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Russia enacts 'draconian' law for bloggers and online media


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31 July 2014 Last updated at 23:05 GMT

Russia enacts 'draconian' law for bloggers and online media


A new law imposing restrictions on users of social media has come into effect in Russia.
It means bloggers with more than 3,000 daily readers must register with the mass media regulator, Roskomnadzor, and conform to the regulations that govern the country's larger media outlets.
Internet companies will also be required to allow Russian authorities access to users' information.
One human rights group called the move "draconian".
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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.


" allow Russian authorities access to users' information "


 But it is slowly getting to the stage where if one wants to say something to someone else that could potentially upset " the authorities " you might have to  leave your smart phone at home so they can't track you and hold your discussions in the middle of an open field somewhere - and even then hope that some mini drone doesn't come buzzing over youbah.gif

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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.


Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.


Putin continues to get in it over his head.

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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.
Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.
Putin continues to get in it over his head.

Are you working for the NSA or the CIA. Otherwise I cannot understand the nonsens.
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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin

In this aricle nobody is giving anything up but his identity. In the article is stated that these people have to register their identity.

Ok giving up that they are anonymous. But thats ok to many people who say they can know whatever they like from them.
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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.


Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.


Putin continues to get in it over his head.

I'd say it's quite the other way around, the Party Boyz in Beijing are emulating the Party Bloc from the USSR days. Both Xi and Putin seem to imagine themselves as the great restorers of their respective countries' past glories, but it is simply going to increase their own populations' desire to leave and move to, say, the west.

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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.
Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.
Putin continues to get in it over his head.

While US is secretly spying on anything and everything.

I wonder what is better ? Being open and clear or false sense of security
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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.

Certainly sensible and logic from Putin's point of view that he can close down and control any media and individuals criticising and dissenting against his authoritarian rule. Would label it more than draconian at dictatorial. Hard on the heels of the Russian backed Ukrainian separatists shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines jet and the debate or more importantly the dissent from even within Russia over that crime this comes as no surprise. Putin is not too far removed from the nut case in North Korea. 

Edited by Roadman
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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.

Certainly sensible and logic from Putin's point of view that he can close down and control any media and individuals criticising and dissenting against his authoritarian rule. Would label it more than draconian at dictatorial. Hard on the heels of the Russian backed Ukrainian separatists shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines jet and the debate or more importantly the dissent from even within Russia over that crime this comes as no surprise. Putin is not too far removed from the nut case in North Korea. 

Putin has no political opposition because they are jailed through trumped charges, killed or they fled Russia.

Look what happened Durov and his partners after Nalvany used VK to gain momentum for political support against and blow whistle on Putin for corruption and embezzlement. Putin tried to stop Durov, Durov posted a F U type picture saying he would not censor VK.

Long story short, Durov fled Russia, Putin had FSB raid VK's St. Petersburg office office and Purin then organized a hostile takeover (more like give me your shares or go to jail) of VK controlling interests from Durov's partners after Durov fled and went into hiding.

Nalvany, in typical Putin fashion, was accused of fraud and sentenced to 5 years. Putin has systematically killed or jailed on fraud charges (in one instance killed in jail and convicted after dead) all individuals that blow the whistle on Putin's fraud/embezzlement or pose a threat to him politically. I can provide a long list of these individuals, many if which got 6 year sentences after immediately after 2012 elections if they did not leave politics or Russia after the 2012 elections. Edited by F430murci
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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.
Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.
Putin continues to get in it over his head.

Are you working for the NSA or the CIA. Otherwise I cannot understand the nonsens.










Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.
Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.
Putin continues to get in it over his head.

While US is secretly spying on anything and everything.

I wonder what is better ? Being open and clear or false sense of security



It's better to live in the United States than it is to live in Russia.


That's what is better and also clear.


I'm wondering how many of Putin's ideas are generated by one E. (Pluribus) Snowden.


The CCP Boyz in Beijing also got their tank filled up compliments of E. Pluribus too.






Edited for technical buggery


Edited by Publicus
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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.


Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.


Putin continues to get in it over his head.

I'd say it's quite the other way around, the Party Boyz in Beijing are emulating the Party Bloc from the USSR days. Both Xi and Putin seem to imagine themselves as the great restorers of their respective countries' past glories, but it is simply going to increase their own populations' desire to leave and move to, say, the west.



While the CCP Boyz in Beijing are both irredentist and revanchist Putin is more the irredentist. I'd suppose if Putin might consider the collapse of the Soviet Union the defeat of the Soviet Empire then Putin too would likely have certain revanchist motives and purposes, which he does in fact have.


