hopes to get in income but at I would say at a maximum of 2%.

rent,and where he's going to live,the diff.between a tourist area and a not so popular city.

heath unless he has international cover,its very expensive here.

food has gone up and is still on the rise.

a car is almost double to what he would pay in the uk.

there is visa fees which are not cheap[they are here in other forums.

then there is perhaps the most important,your entertainment,you will find all the information on this almost on every page.

there has been quite a few[many] sad stories of not having enough money to live on and having to beg for a ticket to get them home.

good luck and be free to ask anything your not sure about.

Edited by meatboy
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