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Japanese woman falls to death from high-rise condo in Bangkok


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In the news daily now- even in Bangkok.....whatever happened to a bottle of pills, bottle of whisky and a porno as a better way to kiss it all g'bye? This has to be one horrible way to do it....

If it ever came to that point for me (and it won't) I would take an overdose of a strong opiate, puts you to sleep or flat-out stops the heart. Pills + whiskey would lead to a lot of nasty vomit and possibly choking to death, it is not a good way.



Why not have a free fall ride on the way out and then instant death?

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RIP the poor lady.........and condolences to her husband.


Sadly, it seems the police have really narrowed down the cause of her death.....suicide, murder or accident......one has to wonder how these imbiciles think sometimes!


Maybe they are getting training off Donald Rumsfeld coffee1.gif


RIP for the lady and condolences to her family.This seems to happen way too much here


Please enlighten me.  What does former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have to do with Thai Police competence or incompetence?  Your attempt at ridicule escapes me.

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"Police suspected three motives on her death committing suicide, murder, and accident."


The news article said that the police "suspected" this. From personal experience, news media are prone to misquote or embellish the story.

Had the article quoted someone by name and rank, or even mentioined an unknown police spokesperson, then perhaps I would be more inclined to believe what was said.

Read, heed and perhaps misbelieve. What is written or said second hand, third hand or more is often wrong.
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"Police suspected three motives on her death committing suicide, murder, and accident."


The news article said that the police "suspected" this. From personal experience, news media are prone to misquote or embellish the story.

Had the article quoted someone by name and rank, or even mentioined an unknown police spokesperson, then perhaps I would be more inclined to believe what was said.

Read, heed and perhaps misbelieve. What is written or said second hand, third hand or more is often wrong.
Whether it was the police or a reporter's embellishment it is still one of the stupidest quotes I have seen in a long time. Edited by Bluespunk
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quarrel started when she learned that he visited a massage parlour


I always thought...men and women visit massage parlors to keep their marriage together...not to cause problems...

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Is this the people falling from high buildings to their deaths season?


A Russian woman fell from a 33 story building a couple of weeks ago and over the last year I have lost count of how many similar deaths have occurred.


All very strange and concerning.



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Sounds like she had some "issues"


2 cuts on the wrist, ok, sounds like she threatened suicide, and wasnt taken seriously


that will sure teach him to pay attention to the next one's suicide threats


without the pills, she wouldnt have done it,


my last wife was the queen of drama, holding knives to her chest and threatening to stab herself,


opening the car door on the highway, and thinking about dropping herself,


my favorite, while on the phone, she ot back onto the vehicle soaking wet, and I thought it was raining, only on her,


later she told me, she thought about drowning herself,


people that threaten suicide, never do it,


only those truly despondent, do it


the rest want attention,


this guy didnt push her,

she probably threatened, cut her wrists and when that didnt work, went to the balcony and accidentally fell,


if the video shows him walking out of the room looking like Mr Clean, he is off the insurance company, and ready for the new girl at the soapy

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"Police suspected three motives on her death committing suicide, murder, and accident."



who is the "person" who wrote the article? does Thai Visa EVER check on the english competency of it's writers? does Thai visa EVER proof read the articles? you people NEED to proof read this article!

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"The husband also said he had no other woman but merely visited massage parlour from time to time"

She obviously committed suicide as a reaction to her husband's delusional overload psychosis.
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Police suspected three motives on her death – committing suicide, murder, and accident

And what are the other possibilities it could have been apart from that? Doesn't really narrow things down does it. At least she probably had a quick death, RIP


Asteroid strike.  But they were able to rule that out early on  thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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You never know when a suicide threat is real or not but its probably best to always take them seriously.

Sadly for many suicide seems like the best way out.  Today's society has less of a supportive structure from family and friends then in the past.

Everyones so pre-occupied with themselves.

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You never know when a suicide threat is real or not but its probably best to always take them seriously.

Sadly for many suicide seems like the best way out.  Today's society has less of a supportive structure from family and friends then in the past.

Everyones so pre-occupied with themselves.


Except in this case,


any US lawyer was getting her half of his assets,


no one kills themselves when that is assured unless they are truly mentally ill,


it may be that, they were nearing divorce and it is well publicized in Thailand that a non thai can "fall" off a balcony at 33 stories, and no one goes to jail, so,


honey, how about we take a trip to Thailand, and, have another honeymoon?


let's give it just "one more try?"

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Tragic as it is, balcony diving has turned into an international way to end things,......or at least try.

I think this is a shameful indictment on everyone who supports the outrageous and inhumane pro-Torture legislation that prevents doctors and Society from treating death with the mature and dignified respect it deserves.

The stigma associated with the decision to exit without traumatising others or enduring needless suffering is proof that those with the power to stigmatise believe they wouldn't be able to persuade their victims to stay otherwise.

Shame on anyone who would force others to suffer just to please them. People like them are why we could do with 8 billion tall glasses of Kool-Aid. Instead, we have to wait 20-60 years for the same result.

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