Your point is clear but let's not forget Mao the absolutist Marxist-Leninist was enforcing his totalitarianism on his followers while they were still in the hills between the two wars, so censorship has powerful roots in China - it in fact goes back thousands of years there.


The CCP Boyz spent most of the 1990s thoroughly analyzing the fall of the USSR and came to certain conclusions based on their world view. Reason number one was what the Boyz considered the worst failing of anyone in authority, the failure to command the masses. The name of that particular failure was Mikael Gorbachev. So the world can be certain Xi Jinping will not be taking home any Nobel Peace Medal.


Glasnost, or the relaxing of speech, assembly, petitioning the government etc is another chief culprit in the minds of the Boyz. Xi isn't going to make that error either. And certainly no perestroika.


Another major reason and problem, which Russia continues to have, is the failure of the CCCP to integrate the many ethnic minorities into the Soviet fold. The PRChina has more than two score of recognized ethnic minorities, many of which are restless and which resist integration. Even the Han south of the Yangtze River absolutely refuse to give up their native Cantonese language for Beijing's Mandarin as the common national language.


Putin doesn't care about censorship or much else as he and his oligarch buddies have decidedly agreed to pivot to central and east Asia and away from Europe and the United States. Moscow and Beijing have a lot of differences but it's more important to them that they can see an anti-West future together.


Putin applying military force in the Crimea and Ukraine has thrown down the challenge to Beijing to show some balls and do the same in one or more of the territorial disputes it has cooked up and is pursuing. The reality is if Beijing doesn't show Putin some nads Putin's going to be running things over there before too long. 


I'm afraid we've begun to live in "interesting times" yet again.

Edited by Publicus
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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin

In this aricle nobody is giving anything up but his identity. In the article is stated that these people have to register their identity.

Ok giving up that they are anonymous. But thats ok to many people who say they can know whatever they like from them.



Well thank you Captain Obvious... Anonymity is what allows people to comment on topics on the internet without fear of reprisal, which in Russia DOES have repercussions if you do not toe the party line... 

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This move is not draconian but sensible and logical in these days of social media. Many countries abuse the social media to put people up against each other by means of blogging or social media manipulation.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin
In this aricle nobody is giving anything up but his identity. In the article is stated that these people have to register their identity.

Ok giving up that they are anonymous. But thats ok to many people who say they can know whatever they like from them.
Well thank you Captain Obvious... Anonymity is what allows people to comment on topics on the internet without fear of reprisal, which in Russia DOES have repercussions if you do not toe the party line... 

No . It says bloggers with more than 3000 readers , so in comparison readers and commentators do not need to register, only hosts do.
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I had a fall out with a very high profile blogger the other week who has been campaigning on an issue with no scientific proof to back it up for three years. Now, when you google this issue, the first page is full of this persons articles and links to the article. 


What happens then is that half-wit bloggers latch onto it, then the lie is told so often people start to believe it - and that's dangerous.


Okay, so what next?  This person earns money from spreading that lie, so by definition - they are professional. I agree that professional bloggers should be regulated under media law.


Is the Russian law harsh? possibly - but the basic idea is correct.  

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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.


Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.


Putin continues to get in it over his head.




King Vlad wants so badly to be Czar Nicolas. He would love to have the unlimited power those guys enjoyed. He feels so constrained by his own limits. He is a bit like a small puppy. Always pushing the limits to see what he can get away with. I think he is genuinely surprised to see the reaction the world has had, to his little misadventures. But with his tens of billions salted away, and the power he has consolidated in Russia, it is going to take a lot more than some sanctions to get rid of him. I think he looks at what the Chinese leaders get away with, and thinks what the hell. Let me try that too.

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Putin believes censorship strengthens his position at the top of the Russian heap. The fact is censorship is a serious vulnerability to Putin among the Russian people. His lame statement that foreign intelligence agencies control his internet removes Putin yet further from the ordinary lives of the Russian people. The more Putin represses, the weaker he becomes inside Russia.
Putin is emulating the censoring and punishing CCP Boyz in Beijing rather than the liberal philosophies of the EU or the USA.
Putin continues to get in it over his head.

King Vlad wants so badly to be Czar Nicolas. He would love to have the unlimited power those guys enjoyed. He feels so constrained by his own limits. He is a bit like a small puppy. Always pushing the limits to see what he can get away with. I think he is genuinely surprised to see the reaction the world has had, to his little misadventures. But with his tens of billions salted away, and the power he has consolidated in Russia, it is going to take a lot more than some sanctions to get rid of him. I think he looks at what the Chinese leaders get away with, and thinks what the hell. Let me try that too.

Where you smoking marijuana while writing this?
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