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Aggressive car windshield cleaners gang arrested in Bangkok


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Contrary to those who often talk about leaving the small fry alone and going after the big fish, I would suggest that the Rule of Law cannot be selective in any way. The authorities have to enforce law and order in all aspects of life in any country. 


The problem is that for the most part the big fish are never disturbed by the police.

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The general problem in Thailand is, that criminals are not fined harsh!!!!!!!!!

and nobody go after them....

no registation of residence for most of thehm.....just farangs are forced to do that as the millions of tourists and residentials are all the one who are involved into crime!


Such a bullshit in this country!

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These poor kids are just trying to earn a living and support their old and sick parents at home.

and their buffalo
Or there lazy alcoholic brother who sits and wants everything for free !

Rather negative view there. While what these people are doing us wrong, the fact they are desperate enough to do it is telling. Let us all hope that such dire poverty, desperation and a society with little or no safety net to protect those in the situation these people probably are in, affects any of us.


"the fact they are desperate enough"?

The fact?

Where in this story did you read that these aggressive, arrogant punks are "desperate"?

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Yes because their obvious life of luxury, with silver spoons, gilded platters and financial worry free life just got too dull and uneventful. So one morning they thought "hey let's sink as low as we can, live on the road with its car fumes all day and barely scrape a living at the same time."

You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options or do you think that this method of living is that profitable?

Good grief. Edited by Bluespunk
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Yes because their obvious life of luxury, with silver spoons, gilded platters and financial worry free life just got too dull and uneventful. So one morning they thought "hey let's sink as low as we can, live on the road with its car fumes all day and barely scrape a living at the same time."

You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options or do you think that this method of living is that profitable?

Good grief.


"You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options"



But I am willing to hear your facts.


Life is nothing if not choices...

Edited by iReason
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Yes because their obvious life of luxury, with silver spoons, gilded platters and financial worry free life just got too dull and uneventful. So one morning they thought "hey let's sink as low as we can, live on the road with its car fumes all day and barely scrape a living at the same time."

You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options or do you think that this method of living is that profitable?

Good grief.

"You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options"
Life is nothing if not choices...

Not always.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes because their obvious life of luxury, with silver spoons, gilded platters and financial worry free life just got too dull and uneventful. So one morning they thought "hey let's sink as low as we can, live on the road with its car fumes all day and barely scrape a living at the same time."

You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options or do you think that this method of living is that profitable?

Good grief.

"You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options"
Life is nothing if not choices...

Not always.


I wholeheartedly disagree.

The moment you wake, you are faced with your own choices for the coming day. Immediately.


"...splashed dirty water at random cars… then approached the motorists to offer their windshield cleaning service."

"When the motorists refused, the suspects "aggressively" and rudely berated them"


These, would not be among honorable choices.

Am I to believe you are giving them a pass?


As for your "desparate" claim; a wildly unfounded assertion with no basis in "fact".

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes because their obvious life of luxury, with silver spoons, gilded platters and financial worry free life just got too dull and uneventful. So one morning they thought "hey let's sink as low as we can, live on the road with its car fumes all day and barely scrape a living at the same time."

You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options or do you think that this method of living is that profitable?

Good grief.

"You really think they would have done this crap if there were other options"
Life is nothing if not choices...
Not always.

I wholeheartedly disagree.

The moment you wake, you are faced with your own choices for the coming day. Immediately.

"...splashed dirty water at random cars then approached the motorists to offer their windshield cleaning service."

"When the motorists refused, the suspects "aggressively" and rudely berated them"

These, would not be among honorable choices.
Am I to believe you are giving them a pass?
As for your "desparate" claim; a wildly unfounded assertion with no basis in "fact".

Wildly unfounded? Ah.

Look, there is no way anyone would choose this as their best option. No way.

I have already stated what they did was wrong (or did you ignore that bit of my post? A choice perhaps?) however the negative stereotypical posts I was responding to made base assumptions that this was an easy way of making money.

