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Expatriate (Alien) Residing in Thailand...

I really want Thai Immigration to do it ... and I know they wouldn't really accept it in lieu of proper ID - Thai DL and copy of P.P. but while waiting for Thai immigration to take on this concept -- one would have a handy dandy reference of dates and numbers for issuance of Passport and Visa... plus can every one of us spell out - if we had to our soi address and get it exactly correct from memory?... Old timers probably can - but I move around a lot...

Actually some years back, immigration was going to do just this, I remember reading it on TV, but as with a lot Thailand cunning bureaucratic plans, they typically fall by the wayside over time, but one suspects with the current crack down's, impending finger printing a Thai airports etc, one suspects it will only be a matter of time before this comes a reality in Thailand.

The tricky part for them is as your only on a year turn about a time it will get quite labour intensive trying to issue this annually, I suppose its possible they could issue some sort of card to WP holders, same as a Thai DL, as provided your in the same job, your WP number doesnt change over the years

however I would see a relcutance to issue these with visa status, dates of extension etc as a "legal ID" and rely on this as form of offical "document", as it will create a whole new industry on Khao San road in fake ID cards and we will be back to having to produce a passport anyway.

So although a nice idea in principle, can also see a few pitfalls to this cunning plan

Other countries issue ID cards like the OP has suggested with visa expiry dates etc. on them and they have to be renewed yearly. A poster showed a picture of a Korean alien ID card, which showed the validity dates as being 1 year.

Therefore, if Korea can do it so can Thailand. I disagree about the labour intensive part, after all it only takes 5 minutes for driver licence offices to process new or replacement driver licences to applicants and that includes Thais, which make up the vast majority of applicants. The number of legal foreign expats residing in Thailand is a drop in the ocean compared to the number of driver license applicants, thousands of whom go through the process of licence issuance or renewal every single day. Also, the immigration offices could charge for the service, perhaps 1000 Baht or 1900 Baht or whatever, which would actually be a lot more than what driver licences cost here but in line with the costs of renewing visas/extensions of stay as is currently the case.

Immigration could declare that the cards are optional, strongly recommended them or even be mandatory for foreign expats. Since all the relevant info is contained on them, they would be able to replace or compliment the need passports for expats, during their period of validity only. If the reason for the extension changes, such as when a job ends, then just like a WP having to be returned to the labour office, these cards would need to be returned to immigration and invalidated. Immigration officers could also check their validity by checking the details on a database. But obviously immigration officers would be the only ones with this authority. People keep talking about police in general - since when do the ordinary police have any authority on immigration matters? Let the appropriate officers do their job and keep it at that.

As for the cottage industry on Khao San road, I disagree. Thai officers would be trained to identify the security characteristics on such IDs, similar to Thai driver licences. As we already know, even passports can be faked on Khao San road, so they aren't any more secure than a locally issued ID card is, that any Thai can actually READ (because they would be in Thai or bilingual Thai/English) unlike foreign passports which anyone can claim are authentic when they might not actually be. Passports from some countries like say Pakistan can probably easily be faked as they don't use the latest technology to produce and probably don't have any major security characteristics (an even better example that I'm familiar with are Vietnamese passports - which in the right hands would be very easy to fake as they don't contain biometrics or anything) and in any case only a document expert would be able to tell a fake from a real Pakistani or Afghani or Kazakhstan or Nigerian or whatever passport. There are too many variables with passports - there would be none with an official Thai ID card for expats. That's why the Khao San road scammers DON'T make fake Thai passports or fake Thai ID cards (I recall this statement being made on a Channel News Asia report on the fake passport industry in Thailand in the aftermath of MH370). Because the authorities here would actually clamp down on them hard due to being very easily able to pick out the forgeries from the originals. Thai authorities know how their documents are supposed to look like, but aren't supposed to know the differences between a German and a Korean passport, nor are they expected to be able to read or interpret passports beyond the standard information they expect to see from a passport. That's the duty of the passport offices or immigration authorities of the issuing countries. As for the stamps contained within, immigration computers should be able to determine whether a stamp inside is genuine or not.

