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"We are Thais. Our Hearts flow with goodness"

Deacon Bell

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This is what I heard being sung in a Kindergarten today. w00t.gif

Rao khon Thai, nam jai dee.

Along with other bits and pieces of comedy, all glossed up in a very catchy marching type song for the kids and teachers to bellow.

Made me scratch my head and guffaw at the same time. laugh.png

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Whats your point ?

I found it very funny, I think many non-Thais living here for a while would do so too. :)

I have been here a number of years and know many others too, dont see anything "funny" about school kids singing songs.
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Clearly your ulterior purpose of posting this was veiled in case it went badly; it did. Posters realized quickly you were simply finding it incredulous that Thai's inculcate to children their "hearts flow with goodness," and you offered this to the forum so others could join you in Thai-Bashing. I wouldn't bother defending this further, a "kindergarten" child could see through your intention. Perhaps you'd consider why you found this "funny." I think its pretty cool!

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