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Britons tire of cruel, vulgar US: poll Mon Jul 3, 10:58 AM ET

People in Britain view the United States as a vulgar, crime-ridden society obsessed with money and led by an incompetent president whose Iraq policy is failing, according to a newspaper poll.

The United States is no longer a symbol of hope to Britain and the British no longer have confidence in their transatlantic cousins to lead global affairs, according to the poll in The Daily Telegraph.

The YouGov poll found that 77 percent of respondents disagreed with the statement that the US is "a beacon of hope for the world".

As Americans prepared to celebrate the 230th anniversary of their independence on Tuesday, the poll found that only 12 percent of Britons trust them to act wisely on the global stage. This is half the number who had faith in the Vietnam-scarred White House of 1975.

A massive 83 percent of those questioned said that the United States doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks.

With much of the worst criticism aimed at the US adminstration, the poll showed that 70 percent of Britons like Americans a lot or a little.

US President George W. Bush fared significantly worse, with just one percent rating him a "great leader" against 77 percent who deemed him a "pretty poor" or "terrible" leader.

More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination. And 81 per cent of those who took a view said President George W Bush hypocritically championed democracy as a cover for the pursuit of American self-interests.

US policy in Iraq was similarly derided, with only 24 percent saying they felt that the US military action there was helping to bring democracy to the country.

A spokesman for the American embassy said that the poll's findings were contradicted by its own surveys.

"We question the judgment of anyone who asserts the world would be a better place with Saddam still terrorizing his own nation and threatening people well beyond Iraq's borders," the paper quoted the unnamed spokesman as saying.

"With respect to the poll's assertions about American society, we bear some of the blame for not successfully communicating America's extraordinary dynamism.

"But frankly, so do you (the British press)."

In answer to other questions, a majority of the Britons questions described Americans as uncaring, divided by class, awash in violent crime, vulgar, preoccupied with money, ignorant of the outside world, racially divided, uncultured and in the most overwhelming result (90 percent of respondents) dominated by big business.

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"...More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination. And 81 per cent of those who took a view said President George W Bush hypocritically championed democracy as a cover for the pursuit of American self-interests.

US policy in Iraq was similarly derided, with only 24 percent saying they felt that the US military action there was helping to bring democracy to the country. ..."

Ok, so I agree with the above.

"... In answer to other questions, a majority of the Britons questions described Americans as uncaring, divided by class, awash in violent crime, vulgar, preoccupied with money, ignorant of the outside world, racially divided, uncultured and in the most overwhelming result (90 percent of respondents) dominated by big business. ..."

But the above quote simply points to Britain's blind spot when it comes to their criticism of America, as far as I'm concerned. Are we vulgar because some of us swear? Brits go around calling each other cnuts and <deleted> all day long; Are we arrogant? Many Brits as evidenced on this forum and right here on this thread boast about inventing and doing everything, even while they are in midst of accusing us of blind ignorance; class and race --- don't make me LAUGH. Every black Brit I have ever met has never failed to tell me how much more racist English society is compared to the U.S.; the English also have a reputation as being extremely harsh to many people, and cold. And as far as your history, well, let's just say that you got a much earlier start than we did in the killing, imperailizing, and colonizing. Do you think empires are built on songs about the Queen?

I am sorry to turn this into a slagging match, because I don't want to insult Brits. I always have English friends where ever I am, and I'm really glad I do. But I am really tired of these one-sided, sanctimonious diatribes.


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....so tempting, but bartending rule number 2... NO politics....

No, don't attempt the jokes, especially since you apparently missed the irony in Cleese's speel that was also aimed at Brits.

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"Americans never managed to make it on their own and now, since the nuclear bombs are theoretically forbidden, you sent the brits in Iraq, US money, US equipment and UK soldiers...the history is history...I don't have anything with americans, just with the US govt, about the american peoples...quit being proud of being the govt's puppets, after all these years, you don't seem to realize you're being brain washed and that for you govt, you only represent tax payers...

