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Differing views of Thai women by foreigners


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This has probably been discussed to death but a thread is worthless without pictures.

As a foreigner in Thailand, I've seen countless foreign men date Thai women. And coming from Singapore, where there's been a rising trend of men dating Thai women as well, its interesting to see how despite being foreigners in Thailand, we seem to all date different types of Thai women.  


The Caucasians tend to date Thai women with stronger features and tanner skin whereas foreigners from Asia tend to go for Thai women that are fairer and with softer features. Is this simply a difference in viewpoint as to what beauty is? 

Anyway, here are a couple of Thai girls that I've come across on the internet that I deem really pretty but my Caucasian counterparts seem to think otherwise.




And my Caucasian friends seem to think otherwise and feel that these girls are much prettier:

I know a lot of Caucasian men prefer tanned skin as its beautiful but at the same time, they also seem to go for girls with rounded and flat noses and pronounced cheekbones. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but I tend to believe there has to be a line drawn somewhere. You get the drift don't you?

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let be honest, all these girl are too pretty... to be the girlfriend of a farangwhistling.gif

But still, some foreigner believe, they get the best choicewhistling.gif

Some foreigner do think, all the thai girl are craving to get a foreign partner... when in factwhistling.gif


my observation of years in bkk, and all around the country usually, foreigner in thailand end up with girl like this one below cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Why does there have to be a line drawn? That's what starts wars.


Well, I beg to differ. A line has to be drawn between what's universally accepted as pretty and what's universally deemed not. 

Yes there are situations where it can become really polarizing just like Som Tam (I avoid that like plague whereas some friends absolutely love it and as such there isn't a general consensus as to whether it tastes good or not). Whereas other times, Thai women can be like awesome Kao Pad Pu (Crabmeat fried rice done right is accepted by all. No one seems to hate that.). And bad food is just, you know, universally bad (like those fried critters sold on push carts that you see in Khao San. No one goes like:" Oh hey, you know what, i'm really craving for some of that fried scorpion and cockroach today. )

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let be honest, all these girl are too pretty... to be the girlfriend of a farangwhistling.gif

But still, some foreigner believe, they get the best choicewhistling.gif

Some foreigner do think, all the thai girl are craving to get a foreign partner... when in factwhistling.gif


my observation of years in bkk, and all around the country usually, foreigner in thailand end up with girl like this one below cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


But seriously, if all farang's think that way, we'll never get the good girls! 

A mutual friend of our group has a smoking hot bombshell and guess what? He's not even loaded. He looks decent, is doing his masters in Singapore and goes to Thailand frequently for shopping and partying and that's how he met his SO. 

And sometimes I do feel that it is also due to the fact that the places visited by Western tourists in Thailand aren't the same. And as such, the locals that they bump into aren't the same. 

Take for example Thonglor. The more upscale district of Thailand. A night at the Myst or Muse or even Bombay Blues and you'll see tonnes of the aforementioned Thai beauties. They don't seem all that stuck up (like their Singaporean counterparts) and xenophobic. In fact, a lot of them are simply shy before the ice is broken. 


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