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Don't be a surrogate for money, Thai mother warns


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A: I pay you 300,000 ok?


B: First one 300,000, second one discount. Only 50,000.


A: No, I one, you one. You get 6,300,000.


B: Good biz ness.



But seriously though, the controversial story from the Australian's defense, how hard is it to just go and get a DNA testing. Sometimes media really likes to just push people around, instead of getting to the facts.

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DNA tests? !!


Wouldn't it be easier to just look at the hospital records to see how many babies this person had on that day?


If it's a legit hospital, then I'm sure it's easy for the proper authorized persons to obtain those informations.


Just this morning, on "rueng lao chao nee", the military is cracking down on scams in front of Wat Phra Kaew, so I'm willing to bet that they are going to get hard on hospitals/clinics/doctors doing some un-ethical ding dong.


And... cool it on not trusting Thais with money.  I can understand generalizing to a point of playing god... but this is getting ridiculous.


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Just on British radio, "family in Australia denies any knowledge that a twin was born". Family in Australia clamining they are very distressed at this story.

Lawyer on right now blaming lack of proper contract in Thailand.

Same in Australia, they deny a twin,  53 yr old Aust man and 51 yr old Thai/Aust woman

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Just on British radio, "family in Australia denies any knowledge that a twin was born". Family in Australia clamining they are very distressed at this story.

Lawyer on right now blaming lack of proper contract in Thailand.

Same in Australia, they deny a twin,  53 yr old Aust man and 51 yr old Thai/Aust woman




This is getting more and more interesting like a drama soaps.


Back story is that the surrogate knew of the down syndrome child early on but declined to tell anyone for fear she would not get paid.

If the surrogate did in fact had two children and the hospital did NOT notify the agency or the parents, then we have a real problem with the health care system in Thailand.

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I havn't read all 63 posts, but I read somewhere the mother is 21 years old and her first kid is already 6 !!!

Actually I believe her oldest is 7 and youngest 4 and yes she is 21.



Baby Gammy's WA parents to speak from Bunbury home


A lawyer for the West Australian biological parents of Gammy, the infant with Down syndrome born to a surrogate mother and abandoned in Thailand, is expected to make an announcement on behalf of the parents. 


Media is building at a house in South Bunbury in Western Australia's South West which is believed to be the home of the biological parents of baby Gammy.


Read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/baby-gammys-wa-parents-to-speak-from-bunbury-home-20140804-100cm3.html#ixzz39QjYEKil




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Man at centre of Thai surrogacy scandal has conviction for indecently dealing with a child

New information has come to light tonight on the couple at the centre of the baby Gammy surrogacy scandal.


It has been confirmed that the husband has a criminal history: a conviction for indecently dealing with a child.


The man in question has a conviction for indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13.

He was found guilty and jailed in 1998.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/08/04/20/53/baby-gammy-dad-has-sex-convictions#DuPlpE1C5wrRj1VH.99
Edited by chooka
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Man at centre of Thai surrogacy scandal has conviction for indecently dealing with a child


New information has come to light tonight on the couple at the centre of the baby Gammy surrogacy scandal.
It has been confirmed that the husband has a criminal history: a conviction for indecently dealing with a child.
The man in question has a conviction for indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13.
He was found guilty and jailed in 1998.
Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/08/04/20/53/baby-gammy-dad-has-sex-convictions#DuPlpE1C5wrRj1VH.99


This story gets more grotesque by the minute
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There might be more to this story as I posted somewhere else on TV.

The surrogate has now received nearly 6 million baht (200K AUD) and rising. 
The Australian couple have been identified, the father Caucasian and the mother Thai in their 50's.  They deny there was a twin but the surrogate says there was and she is receiving more money than she could ever earn.
The only way to see who is lying is to do DNA tests on the two kids.  If the surrogate is lying then she should be charged.
"The surrogate has now received nearly 6 million baht (200K AUD) and rising."   
No she hasn't, a charity is managing donations on her behalf ensuring that they are used only for the benefit of the disabled child.


And there was a very generous woman on Aus news last night who is offering to take this child on, something she is experienced at and very capable of doing.

The option is now there for the Thai mother to finalise the adoption of this poor child.

I'm sure it wouldn't be easy in a legal sense but with the charity handling the $200,000 in donated funds, another person willing to love and take care of the baby things aren't as dire as last week.
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she would not be saying this if they had taken both kids, and would probably have done it again.

She did it for financial gain in the first place, she did not care about those kids. and I bet if things didn't go wrong she would do this all over again.....

But you would find this has turned out in her best interest because the Australian charities are looking after her, Thank god for Australia... love that place.

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