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Anyway I think the OPs idea is a great idea. However, there needs to be a coalition of foreigners, probably through the JFCCT (Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce of Thailand) that would need to lobby the Thai immigration authorities for such a plan to be implemented. Whining and whinging foreigners on TV are NOT going to make a difference, but foreigners sticking together and jumping on the bandwagon to lobby for change ARE or at least, MIGHT. If Chinese activist groups, or Mexican activist or rights groups or Asian or African or whatever activist groups in western countries can peacefully lobby for changes in western countries (as many have done in the past and occasionally keep doing today), why can't European or other expats in Thailand do the same? I don't see the difference...

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Phuket Gazette apparently allows linking, so here goes:



That's fresh, BTW. Date of article is 22 July 2014.

I want me one of those tongue.png

Yes -- interesting ... if Thailand wants these kinds of workers and allows issuance of ID cards to help make them legal ... then a similar card could be issued to Expats... or is anyone suggesting that we become third class citizens behind illegal workers... ? So issuance of ID cards can be done and is being done... Except legitimate LEGAL long stay Expats - here in Thailand on various kinds of legally acquired visas and extensions of stay ... who are required to produce a passport if an initial Thai DL and / or photocopies of the passport and relevant pages is not good enough...

Third Class Aliens Expats are... it seems.

Face it folks - a Legally Issued ID card referencing essential valid Passport and Visa info is a reasonable concept to ask to be available to Expats ... The real passport would always have to be produced -- but in many cases with a ID Card - it would never rise to that occasion. And the real passport could be kept - safely locked up - to be brought out for travel outside Thailand...

Well strictly speaking "expats" in Thailand in a 1 year turn around, even on WP's (which includes myself BTW) have "no class" in Thailand, We are not legal residents ie PR

I really dont know why people try and infer some form of legal residence status to long term "expats" in Thailand, we dont have have any, we are temporary residents thats all and the sooner people start understanding this the better.

Do migrant workers, such as the Lao worker in the ID card above have any more rights then, or should they? Absolutely not - they simply look more similar to Thais than westerners do, from a physical perspective but that's about it. They are generally on 2 year permits to stay, so if they can get cards issued for 2 years then surely expat workers from all other countries, including those on retirement, employment and certain other categories of extension of stay should be allowed them too (even if they would only be valid for a year at a time)? Perhaps only those individuals on an actual 1-year extension of stay rather than a multi 1-year non-imm visa would qualify. I don't know as I don't make the rules. But I can't see it being very difficult to implement. As the above cards are already a precedent, then surely for other expats it wouldn't be too difficult to implement and give them essentially the same cards? Also, people keep saying that even if an original passport needs to be shown it can be (despite being in possession of this card that would or at least should contain all the same info as your passport would only in a more convenient format) well sure, but do Laotian or Burmese or Cambodian workers with these cards ALSO need to show their passports (if requested) despite all the info needed being available on the cards? Think about that for a minute, because whatever the answer is it should be the same for everyone, should this system be implemented for other expats too.

And lastly, there are up to 3-4 million migrant workers in Thailand from these 3 countries alone. According to a senior immigration official at the One Stop Service Center at Chamchuri Square in Bangkok, there are a mere 100,000 (I think she said there were something like 100,500) foreigners from other countries on work permits living and working in Thailand. That's it?! Not a very large number and OK then there's also retirees, those on marriage extensions etc. which might be here in even greater numbers but excluding those on tourist visas I'd say there can't be more than 500,000 foreigners living in Thailand (excluding migrant workers). Therefore, implementing such a scheme wouldn't be nearly as complicated as the one already in place for migrant workers, many of whom were originally illegal and didn't have any means of proof of their nationality (no local ID card, no need for their embassy/consulate to confirm their identity) other than their physical appearance, ability to speak their native language in front of someone who can speak their language and that's all that's needed to "prove" their nationality. Seems like it's just too easy for them. I wonder how I'd go if I learned to speak Burmese fluently with a native accent then. Or perhaps my linguist friend from Germany who'll beat me to it as he is doing his PhD on Burmese languages at the moment. Lol.

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Or you could just do the practical thing and keep pdf copies of visa/passport/work permit on your phone and in the cloud. That might be too easy whistling.gif


Not a bad idea.... initially.

Problem is: What prevents a person from keying in a false name, address, passport number, etc.? There ARE foreign crooks out there who would just looooove to get their hands on an ID card to hide their true identity. And that would defy the purpose, wouldn't it?

