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Thailand: Airlines, hotels take precautions against Ebola


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Airlines, hotels take precautions against Ebola

BANGKOK: -- Hotels and airlines are launching prevention measures for tourists visiting Thailand in the wake of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

The Thai Hotels Association is sending a special notice to its 800 members urging operators to post alerts on the situation.

THA is also providing general healthcare suggestions regarding the outbreak, advising people to contact a newly established unit under the Health Ministry if medical assistance is needed.

The ministry last week said it was on the lookout for foreign tourists who could be carrying the virus, but had not yet found any cases.

"We've still found no cases in Thailand, but operators are concerned about this issue," THA president Surapong Techaruvichit said yesterday.

He said hotels were generally concerned about guests' health and usually worked with hospitals and clinics located nearby.

He said hotels were closely monitoring the Ebola situation, but the risk of the disease appearing in Thailand was very low.

The West African outbreak has so far killed more than 700 people.

Thai Airways International yesterday released seven prevention measures relating to the virus - from its ground operations to on-board services. The airline has also designated 36 areas as requiring "deep cleaning" because of the amount of times they are touched by passengers.

The national carrier is still operating three flights a week to South Africa, which is free from Ebola.

Airports of Thailand, the operator of Suvarnabhumi Airport, earlier announced further healthcare measures for passengers travelling in and out of Bangkok.

Thai AirAsia has invoked similar measures. Commercial director Santisuk Klongchaiya said the airline was alert to the issue and had implemented further health precautions for its passengers.

The airline does not fly to the affected areas, but it serves passengers from third countries connecting to West Africa.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Airlines-hotels-take-precautions-against-Ebola-30240208.html


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Thailand Hotel Association BOSS  said quote. "the risk of Ebola reaching Thailand was very low"    IDIOT.     It has the same chance of it coming here as most other tourist countries,  anyone wishing to travel here from W Africa or anywhere are free to do so as long as the early signs are not apparent.

In fact given the worlds most visited places it is a high risk.  This THA BOSS is puddled to say the least and is so stupid to say this to safeguard the numbers of tourists wishing to travel----again  money collected is more important--his job is to promote------remember   TAT  comes to mind.

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The airline has also designated 36 areas as requiring "deep cleaning" because of the amount of times they are touched by passengers.



Those wine and champagne glasses don't need a cleaning then.


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As precautionary measure all rooms will be sprayed with insecticide and not ventilated. Much faster acting than Ebola in killing tourists (I am thinking of that hotel funny business up in Chiang Mai a few years ago).

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Ban travellers from West Africa......!

Many that come to Thailand are scammers anyway...no loss!


Some of us work there and rotate back to Thailand. But thanks for the sentiments. 



I understand and appolgise,  my comment was not meant to cause any disputes....

There's a very compelling article on the CNN website that clearly states that Ebola can easily be contracted on aircraft........

It's becoming a very serious concern to the world.....and to those, like yourself that do work there and commute, then precautions must be taken.

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It's starting to look like the Ebola 'epidemic' is yet another scam, like so many before it to frighten the populace into submission to yet more restrictions on their freedoms.




But if you are worried about Ebola, please don’t be. It’s beginning to seem as if it’s just more psychological warfare from the usual suspects … just like Bird Flu and Swine Flu.

It’s another case of ‘figures lie, and liars figure’.

If you’re talking possible worldwide epidemic, the stats coming out from the World Health Organisation (WHO) don’t quite hang together as Ebola is not even at anything like epidemic proportions in Africa. Added to which, the genesis of Ebola seems to have come from a nucleus which has, at its centre, a bioweapons lab owned by multi billionaires George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates.

Even according to WHO figures, the spread of Ebola in Africa is as nothing as compared to the amount of people who die in the West of ordinary common-or-garden influenza every year. You’re looking at a total of 456 deaths overall, for Ebola, against an annual figure of deaths from influenza of 250,000 and 500,000. Both these figures come from WHO health reports, and do remember the Ebola figure of 458 is overall, whereas the flu figures are yearly.

So hopefully that enables us to gain a saner perspective on the Ebola War of Terror tactic than the one being trumped up by the mainstream media which seems to be well onboard with this psychological warfare operation.