Quit considering yourself examples, ok, the japanese took one city (even if 95% of the city was military), but you had to take out the whole country and by nucleard bombs??? Is that fair??? Nothing personally...but I just think that all the cowboys in that country left a few decades ago, the cows and sheeps remained..."

.... I just feel sorry for the average american citizens, the hard working americans, the honest americans...they are ruled by lies and BS...that's all I wanted to say

I'm not bashing you, Boon Mee or Sadman or KerryK...of course, you've been programmed to such reactions, it's not your fault

Wait a minute - you just said they were all stupid, and now you are talking about the hard working, honest Americans? I won't even waste my spit on you - first of all, because you don't even realize that you are slipping in your own drool while you attempt to spit on us - but mostly because you have no idea who hardworking, honest Americans are, what they are up against, or how they think. We don't all have delayed payment plans on our loans while we take a few gap years to hop around the world. You are just spewing the same Euro/Brit sloganeering, based on your pompous superiority trips, and revealing your own ignorance in the process, as clearly shown by your account of history. You think only the sheep remain in America? There are many people from all over the world that go through a lot of trouble to be educated by those sheep, at our universities. Just because every football yob in England has a passport doesn't mean they don't travel in a

pack --- clearly.

I like the other poster as well: ... the UK this and the UK that ... America's equipment but the Uk's work - you are a fcking tosser. Men and women are fcking dying out there, from many countries. There are plenty of critical, analytical comments to make about the United States that are justified, but you obviously are not capable of making any.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? I see where your targeting (I am not british), I see you are troubled and complexed about UK/Europe's pompous superiority, that's because Europe has a history, and a superiority (IQ for example). Ok, the schools in the US...education,. culture...BS, most of the americans can't make a difference between liver and pancreas, I've met some who don't even know that Thailand is not a state in the USA, even so, most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it). Why??? Because you guys have the cash. Why do you guys have the cash? Because you are just the world's bully, just like an armed robber, so please, don't give me that filthy crap.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm taking as a compliment every insult coming from one like you. So please be kind enough and <deleted> off. Get a prozac or something and get a good rest, you're brains are constantly resting anyways.

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Britons tire of cruel, vulgar US: poll Mon Jul 3, 10:58 AM ET

People in Britain view the United States as a vulgar, crime-ridden society obsessed with money and led by an incompetent president whose Iraq policy is failing, according to a newspaper poll.

The United States is no longer a symbol of hope to Britain and the British no longer have confidence in their transatlantic cousins to lead global affairs, according to the poll in The Daily Telegraph.

The YouGov poll found that 77 percent of respondents disagreed with the statement that the US is "a beacon of hope for the world".

As Americans prepared to celebrate the 230th anniversary of their independence on Tuesday, the poll found that only 12 percent of Britons trust them to act wisely on the global stage. This is half the number who had faith in the Vietnam-scarred White House of 1975.

A massive 83 percent of those questioned said that the United States doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks.

With much of the worst criticism aimed at the US adminstration, the poll showed that 70 percent of Britons like Americans a lot or a little.

US President George W. Bush fared significantly worse, with just one percent rating him a "great leader" against 77 percent who deemed him a "pretty poor" or "terrible" leader.

More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination. And 81 per cent of those who took a view said President George W Bush hypocritically championed democracy as a cover for the pursuit of American self-interests.

US policy in Iraq was similarly derided, with only 24 percent saying they felt that the US military action there was helping to bring democracy to the country.

A spokesman for the American embassy said that the poll's findings were contradicted by its own surveys.

"We question the judgment of anyone who asserts the world would be a better place with Saddam still terrorizing his own nation and threatening people well beyond Iraq's borders," the paper quoted the unnamed spokesman as saying.

"With respect to the poll's assertions about American society, we bear some of the blame for not successfully communicating America's extraordinary dynamism.

"But frankly, so do you (the British press)."