My point is that this method of making a living is risky and hardly likely to be lucrative. To act in this way can only come out of desperation. In effect the last option.

I don't defend it but the idea it is an easy option is ludicrous.
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These poor kids are just trying to earn a living and support their old and sick parents at home.

and their buffalo
Or there lazy alcoholic brother who sits and wants everything for free !

Rather negative view there. While what these people are doing us wrong, the fact they are desperate enough to do it is telling. Let us all hope that such dire poverty, desperation and a society with little or no safety net to protect those in the situation these people probably are in, affects any of us.


They should get a job. Thailand has 0.5% unemployment rate and with so many Cambodian fleeing the coup, there are even more jobs available. In any case, poverty is not an excuse for criminal behavior or else this country would be the 'hub' of crime. What they are doing is not out of 'desperation' but laziness and aversion to responsibility. Who 'wants' to have to get up every day and work 10 hours at a 'real' job? Almost no one; but the vast majority of us do it anyway because the only alternative is criminal behavior. No excuses!

p.s. and they, in their 'desperation', are acting like a**holes by rudely berating those who refuse their services. What new enterprises will they think up now that they have taken the easy path of crime? Maybe this arrest will make them see the errors of their ways.

Edited by rametindallas
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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate. Edited by Bluespunk
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OMG why do authorities go after these petty crimes instead of eradicating corruption, hunger and war !?

OMG, They go after these petty crimes because they damage society and 'happiness'. They go after them because if you let petty crimes go unenforced, they become worse crimes. Criminal behavior need to be 'nipped in the bud' or else it progresses. Do the authorities write parking tickets where you come from? Or, have the eradicated corruption where you come from and now they can write parking tickets?


You want low-level 'beat' policemen working on corruption? You want traffic cops working on corruption? No enforcement of petty crimes until corruption is wiped out? 


You do realize that there are many, many police in Thailand and that each has a role in fighting illegal behavior. Corruption is eradicated by detectives and investigators and not by patrolmen and traffic cops.


'hunger and war !?' Really? Are these the responsibilities of the police?

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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

In their 'desperation' they chose an illegal way of earning a living that lets them sleep late, 'work' any schedule of their choosing, exposes them to the vicissitudes of law enforcement, and doesn't even pay that much. What other criminal behavior are they engaged in to supplement this? Just because they got caught doing this doesn't mean that is all they are doing wrong. Once you cross the line from law-abiding to criminal, you are going down a bleak path. The police did them a favor by stopping them from adding to their bad karma. I've seen children working in the traffic (breathing fumes) selling garlands and, though they should be in school, they are at least doing honest work. I have no sympathy for anyone who damages me so I will pay them to repair the damage they caused and who mistreatment me when I don't comply. As for this being their best option, begging would be a more honorable option IMO. Please choose a better example to defend than this lot.

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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

"To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate."


Best option?

It's not.

Not even in the same ballpark.


Do you remember when you were young?

When you thought all the grown-ups were clueless?


These kids aren't dumb.

Just on their way down the easy, lazy path of crime.

With a bit of intimidation thrown in early.

Heck, before long, they might even entertain elements of violence to achieve their ends...




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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

In their 'desperation' they chose an illegal way of earning a living that lets them sleep late, 'work' any schedule of their choosing, exposes them to the vicissitudes of law enforcement, and doesn't even pay that much. What other criminal behavior are they engaged in to supplement this? Just because they got caught doing this doesn't mean that is all they are doing wrong. Once you cross the line from law-abiding to criminal, you are going down a bleak path. The police did them a favor by stopping them from adding to their bad karma. I've seen children working in the traffic (breathing fumes) selling garlands and, though they should be in school, they are at least doing honest work. I have no sympathy for anyone who damages me so I will pay them to repair the damage they caused and who mistreatment me when I don't comply. As for this being their best option, begging would be a more honorable option IMO. Please choose a better example to defend than this lot.

