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Female prospective?


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Before I start this is not a Thai girl/lady bashing as my question could relate to a woman from any country.

I've been with my lady for 9 months now, we get on very well and she's told her parents about me, or so she says as I've not met them for obvious reasons.

I trust her yet I've this gut feeling something is not 100% right.

When we started dating she asked me if I was on Facebook to which I said yes. She asked can I add her to which I said yes of course.

Yet up until today she's never accepted the request.

I've spoken to her about this and she states it won't let her accept me as a friend. At first I accepted this because she said her account has been hacked etc.

So when she went back to Thailand she said that she would sort it out.

Then came other excuses such as I don't want my family to see you. Which I accepted as at that point only her sister, brother and mother knew about me, Dad couldn't know.

6 months later she's back in the UK. She said that she would add once back in the UK because her dad wouldn't be able to question her.

So far nothing. Now don't get me wrong I don't think Facebook is overly important in life but what concerns me is the fact she hides and makes up reason's why she cannot add me,after all it was her that wanted my Facebook in the first place.

I'm not being childish about this but it's just a little weird from what I'm used to . I've had and friends have had their gf or bf on their Facebook. Only one's that haven't have been because they are "players".

If she never asked in the first place then I probably wouldn't be as bothered. She even said I'll set up a new Facebook for us to share.

We also currently live together at the moment.

So I guess from a thai lady point of view is this normal? I ask because my female and male uk friends are starting to get suspicious of her and getting a bit pprotective due to my previous partner.

Any input would be appreciated that's not bias from my friend's.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place.
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Pick up her ipad and just send yourself a friend request on her FB and except! Done! Alternatively send her another friend request, then pick up her ipad and press accept - done!


You'll see a big rat head pop up and a guy with huge eyebrows.

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Pick up her ipad and just send yourself a friend request on her FB and except! Done! Alternatively send her another friend request, then pick up her ipad and press accept - done!

I wouldn't waste my time, what's wrong with you pussies? What's Facebook? Who gives a flying leap?

Clearly the OP needs to man up and start banging this lasses friends, sister, mother and anything else he can get his hands on. Time to show her who's running the show, make sure to plaster ur exploits all over your page, she will join ur face team in no time ;)
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Mr. Costas have you got this bird's Facebook address?

Oh god, he's probably been milking her.
Definitely I bet she could drink her weight in Badger Milk.

She's seen enuf badgers milk to start up her own dairy. The OP Is being played, time he gave his own ferret a spin, no shortage of places to do this in LOS.
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