In answer to other questions, a majority of the Britons questions described Americans as uncaring, divided by class, awash in violent crime, vulgar, preoccupied with money, ignorant of the outside world, racially divided, uncultured and in the most overwhelming result (90 percent of respondents) dominated by big business.


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"The truth hurts, doesn't it? I see where your targeting (I am not british), I see you are troubled and complexed about UK/Europe's pompous superiority, that's because Europe has a history, and a superiority (IQ for example). Ok, the schools in the US...education,. culture...BS, most of the americans can't make a difference between liver and pancreas, I've met some who don't even know that Thailand is not a state in the USA, even so, most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it). Why??? Because you guys have the cash. Why do you guys have the cash? Because you are just the world's bully, just like an armed robber, so please, don't give me that filthy crap.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm taking as a compliment every insult coming from one like you. So please be kind enough and <deleted> off. Get a prozac or something and get a good rest, you're brains are constantly resting anyways."

I see - so you are the one with truth, and the rest of us with facts are simply idiotic Americans - right? Like I said, you are nothing more than a reactionary sloganeer.

Yes, Europe and the UK have a history - have you ever read it? Obviously not very well, based on your comments. There was actually a study done on the IQs of countries; almost all *European countries were on par with the United States, with some a couple of points higher, and others a couple of points lower, although we had the biggest and most reliable sample. The countries that were highest were higher than everyone, with mostly Asian countries at the top. If you think IQ is a reliable measure of intelligence, then I can see where some of your shortcomings in logic and arguments are coming from.

Our top universities are international, with a mix of international students and faculty. However, it is a long stretch to say that the "majority" are from other countries. You clearly don't dwell in the realm of facts. But that is obvious, because you are already on your way to saying that Europe and the UK invented everything. How old are you: somewhere betweeen 10 and 22?

And by the way, if you are going to call an entire nation of people stupid, you should check your gradeschool, grammatical errors: you're is a contraction.

I'm done wasting my time here.


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"The truth hurts, doesn't it? I see where your targeting (I am not british), I see you are troubled and complexed about UK/Europe's pompous superiority, that's because Europe has a history, and a superiority (IQ for example). Ok, the schools in the US...education,. culture...BS, most of the americans can't make a difference between liver and pancreas, I've met some who don't even know that Thailand is not a state in the USA, even so, most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it). Why??? Because you guys have the cash. Why do you guys have the cash? Because you are just the world's bully, just like an armed robber, so please, don't give me that filthy crap.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm taking as a compliment every insult coming from one like you. So please be kind enough and <deleted> off. Get a prozac or something and get a good rest, you're brains are constantly resting anyways."

I see - so you are the one with truth, and the rest of us with facts are simply idiotic Americans - right? Like I said, you are nothing more than a reactionary sloganeer.

Yes, Europe and the UK have a history - have you ever read it? Obviously not very well, based on your comments. There was actually a study done on the IQs of countries; almost all *European countries were on par with the United States, with some a couple of points higher, and others a couple of points lower, although we had the biggest and most reliable sample. The countries that were highest were higher than everyone, with mostly Asian countries at the top. If you think IQ is a reliable measure of intelligence, then I can see where some of your shortcomings in logic and arguments are coming from.

Our top universities are international, with a mix of international students and faculty. However, it is a long stretch to say that the "majority" are from other countries. You clearly don't dwell in the realm of facts. But that is obvious, because you are already on your way to saying that Europe and the UK invented everything. How old are you: somewhere betweeen 10 and 22?

And by the way, if you are going to call an entire nation of people stupid, you should check your gradeschool, grammatical errors: you're is a contraction.

I'm done wasting my time here.


Yeah, you have some good teachers, gymnastic teachers, american football teachers, baseball teachers, boxing teachers...and BTW, don't go on flattering yourself, I was talking about you and guys like yourself, not about the entire US. I have american friends, many of them, not like you though :o

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most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it).

I doubt that...but we could stand to import some soccer players and a decent coach from "other continents"

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most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it).