One of the other two options the Deputy Commissioner stated were photocopies of relevant pages of the passport / visa and a Thai DL ... the card I propose would be an adjunct to one of those produced at the same time. Next an officer can say - let's go get the passport with visa... sDo at that time everything had better match up or... of to jail for fraud... criminal fraud. Also - my idea of a Expatriate Alien ID Card is to generate discussion and maybe - just maybe the concept will migrate over to Thai immigration which could if they wished create a real card tied to a database... Which is the real reason I came up with this idea..

And Note: An enterprising crook can come up with a fake passport with visa and stamps...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

but it works in other countries. Similar to a Thai DL ... if Thailand issued a long stay Expatriate Alien Card (not for short term tourists)... it could have a ID number that could be verified by computer entry into an online database... The BiB figures out fake Thai DLs - or do they?

and therein is a question... does it work in other countries ?, but which ones actually issue ID cards to people who are on 1 years approvals on visa's/extensions ?

I can see this in other countries for people who are working in that country for a period of time, but all other visa/extension groups ?

As regards the ID number/ on line data base thing, again nice idea, but if you get stopped in the street, not much access to an on line data base is there ?.... however having the PP on you or copy is almost instananeous proof

;Indeed, other countries do it. When I lived in South Korea, we were issued with an Alien Registration Card. Everyone had one. I am sure it is still the same. In my year there, I was never asked for identification by the authorites; however, this was all we had to carry. We certainly didn't need to carry our passports. We didn't do any silly reporting. The ARC was linked with the immigration database, and a cop could instantly reference the number to check your visa status and personal details. They look like this:


It's not exactly rocket science! I am sure Thailand could produce something similar if they wanted to. This would be a much more effective way of sorting this issue out. It would require a bit of work to execute

This is an excellent example - straight on point... Yes another Asian country thinks a Alien Registration Card works just fine... Thank you smileplur... A picture is certainly work a 1000 words...


Not a bad idea.... initially.

Problem is: What prevents a person from keying in a false name, address, passport number, etc.? There ARE foreign crooks out there who would just looooove to get their hands on an ID card to hide their true identity. And that would defy the purpose, wouldn't it?

One of the other two options the Deputy Commissioner stated were photocopies of relevant pages of the passport / visa and a Thai DL ... the card I propose would be an adjunct to one of those produced at the same time. Next an officer can say - let's go get the passport with visa... sDo at that time everything had better match up or... of to jail for fraud... criminal fraud. Also - my idea of a Expatriate Alien ID Card is to generate discussion and maybe - just maybe the concept will migrate over to Thai immigration which could if they wished create a real card tied to a database... Which is the real reason I came up with this idea..

And Note: An enterprising crook can come up with a fake passport with visa and stamps...

Your idea is crap. You can show your Thai DL, or a digital or photocopy of your passport/visa/work permit under extreme circumstances. Let's keep in mind you would never have to show any of that at all, unless you were being questioned for a crime. Your passport has a number, your visa has a number and signature, your work permit has a number and signature.

If in the mega unlikely event they wanted further proof, the authorities can take you to your villa or whatever and inspect your original documents.

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Or you could just do the practical thing and keep pdf copies of visa/passport/work permit on your phone and in the cloud. That might be too easy whistling.gif

I keep photos of the relevant pages of my passport / visa in my camera albums.. I haven't had to use it yet - so don't know if a BiB or anyone of authority would even look at it. But I keep it there anyway if nothing else - in case of loss of the PP then I have instant data to start the procedure to get another.


From the Phuket Gazette article

Most of the illegal workers come to Thailand without proper documentation, such as passports. They will be allowed temporary legal status while we verify their citizenship and obtain official documents from their home countries,” she said.

As far as Thai Immigration are concerned you already have proper documentation - your passport. You're trying to solve a problem that Immigration don't have.


there is absolutely no incentive for thailand to do this. what do they gain?

Correct, they gain nothing, I suspect a lot of farang "residents" would love a card like this, so they can run around showing their friends that they are a "better" farang than those who dont have it and way above "tourist" in status.

lets examine the current state of play in Thailand.

Registering migrant workers and giving them "ID" cards, letting them stay and work for a couple of years etc

Other foreigners including the higher than mighty "farang" = crackdown

speaks volumes to me...thumbsup.gif


From the Phuket Gazette article

Most of the illegal workers come to Thailand without proper documentation, such as passports. They will be allowed temporary legal status while we verify their citizenship and obtain official documents from their home countries,” she said.

