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Ukrainian tour operators offer trips to war zone


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Ukrainian tour operators offer trips to war zone

UKRAINE: -- Opportunist tourism companies have sprung up in the Ukraine offering visitors trips to the war zone, with prices starting at 50 GBP and including a flak jacket.

The trips to the battle zone in the east of the country where hundreds of people have been killed range from the cheaper end to the more expensive 400 GBP outings to areas where there is active fighting.

The risk of being shot is reduced by traveling in an armoured vehicle although some may prefer to go to less high-risk areas where destroyed bridges, exploded armoured vehicles and bombed out buildings can be seen and photographed.

Adverts for the trips are being put up in tourism areas and also over the border in neighbouring countries, with phrases like: "Impress your friends with the ultimate selfies" or "see where the fighting is actually taking place".

The tours each last around two hours and some include an armed guard.

Several people that have visited on the tours and posted images on social networking sites also talked about picking up souvenirs, including bullet cases and pieces of blackened rubble to take home as a keepsake.

However others branded the tours as sick and those that took part in them as weird, saying that the war was a tragedy and not something to be make light of as a tourism trip.

Source: http://www.eturbonews.com/48624/ukrainian-tour-operators-offer-trips-war-zone

-- eTN 2014-08-01

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Lost for words, can't belive these lot would think about touring there, also the tourists who go have nothing upstairs ! Is it any wonder why crazy tourists find themselfs in trouble????

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What a deal.  If they offered the tourists the option to carry their own M16 and full magazines, I'd jump on the opportunity!!!  whistling.gif

/sarc off


Wonder when they'll offer trips into Gaza while it's actively being shelled. 

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2000 years from now when the Morlocks come out of their holes, the new inhabitants of the planet can tour the remains of the nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction holocaust that a bunch of psychopathic (so-called) leaders of the world end up starting. 

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