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How to eat healthy for weight loss and lean muscle gain by Powerfit 102 Hua Hin

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How to eat healthy for weight loss and lean muscle gain 
HUA HIN:-- First off, let me tell you the hardest part is deciding and committing to eating healthy, eating with a focus on nutrition first.
Why? Because most of us eat for the wrong reasons. We eat for the pleasure of taste, for emotional reasons, cravings and to fill ourselves up quickly. So mostly we eat from a physiologically dis-advantaged point. We don’t think about the nutritional reasons of why we need to eat.
We eat to satisfy our minds, not our body. Eating well and simply does not mean eating with without taste or enjoyment. I will assume most of you want to shed body fat and gain lean muscle mass, If anyone has more questions that I don’t address, please send an email to [email protected]. This is a general outline for you to consider when you are at home or out eating. STAY AWAY FROM ANY PROCESSED CEREALS AND FOOD LIKE SUBSTANCES. NO PASTA’S, BREAD’S, WHITE RICE, CREAMERS, FAKE SUGARS, SODA’S including “DIET”, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYUPS, and STOP OR MINIMIZE YOUR DRINKING ALCOHOL!
Instead of drinking beer daily, drink more water, fresh lemon or lime in it, and try to drink (beer) only on the weekends. Beer, is the worst as it spikes your insulin levels and increases your sugar intake….. sugar which your body has no use for… so it stores it as it just doesn’t know what to do with it, and keep your wine to a few glasses, not bottles…. Also you must chew your food to almost a liquified state. Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach, so try and chew your food at least 20 times each bite, I know it is a lot for us as we mostly chew 2-3 times and then swallow, the stomach is not designed to break down chunks of food, you will also eat less if you chew more, allowing your body to give off the ‘Full signal” earlier.
Basically for Breakfast you have two choices; 1. Eat Carbs such as Oatmeal, (porridge) with fruit, yogurt, etc., about a medium size bowl, with honey if you need a sweetener, with very little milk. Tea or coffee is fine with very little cream, try not to use any sugar if you can, if you need to use sugar, use honey or a pure brown cane sugar that has not been refined, no white sugar. You can also eat a bowl of Yogurt with fruit. Eat Yogurt that is sugar free and has good pro-biotics for digestion. Which will help in your weight loss. This will give you good energy in the morning and will last for a few hours. 2. Eating an all protein breakfast, such as 3-4 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, or meat…. no carbs,(toast)…. this has been proven to raise you IGF 1 levels for several hours, (HGH) which will aid your body in rejuvenating itself and increasing your energy levels as well. TRY NOT TO MIX YOUR PROTEIN AND COMPLEX CARBS TOGETHER IN ANY MEAL. So no meat and potatoes or pasta and meat sauces for dinner…. eat Vegetables and meat…. or Vegetables and Carbs…..
Eat more FRUIT!!! for mid-morning snack, and afternoon snack… simple sugars that are used more readily and won’t get stored. The will help in creating energy. LUNCH; Eat half as many carbs ( Brown rice, whole flour/ grain bread, spelt bread) as you had for breakfast with more protein…. Tuna salad with a tomato, meat, Chicken without skin, Vegetables, raw juices. Mid-day snack; Protein drink, fruit, salad, chicken, nuts and dried fruit mixes are great. Dinner: Don’t eat any carbs for dinner and don’t eat any complex carbs after 2-3 pm…..and eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.
If you absolutely cannot eat that early and need to eat later, give yourself at least 1.5 hours before you go to bed and eat lightly, a salad with a little chicken, or tuna, or salmon, or just have a protein drink with water and some fresh fruit Most people stay up late and eat late, the body is already gearing down and lowing it’s metabolism for sleep time. When you eat, your body is not in it’s energy mode of digestion so it just stores it for later. DRINK MORE WATER…. EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES…. RAW OR JUICED IS BEST OR LIGHTLY COOKED, Steamed and EAT MORE PROTEIN!!!! Protein feeds the muscle and helps in producing energy…..if you want to gain muscle, you have to increase your protein intake, a good rule is about 3/4’s to 1gram per pound of body weight….
Use good oil….. Rice bran oil is good to cook with as well as Coconut oil, DO NOT COOK WITH OLIVE OIL…. use it raw….. eat avocado’s, good veggie fat, and eat a little more meat fats…. such as 2 strips of bacon a day or every other day, this will help to convert your starches and sugars into energy…. do not think a “FAT-FREE” diet works, it doesn’t. Your body needs some fats to help it work properly, not a lot so don’t go crazy, but some. If you want to jump start the process of losing Body Fat and gaining some lean muscle tissue, you can do the following for 3 days; EAT ONLY; Protein and Vegetables…..for breakfast, eggs, boiled or steamed, and some veggies, steamed, raw or lightly cooked and/or fresh veggie juice with greens. Lunch and dinner, meat, fish, chicken, steamed grilled or lightly pan fried…using rich bran oil…..raw or juiced veggies is best….. juiced is higher in content and more concentrated in vitamin’s, you can get it pre-made for you at our juice bar, for the day.
Don’t eat any sugars, NONE…..maybe a piece of fruit now and then if you’re feeling tired or are craving something sweet, but keep it minimal. Take a PROTEIN drink at least 2 times a day….. 1-2 scoops per glass of water….. mid morning and after lunch or training….. 3 times if you want to take it as a breakfast replacement, you can mix yogurt and fruit, beet root, carrots, greens, celery, apples, etc. We can make it for you or you can blend it at home. Make it so you enjoy the taste, otherwise, you’ll drink it once and then stop. it is better than candy, cookies or cake if made properly so make it tasty. Take a good pro-biotic to aid in digestion, also a good multivitamin with minerals will help and drink more water!!! We as a society, don’t drink enough water….. water is the great cleanser…..
You must make the EFFORT to eat responsibly to gain the effects you desire. Training is the easy part, eating healthy, at first, is the difficult part. Only because we think it is…. and we give into our cravings and likes easily. It is not about being extreme in any way. It is about re-gaining control of our health and eating habits and feeling better and being more powerful in our lives. Being weak is easy. Being powerful takes EFFORT and determination. It takes a strong mind to undo years of mindless action. Now, being mindful and present to your needs, will make you healthier and more content in the long run. It might take a few weeks to overcome some of your issues with eating correctly. Do it now so you don’t have to suffer needlessly in the years to come.
In Health and Well Being, Dean, POWERFIT 102.
Soi 102 Hua Hin.
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As one who suffers with a "frozen shoulder", the above is no miracle cure.

Yes temporary relief from the pain is experienced.

Try and put your hand behind your back and touch your shoulder blade, still no movement.


I have had, accupuncture, "cupping" and electric shock treatment, none of it works.

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