As far as Thai Immigration are concerned you already have proper documentation - your passport. You're trying to solve a problem that Immigration don't have.

All in the eye of the beholder ... nothing wrong with catching up with the technology of the times - Korea and Malaysia have... But paper and photos that make up passports should be the only technology used in Thailand?

The Government of Thailand via Thai Immigration seems to have launched a campaign of rooting out over stayers, those here using endless tourist extensions, getting temporary foreign residents on to the 'proper' visa, etc. And the Deputy Commander of Thai Immigration says alternate forms of ID - Thai DL and photocopies of a PP are okay initially.

I think all these goals and factors could be brought together with a modernized method of quick Identification verification using a handy ID Card - the Temporary Resident Alien Registration Card "Expat Card" for short which could be quickly checked using a computerized query ... The need to produce a passport would not routinely be required ...

And all this could eventually be integrated in to activities such as domestic air flights, train boarding, obtaining a Thai DL, renting resort and hotel rooms... just a swipe in the more advanced places ... Which in turn nearly automatically reports your whereabouts to Thai Immigration. No advantage to Thai Immigration - Really?

But it is better to stay in the age of paper for some ...


From the Phuket Gazette article

Most of the illegal workers come to Thailand without proper documentation, such as passports. They will be allowed temporary legal status while we verify their citizenship and obtain official documents from their home countries,” she said.

As far as Thai Immigration are concerned you already have proper documentation - your passport. You're trying to solve a problem that Immigration don't have.

All in the eye of the beholder ... nothing wrong with catching up with the technology of the times - Korea and Malaysia have... But paper and photos that make up passports should be the only technology used in Thailand?

Have you seen a Thai ID card? They're not made of paper. They're very much like the Malaysian and Korean ones that have been mentioned. They have the technology already. They use if for all their own citizens.

The point that keeps being missed in this thread is that foreigners who have legally entered Thailand already have a universally recognised identity document in their passport.

The only benefit of a Thai issued ID for foreigners would be to those foreigners.

There would be NO benefit, and some expense, to Thailand to issue them with a separate ID card. If they want to ID you they ask to see your passport.

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From the Phuket Gazette article

Most of the illegal workers come to Thailand without proper documentation, such as passports. They will be allowed temporary legal status while we verify their citizenship and obtain official documents from their home countries,” she said.

As far as Thai Immigration are concerned you already have proper documentation - your passport. You're trying to solve a problem that Immigration don't have.

All in the eye of the beholder ... nothing wrong with catching up with the technology of the times - Korea and Malaysia have... But paper and photos that make up passports should be the only technology used in Thailand?

The Government of Thailand via Thai Immigration seems to have launched a campaign of rooting out over stayers, those here using endless tourist extensions, getting temporary foreign residents on to the 'proper' visa, etc. And the Deputy Commander of Thai Immigration says alternate forms of ID - Thai DL and photocopies of a PP are okay initially.

I think all these goals and factors could be brought together with a modernized method of quick Identification verification using a handy ID Card - the Temporary Resident Alien Registration Card "Expat Card" for short which could be quickly checked using a computerized query ... The need to produce a passport would not routinely be required ...

And all this could eventually be integrated in to activities such as domestic air flights, train boarding, obtaining a Thai DL, renting resort and hotel rooms... just a swipe in the more advanced places ... Which in turn nearly automatically reports your whereabouts to Thai Immigration. No advantage to Thai Immigration - Really?

But it is better to stay in the age of paper for some ...

no advantage to thailand and too much big brother for expats



One of those is issued by the USA. The other is issued by the Philippines. Thailand is neither the USA nor the Philippines and is not required to follow the example of either.

I understand the basis of this thread but a lot of people don't seem to be able to look at the issue from a point of view other than their own.

There is no benefit to the Thai government in issuing yet another form of identity card when the people they would issue them to already have ID.

If your passport is lost or stolen they don't care. It's not their problem. It's yours.

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And to the Naysayers I would suggest that when (probably not if) sometime down the road Thailand begins using a Plastic (intelligent) ID card - referencing all necessary details about who you are - on the card and more thoroughly in a database ...that the naysayers will be first in line to get one...