As Jon Rappoport, in an article for Infowars, says:

“Ebola is a propaganda operation. Choices are being made: what to emphasize, what to ignore, what to use in order to invoke fear. Producing fear, one way or another, is a standard element in exerting top-down control over the population. When people are afraid, they’re compliant, they’re obedient to authority. And that’s the agenda.”





That quote is from a blog, but I've seen the same figures and conclusions on other sites, and have no reason to suspect that they aren't correct. Also, rather tellingly, I've also seen on a few disparate sites this piece of information:



The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tells us that the virus is spreading because of unhygenic practices in African hospitals. So it can’t be a coincidence that a bio-warfare lab in a Sierra Leone hospital, with a list of investors that reads like a Who’s Who of the New World Order, including known eugenicists George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates, is at the centre of the Ebola outbreak in Africa. These are the richest people in the world and they own our governments.



It’s a matter of public record that this biowarfare lab has been working on developing various strains of Ebola for more than 40 years, which begs the question, how on earth would they expect to control it in a battleground situation? I think the answer to that is they couldn’t, and that weaponised Ebola is not and was never intended to be used just on the enemies’ troops, but on the ordinary civilians too. The Geneva Convention must be turning in its grave.

According to American Kabuki, who has researched this subject more deeply, this Soros/Gates lab has, so far, been unable to develop a strain of Ebola that will be virulent enough, and certainly not one which will spread in cooler climes than are found in Africa.

He says:

“They’ve been trying to weaponize Ebola for over 40 years. They can’t do it because the Mayinga strain of Ebola (the only known strain to be contagious through aerosol transmission) kills people too quickly for it to work as a broad spread bio weapon.


Yes, a bit tinfoil hattish, I know, but I'm starting to see a pattern emerging with the constantly overblown scares emanating from 'Public Health' / WHO (I'm not even going to touch on the mega-con that is 'global warming'; that's a subject that requires its own section), who seem to be the chosen conduit for facilitating increasing government control now 'terrorism' has been exploited to its max. Because to accompany every new 'epidemic' (smoking, drinking, obesity, bird flu, swine flu etc etc, and now Ebola), there are always those clamouring that "something must be done", and that 'something' always seems to entail imposing restrictions and/or raising taxes, "for our security / health / cheeldren's future".


I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I've always been very much a realist, and I usually scoff at the wilder scenarios that are thrown into the ring. But something has been afoot for decades now; since WW2, and it's looking increasingly sinister.

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As much as some folk may not like it, if you want to be as near as certain as you can be that this will not spread outside Africa, a travel ban is the obvious choice.

It may yet come to that.




From my above post:



Because to accompany every new 'epidemic' (smoking, drinking, obesity, bird flu, swine flu etc etc, and now Ebola), there are always those clamouring that "something must be done", and that 'something' always seems to entail imposing restrictions and/or raising taxes,

It's just all too easy to stampede people into voluntarily giving up their freedom. Frighteningly so.

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If they don't limit travel and quarantine West Africa soon you will be "free" to die a painful death because nothing was done before it was too late. I would much rather loose a little "liberty" than see thousands of innocents die because governments were worried about upsetting a few whiny libertarians... Unless the UK, US and EU get a handle on arrivals and quarantine them for 21 days the virus will eventually be spread into the general population. The long incubation period is a problem. People who are able will flee the infected countries to visit relatives in the West, unknowingly bringing the virus with them as the feel fine... Until it overwhelms their system by then they may have passed it on to dozens of others. By the time the politicians get over their PC worries about offending anyone it will be too late.
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ON the other Newspaper breaking News  21 tourists being monitored for Ebola ;;;; HERE. 




Lets hope all 21 are clear. Though, 21 is a lot. One or two of them is enough to turn this place upside down. No way is Thailand equipped to deal with even a single case of Ebola.

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Ban travellers from West Africa......!

Many that come to Thailand are scammers anyway...no loss!


Some of us work there and rotate back to Thailand. But thanks for the sentiments. 



I understand and appolgise,  my comment was not meant to cause any disputes....

There's a very compelling article on the CNN website that clearly states that Ebola can easily be contracted on aircraft........

It's becoming a very serious concern to the world.....and to those, like yourself that do work there and commute, then precautions must be taken.


You are quite right. Last month at work, I did notice a sign up on the wall about the Ebola virus. I work considerably south of the danger area but as you said, the disease could spread easily via contact with and infected persons bodily fluids perhaps in the aircraft toilets. I will certainly take precautions.

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