I'm not defending them. What they did was wrong. However as I stated my post was in response to posts claiming this was an easy option. I disagree with that assumption. I stand by what I said.
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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

In their 'desperation' they chose an illegal way of earning a living that lets them sleep late, 'work' any schedule of their choosing, exposes them to the vicissitudes of law enforcement, and doesn't even pay that much. What other criminal behavior are they engaged in to supplement this? Just because they got caught doing this doesn't mean that is all they are doing wrong. Once you cross the line from law-abiding to criminal, you are going down a bleak path. The police did them a favor by stopping them from adding to their bad karma. I've seen children working in the traffic (breathing fumes) selling garlands and, though they should be in school, they are at least doing honest work. I have no sympathy for anyone who damages me so I will pay them to repair the damage they caused and who mistreatment me when I don't comply. As for this being their best option, begging would be a more honorable option IMO. Please choose a better example to defend than this lot.

I'm not defending them. What they did was wrong. However as I stated my post was in response to posts claiming this was an easy option. I disagree with that assumption. I stand by what I said.


Fine. People should stand by what they say.

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I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

"To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate."
Best option?
It's not.
Not even in the same ballpark.
Do you remember when you were young?
When you thought all the grown-ups were clueless?
These kids aren't dumb.
Just on their way down the easy, lazy path of crime.
With a bit of intimidation thrown in early.
Heck, before long, they might even entertain elements of violence to achieve their ends...

I think we've covered this ground already. We clearly do not agree.
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Meanwhile. Entire carriages of people are robbed on trains while police are on board.
Good to see the important stuff is focused upon.


Are they going to put army commandos in every intersection to protect the public from such
unruly hooligans now I wonder?
Maybe woman only intersections is a solution Edited by retell
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

"To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate."
Best option?
It's not.
Not even in the same ballpark.
Do you remember when you were young?
When you thought all the grown-ups were clueless?
These kids aren't dumb.
Just on their way down the easy, lazy path of crime.
With a bit of intimidation thrown in early.
Heck, before long, they might even entertain elements of violence to achieve their ends...

I think we've covered this ground already. We clearly do not agree.


OOpps! We neglected to cover ground regarding the guy in the photo with a rather large Gold chain around his neck... wai2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I'm just not seeing what they do as an easy option. Seems to me as a way of earning money it's not going to prove lucrative. As I already pointed out to one poster I'm not condoning what they do but rather pointing out its not going to support a family as others seemed to be saying. To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate.

"To end up with this as the best option you have to be fairly desperate."
Best option?
It's not.
Not even in the same ballpark.
Do you remember when you were young?
When you thought all the grown-ups were clueless?
These kids aren't dumb.
Just on their way down the easy, lazy path of crime.
With a bit of intimidation thrown in early.
Heck, before long, they might even entertain elements of violence to achieve their ends...
I think we've covered this ground already. We clearly do not agree.
OOpps! We neglected to cover ground regarding the guy in the photo with a rather large Gold chain around his neck... wai2.gif

Looks like a cheap piece of faeces to me.

However on another note I have a bicycle chain, sorry, I mean large chain of indeterminate precious metal for sale if you're interested. Edited by Bluespunk
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These poor kids are just trying to earn a living and support their old and sick parents at home.

and their buffalo
Or there lazy alcoholic brother who sits and wants everything for free !
Rather negative view there. While what these people are doing us wrong, the fact they are desperate enough to do it is telling. Let us all hope that such dire poverty, desperation and a society with little or no safety net to protect those in the situation these people probably are in, affects any of us.

What utter drivel, scam artists and money for booze and drugs. Hard to prove but on the scale of probability very ) very high
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These poor kids are just trying to earn a living and support their old and sick parents at home.

Yeah me also... I know these idiots and yes I drive a 7 series bmw... I worked hard for it and also for my kids. I get your point but its a con and good they are now not touching our personal property! !
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