I doubt that...but we could stand to import some soccer players and a decent coach from "other continents"

soccer?soccer ain't a real sport!little skinny guys wearing girlie shorts running around like pansies isnt a real manly sport!

now football!

thats macho man!

bud-swilling guys with potbellies crashing into each other then resting in between-thats a real mans sport!

and it gave us oj!

top that!

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most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it).

I doubt that...but we could stand to import some soccer players and a decent coach from "other continents"

soccer?soccer ain't a real sport!little skinny guys wearing girlie shorts running around like pansies isnt a real manly sport!

now football!

thats macho man!

bud-swilling guys with potbellies crashing into each other then resting in between-thats a real mans sport!

and it gave us oj!

top that!

I'm not into soccer either, I find it borring, anyways, if you want to talk about a man's sport...does rugby ring a bell??? Same as american football, but no sissy tricks (helmets, protection BS, big advertising, 8 digits salaries, etc...). On top of that, OJ is a murderer...Cheers

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most of the good teachers are imported from other continents, the same goes for all kinds of intelligence (science, industry, commerce, you name it).

I doubt that...but we could stand to import some soccer players and a decent coach from "other continents"

soccer?soccer ain't a real sport!little skinny guys wearing girlie shorts running around like pansies isnt a real manly sport!

now football!

thats macho man!

bud-swilling guys with potbellies crashing into each other then resting in between-thats a real mans sport!

and it gave us oj!

top that!

I'm not into soccer either, I find it borring, anyways, if you want to talk about a man's sport...does rugby ring a bell??? Same as american football, but no sissy tricks (helmets, protection BS, big advertising, 8 digits salaries, etc...). On top of that, OJ is a murderer...Cheers

it was all tongue-in-cheek and i grew up playing every sport there is and loving them all-football,lacrosse,baseball,basketball,tae kwon do,skiing,target shooting,etc.

if one wants to get into the most macho of sports-no holds barred ultimate cage kickboxing would be up there...or golf.

and oj ...a double murderer?say it aint so o!

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selective memory have I, dearest Kat :D :D

I still love 'ya :D

:D good Phew---- :D you were on such a rampage there, I thought you´d take it out on me! Good god... you the kind of gal I´d contemplate visiting the states for, anyhow. :o

soccer?soccer ain't a real sport!little skinny guys wearing girlie shorts running around like pansies isnt a real manly sport!

now football!

thats macho man!

bud-swilling guys with potbellies crashing into each other then resting in between-thats a real mans sport!

and it gave us oj!

top that!

:D I would have laughed lightly at this, but the bud??? Made me ROTFLMAO! thanks for a smile.

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Glad to see this topic starting to steer away from the typical American bashing so common on this forum. It's alway funny to see somebody alexth bash Americans; calling us stupid sheep or whatever and then come back and say how he has American friends and feels sorry for the average, hard working, honest Americans. Sure, the US is run by dirtbags but why paint us all with the same brush then come back and say otherwise? Some people just need to grow a pair and admit their true views. :o

About manly sports, I would say rugby is a good contender. A buddy of mine from NZ says guys get their ears bitten off when they're all piling on top of each other for the ball. Sounds like a good game for Mike Tyson!

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I'm not bashing you, Boon Mee or Sadman or KerryK...of course, you've been programmed to such reactions, it's not your fault

That's very decent of you. Thank you for not being patronising at all. Oh, and by the way, I was born and raised in South London, have always lived and worked in London and am British through and through, so I'm not quite sure about the 'programming' angle.

I have also been privileged enough to travel and meet people all around the world, especially in the US, and whilst I am not blind to US shortcomings (nor are they blind to British ones), I fail to understand the wittering drivel you spout.

I'm sorry if starting this thread has caused anyone - particularly Americans - to feel offended. That was not my intention and I wish I'd never bothered. Could you also bear in mind that in the same way as most Brits don't judge all septics by their perceptions of Dubya, or Clinton, or any other notable person, please don't put us and Alexth in the same category.

Mods - please put this thread out of its misery.

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