Who knows what would happen if Thailand actually came around to doing what Malaysia and Korea are already doing (in a very similar fashion) to what I and others have suggested.

It is apparent that (as usual) many posters do not seem to have read the other posts here in this thread before popping off and 'absolute' as their answer... SOP for some TVF members.

Stating the obvious that we already have a Passport w/ visa is hardly the point. The Bangkok Deputy Immigration Commander says we do not have to carry it (locally to where we live)... And I notice that so many assume all Expats have a Thai DL or should get one ... What if the person doesn't drive or has physical limitations that prevent driving ... go get one anyway?

The point of my OP is to develop a way to effectively broach the subject of the benefits of a Temporary Resident Alien ID Card... that other Asian countries find to be very helpful... A card with a unique Thailand devised index number (not all the different numbering systems employed by countries that issue their version of a passport). Such an Expat Resident Alien ID Card could have embedded electronics as many smart cards do those days... plug it into a simple reader - no need for immediate WAN / Internet connection... Phone apps could be developed to read this info - and Presto ... the BiB or Military Checkpoint officer or the Border Police IO has a full color picture of every recent page in your passport. But you see there is no advantage for Thailand to move to this type of ID for long stay foreign residents - done step by step to arrive in the 21st. Century - according to some... Some who have jumped on the bandwagon cheering Thailand's efforts to get rid of (in their language) the 'scum' you know all those 'border run' out and in people, and those dodgy ED Visa people, and those awful Russians... and etc., etc., etc. blah blah ad naseum, but do not want them to have the effective tools to do it... smile.png

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And to the Naysayers I would suggest that when (probably not if) sometime down the road Thailand begins using a Plastic (intelligent) ID card - referencing all necessary details about who you are - on the card and more thoroughly in a database ...that the naysayers will be first in line to get one...

Who knows what would happen if Thailand actually came around to doing what Malaysia and Korea are already doing (in a very similar fashion) to what I and others have suggested.

It is apparent that (as usual) many posters do not seem to have read the other posts here in this thread before popping off and 'absolute' as their answer... SOP for some TVF members.

Stating the obvious that we already have a Passport w/ visa is hardly the point. The Bangkok Deputy Immigration Commander says we do not have to carry it (locally to where we live)... And I notice that so many assume all Expats have a Thai DL or should get one ... What if the person doesn't drive or has physical limitations that prevent driving ... go get one anyway?

The point of my OP is to develop a way to effectively broach the subject of the benefits of a Temporary Resident Alien ID Card... that other Asian countries find to be very helpful... A card with a unique Thailand devised index number (not all the different numbering systems employed by countries that issue their version of a passport). Such an Expat Resident Alien ID Card could have embedded electronics as many smart cards do those days... plug it into a simple reader - no need for immediate WAN / Internet connection... Phone apps could be developed to read this info - and Presto ... the BiB or Military Checkpoint officer or the Border Police IO has a full color picture of every recent page in your passport. But you see there is no advantage for Thailand to move to this type of ID for long stay foreign residents - done step by step to arrive in the 21st. Century - according to some... Some who have jumped on the bandwagon cheering Thailand's efforts to get rid of (in their language) the 'scum' you know all those 'border run' out and in people, and those dodgy ED Visa people, and those awful Russians... and etc., etc., etc. blah blah ad naseum, but do not want them to have the effective tools to do it... smile.png

not worth it to the thais


Not to be all negative, but some locals will still insist on seeing your passport. The last time I returned from a late night flight from the USA, I went to a hotel on Sukumvitt RD, presented my ThaI DL (New CC style)

and the lady clerk scolded me saying "ANY BODY CAN HAVE! I WANT PASA PORT!"

All the hoops we have to jump through for a DL issued by the Thai government and this lady acted as if I'd received mine at Kahson Road, 555! In reality, she just wanted to be rude to a foreigner.

Back OT, a friend used to make his own ID card. He would go to a photography shop, have the first page and the visa stamp of his pass port color scanned, reduced to the size of an ID card and embossed. The front was the first page of his PP and the back was his current visa. Worth a shot; it just won't impress Miss Sunshine at the hotel :)


Great Idea!

What else could we do that we are not required to do?

Let's see....I am not required to register my shoes!

