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Do all Issan Girls are just looking for a House and Money


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Take the first night and as soon as the word money comes up tell them you don't have a lot so there will be no houses, more houses for family, cars, motorbikes. i phones, or weekly subs.  She will be gone, leaving room in your bed for the next one until one day you will get a surprise and one will offer you free digs and food at her family house in the boonies.  They are out there, the real ones who want a relationship, up to you to find one the best way you can.

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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.

Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women


I thought that most esteemed TV members were married to Thai-Chinese wives who are doctors and lawyers with a degree from Chulalongkorn and were definitely not ex-bar girls.


you thought correctlaugh.png

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Been here 19 years and have had girlfriends the entire time, educated and also farm girls. Arrived as a young handsome man at 37 and now 56.
From my experience Thai girls who work bar are mostly interested in money, that's how you first meet them and that mind set is difficult to switch off, learned behavior....
Non bar girls are attracted to farang for many reasons but one of the major reasons is the hope of a better life. They dream about living in a nice place, having money to give to mama, having a car, traveling etc etc ....
If you are a poor farang and can offer nothing but love with little hope of a comfortable future I don't believe Thai girls or most girls around the world would be interested in you except perhaps for a night or two of fun.


yours is the perfect answer and so true.And why should n't they expect something in return...........nothing is free,not even in the west.

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Never pay a girl to stay with you if you want a happy future together. Money will only get in the way of everything else and create problems.
Money is always a factor but make sure it is not the reason they stay.
My opinion for what it's worth...... Take it or leave it :)
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Well MikeRR....Isaan is a big province and there are plenty of people from all walks of life. Ultimately it's you that is responsible for the type of woman that you attract to yourself.

Be honest and ask yourself what promises and sweeteners did you mention when you were sweet talking her. Maybe she's confused about what you promised to deliver versus how much you really value the relationship now that you are at the pointy end of a commitment.

She might be sitting at home now thinking about how she's met another farang that's full of hot air, just as you wonder whether she's just money grabbing. Maybe she or maybe she is just responding to your previous entreaties.

Maybe you should stay in your home country and cool your jets to give yourself time to think whether an asian relationship is something you could manage. That way you both suffer minimal future pain because if you are asking TV members questions like the post thread! then you show zero respect for your "partner".
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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif

Nice avatar Costas......you maniac.

Who made you the financial director of TGAU's ?
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The attraction of Asia and the initial reason I came here was purely business. After that I decided to stay because in my opinion the girls are much more accommodating and I like being taken care of. Is this an old fashioned and draconian mind set, or is it a life style choice ?
What ever you choose it is likely to cost you money, so keep some back until you meet the one that you think is worth it. My UK wife never asked me for money before we had sex, or after it either - for that matter. She also had her own access to cash and her own bank account and credit cards, so she had quite a lot of freedom. Nevertheless, it still cost me 300K when we got divorced.
So what is the point of my post? Life costs money- just be wise how you spend it. If you want some nice evening and happy endings followed by a smile and a nice breakfast the following day - you go for it, but you don't need to build a house to get that, nor do you need to lose one either. The HI SO's on here amuse me sometimes and I do wonder if any of them have ever been honest about anything in their lives. Spend a bit and live a bit, but keep a bit back in case you need to move on. 1 x life only - may as well enjoy it !
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The problem here is the difference between the ideas and obligations of Romantic Love by Thais and Westerners.

In the west, each partner is perceived to be equal. Decisions and costs are shared. This is becoming more prevalent in Thailand, but, really only in the larger cities.


The traditional Thai concept is that the man is the bread-winner and chief decision maker. He has to "take-care" of the wife and in return the domestic decisions and tasks are taken care of for him.


Thais do not say "I love you" to each other nearly so much as Western couples do. When I asked a Thai about this, they said that each partner knows if they are genuinely loved, or not by watching the actions of the other. Words were just words.

Eminently practical, I think.

This thai girl is someone he has just me a while ago, or thats what it appears.Nothing mentioned about a wife, who lives in Issan.

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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif

Nice avatar Costas......you maniac.

Who made you the financial director of TGAU's ?



Everybody, has to come out, one day and express themselves.

No good to keep it a secret.


As about who made me Financial director of the TGAU corporation..........it was you Mr ND.

Not, my fault if you are suffering from loss of memory, in your old age.


PS. Still haven't seen this expensive company mobile, you are using, on my desk.

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Yes all Thai girls are money hungry harpies desperate for land and money, all tattooed people are violent thugs, all Muslims are terrorists, all Irish people are drunks and all expats living in Thailand are old, overweight pensioners preying on young girls.... coffee1.gif NEXT

Maybe you were right on the last one hahahahahahah

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women , because Thai women just love retired foreign pensioners living off their pension.

