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Passenger fury over Qantas stranding in Los Angeles


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Qantas....Thats what you get when Unions and over the top demands coupled with Regulations are in control....lol...maximum working hours exceeded. The Staff do very little even when they are supposed to be working....Qantas was good when REAL Australians ran the show, too late now....bye bye



The mechanism that caused the grounding was a defective cooling system not the unions. One would conceive that this is consistent with perhaps an airline avoiding scheduled maintenance timelines to save on costs and management not having an immediate contingency plan to remedy the problem. This event clearly shows that Qantas is an overrated and overpriced airline.


They are in the process of shedding 200  ground engineers in Australia at the moment.

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I wonder whether QANTAS had different treatment for 1st Class passengers vs Economy in this situation.

Yes the first class passengers will quickly be put on an alternative flight( on another airline) in the same class or will be put up in a decent hotel. There won't be many first class passengers so it should be possible.

The more you pay for your ticket the more service you receive.
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Wonder how long the curfew delayed them


I know Emirates have disobeyed the curfew a few times landing A380s in Sydney when they were running late, they must think to themselves "$500k fine vs landing elsewhere, paying for hotels, meals and extra flights for 450 people plus pissing them all off...   yeah screw it, lets just land at Sydney"

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Similar things happen from time to time with every flying person. Qantas is neither the best nor the worst of airlines. FURY is misplaced in this case. You can always switch to Malaysian and save.

Not  me, I was put into a nearby hotel, and given meals on the 2 occasions extended delays occurred.
I am sorry to inform you that, according to other threads I have been reading, Qantas has indeed entered the latter of your 2 categories!
To be left on an airport seat for 23 hours surpasses the poor treatment expected of budget carriers.
Comparisons to Malaysian airlines are unfair after their 2 tragedies.

My sister was on the SQ flight that got divered over Xmas. She was on the floor in amlaty with a newborn for 2 days.



Perhaps SQ have no support facilities there?

Because one would expect better. Although I would have no idea what to expect there.



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