I could generate a plastic card that has a photo of my shoes, lists the size, color, tread type, the date and location I purchased the shoes...maybe even a photo of my foot print incase the boys in brown are looking for me!

When I get my new card, I can show it to any official who wants to see my passport and or DL!

I bet it will make his day when I show him my "Shoe Card" too!

Why would you want to make and carry any document you are not required to carry??

Are you bored or just clueless?

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Not to be all negative, but some locals will still insist on seeing your passport. The last time I returned from a late night flight from the USA, I went to a hotel on Sukumvitt RD, presented my ThaI DL (New CC style)

and the lady clerk scolded me saying "ANY BODY CAN HAVE! I WANT PASA PORT!"

All the hoops we have to jump through for a DL issued by the Thai government and this lady acted as if I'd received mine at Kahson Road, 555! In reality, she just wanted to be rude to a foreigner.

Back OT, a friend used to make his own ID card. He would go to a photography shop, have the first page and the visa stamp of his pass port color scanned, reduced to the size of an ID card and embossed. The front was the first page of his PP and the back was his current visa. Worth a shot; it just won't impress Miss Sunshine at the hotel smile.png

I have never had any problems with using my Thai DL for check-in at a hotel anywhere in Thailand. Doesn't matter if it's a 1-star dump (which usually don't even ask for any ID at all) or a 5-star palace, as long as the licence is valid. In most cases I don't even have my passport on me so it's that or nothing.

My Thai language skills and some charm will usually get them to accept my licence. After all, on Khao San road they can fake passports too!

SOrry to hear about your experiences, but personally I would never stay at a hotel on one of the lower Suk sois. Well, then again I never have.

Having said that IF such a card were ever implemented (ID card for expats) then I'm sure it WOULD invariably be acceptable to all hotels, and all types of businesses as the information contained therein is the same as in your passport.

I just opened the link to the Philippines ACR I-card. Wow, even the Philippines is more advanced than Thailand on such matters. Thailand really needs to follow the lead of the Philippines and Malaysia etc.



Please ask if the Immigration Commissioner would consider the following concept of issuing ID Cards for Temporary Resident Aliens: (for people who are permitted to stay in Thailand under one of the Non Immigrant Visa Categories and Extensions of Stay as currently standing or as newly revised:

- A credit card size Photo ID 'SmartCard' that has a unique number identifier and contains all pertinent data of the Temporary Resident Alien including all current Passport and Visa information...

- Patterned after the Philippine ACR I-Card, the card would have a front side which displays the Alien's photo, full name, home country, birth date, place of birth, visa type, visa issue date, visa status, and an electronic chip embedded into the card containing all the Alien's relevant information. On the back side could be printed the Aliens gender, height, weight, blood type, address, thumbprint, and the issue date and expiration date of the card.

- Such a Temporary Resident Alien Card (TRAC - ID SmartCard would greatly facilitate instituting a new program allowing on-line 90 day reporting required by the Alien.

- This TRAC - ID would greatly reduce the carrying and handling of original passports thus allowing passports to be kept secured which in turn would greatly reduce the occurrence of stolen passports in Thailand.

- At some point such TRAC - ID SmartCard could be integrated into the Alien's purchase of Thailand domestic airline, train or other transportation tickets and hotel bookings. Thus eventually creating a system whereby the Temporary Resident Alien's whereabouts can be determined upon the need arising.

  • 6 months later...

I read nearly a few years ago that there is Non Thai ID card for permanent residents and migrants.

Maybe in the future, the amphur offices will also be able to offer the service, to all long term residents.

I just got one of those for PR holders, as you can read in the thread you have linked above.

When I lived in Taiwan, I got an official ARC (Alien Residence Certificate) from the government when my work permit was approved.


I ask for one (pink ID card) when i applied for the Yellow tabian baan book but my amphur office told me that "the computer says no".

No, you need a PR and be in the blue tabien bahn. For now.


From the Phuket Gazette article

Most of the illegal workers come to Thailand without proper documentation, such as passports. They will be allowed temporary legal status while we verify their citizenship and obtain official documents from their home countries,” she said.

As far as Thai Immigration are concerned you already have proper documentation - your passport. You're trying to solve a problem that Immigration don't have.

I won't carry my passport around at all times. It's in the safe. And a photocopy is not a legal document.