To answer your original post, sadly vast majority are looking for "better and easier " life by being with foreigners.

They expect financial support for them and entire family , because they simply do not grasp the concept that money does not fall from the trees for foreigners .

vast majority? lol



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Yes all Thai girls are money hungry harpies desperate for land and money, all tattooed people are violent thugs, all Muslims are terrorists, all Irish people are drunks and all expats living in Thailand are old, overweight pensioners preying on young girls.... coffee1.gif NEXT


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Yes all Thai girls are money hungry harpies desperate for land and money, all tattooed people are violent thugs, all Muslims are terrorists, all Irish people are drunks and all expats living in Thailand are old, overweight pensioners preying on young girls.... coffee1.gif NEXT

Maybe you were right on the last one hahahahahahah

I can go along with most of that, but to be fair you must change the last 2 x words to say " boys and girls " - otherwise you wouldn't be being 100% P.C.
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Been here 19 years and have had girlfriends the entire time, educated and also farm girls. Arrived as a young handsome man at 37 and now 56.
From my experience Thai girls who work bar are mostly interested in money, that's how you first meet them and that mind set is difficult to switch off, learned behavior....
Non bar girls are attracted to farang for many reasons but one of the major reasons is the hope of a better life. They dream about living in a nice place, having money to give to mama, having a car, traveling etc etc ....
If you are a poor farang and can offer nothing but love with little hope of a comfortable future I don't believe Thai girls or most girls around the world would be interested in you except perhaps for a night or two of fun.



I bow to your wisdom sir.However i do think that there are many bar workers who ARE looking for love,many have thai bf/husband to take care of though,so money number 1.

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women


I thought that most esteemed TV members were married to Thai-Chinese wives who are doctors and lawyers with a degree from Chulalongkorn and were definitely not ex-bar girls.


you thought correctlaugh.png


Speak perfect english too, and dont liecheesy.gif

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Yes all Thai girls are money hungry harpies desperate for land and money, all tattooed people are violent thugs, all Muslims are terrorists, all Irish people are drunks and all expats living in Thailand are old, overweight pensioners preying on young girls.... coffee1.gif NEXT

Maybe you were right on the last one hahahahahahah

I can go along with most of that, but to be fair you must change the last 2 x words to say " boys and girls " - otherwise you wouldn't be being 100% P.C.




U are correct, hope Jingythingy has not seen,else we are all in for trouble

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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif
Nice avatar Costas......you maniac.

Who made you the financial director of TGAU's ?
Everybody, has to come out, one day and express themselves.
No good to keep it a secret.
As about who made me Financial director of the TGAU corporation..........it was you Mr ND.
Not, my fault if you are suffering from loss of memory, in your old age.
PS. Still haven't seen this expensive company mobile, you are using, on my desk.

I think the girls are only interested in Costas Ant Cheese sprinkles, Costas didn't notice the girls as he's too busy trying to climb the corporate ladder & one of the gold diggers stole his Nokia 4230.

No Soup for you Costas !
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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif
Nice avatar Costas......you maniac.

Who made you the financial director of TGAU's ?

Lol, you have to hand it to Costas, he is very up in "milking" these days
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As soon as I arrived to meet my Issan "Lady" money "was" on the table  
She had land and asked me to build a house. When I told her not a problem but she have to sign an agreement just in case we split. All I asked to be pay back full amount plus bank loan interest. Things changed fast... No more happy nightscheesy.gif   no more breakfastswink.png .

She wanted everything but I am not stupid. Yes, I paid for food drinks and few other things. I am not a cheap 

Oh, Yes we went to Lao and at Friendship bridge immigration toured us back because her car was not in her name. We hired a driver and a car and I have learned few thing 
So please tell, Just Issan or all Thai girls 


No and No.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif


That avatar??

We don't like it but please explain.

It's certainly not a badger or gerbil over your shoulder.

Not an Isaan girl either.

Surely not from the 7/11 down KK way?
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You have to take your time getting to know her. You spend a minimum of one year together, before even considering spending real money on her. Any man with self respect would do this. You set the agenda. If they attempt to set the agenda, show them the door. After all, if you have some cash, you call the shots. Yes, most Issan women, and most Thai women want some financial security, and there is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong, is giving them any significant amount of money without getting to know them first. What is the big hurry? Most will want to push the agenda. You need to push back. You do not like it, you are most welcome to move on baby. I will take my time. If we are together in one year, I might consider something like a house. Maybe. But, do not even mention it again, ok?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

Seems you are a fellow expert in milking.
Good to know you, we can discuss milking procedures in the futurethumbsup.gif
Nice avatar Costas......you maniac.

Who made you the financial director of TGAU's ?

Lol, you have to hand it to Costas, he is very up in "milking" these days



He's been getting some Coaching ...  whistling.gif


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