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Mabprachan lake soi dogs.... careful now... distempter


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Not sure if you are aware of this, but I have been chatting with a bloke who looks after (feeding, medical etc) some of the Soi dogs around the lake. They are being hit hard with Distemper right now, which is incurable more or less, and transmitted by coughing, barking, licking etc. The pack he looks after is down by about 50% now (up near to the main entrance to the lake by the water center).

Basically, if your dog does not have full up to date inoculations, stay away. If you say hi to any dog up there, make sure you do not go near other dogs for 30 minutes as it dies outside in that time. Dogs that beat it by themselves will still be infectious for up to 3 months so really no dog is OK right now.

it is spreading, known cases spreading down towards the temple. Just be very careful - it is a horrendous way for a dog to die - you do not want to see your house dog in the state these poor mites are in.

Tell tale signs to look out for - very thick green eye discharge on an otherwise healthy looking dog.

If anyone else has an update / knows anything then would like to know.

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Not quite sure why all the dog killers have to come out of the wood work every time someone posts something with the word Dog in it.

All I did was post a friendly warning to other people who might own dogs, or even care. Not sure who this alocacoc person is, or if indeed they live in Pattaya dark side. However, even if he does, he now knows that when he is out and about, walking with his big stick to hit to dogs with, and after he hits it some of the dogs blood hits his leg, he should not go to his favourite bar where his favourite girl has a cute little lap dog that might lick that blood - he should wait a while - at least 30 minutes. Otherwise he will cause the death of that little puppy.

Instead of this ending up as a "dog killer" verses nice decent people fight, perhaps the guvnors can simply delete the offensive posts that take this off topic? That way the thread will not be lost and people who actually need to know this will perhaps save their beloved pets as well.

Sound like a nice idea?

Edited by boldface
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About 350 baht for the innoculation. Is the time of year though,in hot sunshine the virus is killed within seconds,damp cloudy conditions it does linger and as you says spreads very easily. Can take a full 10 days for the dog to eventually die,horrendous death as well

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Not sure if you are aware of this, but I have been chatting with a bloke who looks after (feeding, medical etc) some of the Soi dogs around the lake. They are being hit hard with Distemper right now, which is incurable more or less,

cats are affected just the same :(.. its certain death !

i looked after all the cats in buak hard park in chiang mai twice a day for over four years until someone dumped a cat with distemper in the park one night

it died two days later and three of mine died soon after

i couldnt face watching the then 21 cats i looked after die so i left the park and ive never been back


ps ... i and another cat lover friend paid for 16 of them to be steralized over the the four years



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Most vets will not put them to sleep even if they know there is no chance for them. The one on 3rd road will put to sleep (about 2000 Baht) The govt vet gave me a 20ml empty syringe told me to go outside and inject the dogs vein with air,bloody sickening when you have to revert to such methods

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This is how they can end up, not a family pet a gift put in my garden. Vet on Pattaya Tai put him down for 2000 baht. Also lost my pet dog, long horrible ending all night and she had been vaccinated. Recovery rate according to vet is about 50% and i have seen some the dogs at Maparachan live through it but lot of discharge from nose and eyes. family pets its distressing also for me not good to see soi dogs go out that way either. these particular one's live near no houses and its a closed off road.


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Thanks for the tip off Boldface.

All my dogs are vaccinated but I will keep them at home for a while.

Does anyone have an idea when the outbreak will be over and when it is safe to take my dogs out again? How can we know?

The big one,(lab) needs the exercise - as do I....smile.png

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Thanks for the tip off Boldface.

All my dogs are vaccinated but I will keep them at home for a while.

Does anyone have an idea when the outbreak will be over and when it is safe to take my dogs out again? How can we know?

The big one,(lab) needs the exercise - as do I....smile.png

When the rainy season ends

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Most vets will not put them to sleep even if they know there is no chance for them. The one on 3rd road will put to sleep (about 2000 Baht) The govt vet gave me a 20ml empty syringe told me to go outside and inject the dogs vein with air,bloody sickening when you have to revert to such methods

So many dogs coming down now with distemper,sickening to watch them suffer until they eventually die. Told the vet I am not putting anymore to sleep by pumping air into their veins,he sympathised and sold me a bottle of Nembutal (Pentobarbital)

Hard to find a vein in a dog let alone when it struggling,lived in another country before here and could get ketamine quite freely which put the dog out until the final injection could be given.

Anyway giving the dogs suffering at the moment a couple of AB injections a day,but useless excercise actually

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