Not to be all negative, but some locals will still insist on seeing your passport. The last time I returned from a late night flight from the USA, I went to a hotel on Sukumvitt RD, presented my ThaI DL (New CC style)

and the lady clerk scolded me saying "ANY BODY CAN HAVE! I WANT PASA PORT!"

All the hoops we have to jump through for a DL issued by the Thai government and this lady acted as if I'd received mine at Kahson Road, 555! In reality, she just wanted to be rude to a foreigner.

Back OT, a friend used to make his own ID card. He would go to a photography shop, have the first page and the visa stamp of his pass port color scanned, reduced to the size of an ID card and embossed. The front was the first page of his PP and the back was his current visa. Worth a shot; it just won't impress Miss Sunshine at the hotel smile.png

I have never had any problems with using my Thai DL for check-in at a hotel anywhere in Thailand. Doesn't matter if it's a 1-star dump (which usually don't even ask for any ID at all) or a 5-star palace, as long as the licence is valid. In most cases I don't even have my passport on me so it's that or nothing.

My Thai language skills and some charm will usually get them to accept my licence. After all, on Khao San road they can fake passports too!

SOrry to hear about your experiences, but personally I would never stay at a hotel on one of the lower Suk sois. Well, then again I never have.

Having said that IF such a card were ever implemented (ID card for expats) then I'm sure it WOULD invariably be acceptable to all hotels, and all types of businesses as the information contained therein is the same as in your passport.

I just opened the link to the Philippines ACR I-card. Wow, even the Philippines is more advanced than Thailand on such matters. Thailand really needs to follow the lead of the Philippines and Malaysia etc.

There are several situations in which the DL won't suffice. I was even (almost) refused check-in at a hotel but that disaster was averted because I knew the owner.

That wouldn't happen with an official ARC (or my new Thai non-Thai ID).


One more thing: The ARC needs to be an official card, not something we download from the internet and fill in ourselves.

And by the way, my Thai non-Thai ID has holographs and stuff, so it is not easily copyable on Khao Sarn Road.


Not to be all negative, but some locals will still insist on seeing your passport. The last time I returned from a late night flight from the USA, I went to a hotel on Sukumvitt RD, presented my ThaI DL (New CC style)

and the lady clerk scolded me saying "ANY BODY CAN HAVE! I WANT PASA PORT!"

All the hoops we have to jump through for a DL issued by the Thai government and this lady acted as if I'd received mine at Kahson Road, 555! In reality, she just wanted to be rude to a foreigner.

Back OT, a friend used to make his own ID card. He would go to a photography shop, have the first page and the visa stamp of his pass port color scanned, reduced to the size of an ID card and embossed. The front was the first page of his PP and the back was his current visa. Worth a shot; it just won't impress Miss Sunshine at the hotel smile.png

I have never had any problems with using my Thai DL for check-in at a hotel anywhere in Thailand. Doesn't matter if it's a 1-star dump (which usually don't even ask for any ID at all) or a 5-star palace, as long as the licence is valid. In most cases I don't even have my passport on me so it's that or nothing.

My Thai language skills and some charm will usually get them to accept my licence. After all, on Khao San road they can fake passports too!

SOrry to hear about your experiences, but personally I would never stay at a hotel on one of the lower Suk sois. Well, then again I never have.

Having said that IF such a card were ever implemented (ID card for expats) then I'm sure it WOULD invariably be acceptable to all hotels, and all types of businesses as the information contained therein is the same as in your passport.

I just opened the link to the Philippines ACR I-card. Wow, even the Philippines is more advanced than Thailand on such matters. Thailand really needs to follow the lead of the Philippines and Malaysia etc.

There are several situations in which the DL won't suffice. I was even (almost) refused check-in at a hotel but that disaster was averted because I knew the owner.

That wouldn't happen with an official ARC (or my new Thai non-Thai ID).

I regularly stay in hotels all over Thailand and haven't used my PP for years to check in, its always been the Thai DL and its never been questioned, irrespective of knowing the owner or not


- Such a Temporary Resident Alien Card (TRAC - ID SmartCard would greatly facilitate instituting a new program allowing on-line 90 day reporting required by the Alien.

seems they have managed to do this without the benefit of "TRAC"

the 90 day on line thing is now in place

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