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Getting CNBC Asia TV


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Currently I rent my condo and I am dependent upon my building's central main dish for quality and access to the channel which is not good (outage is most of time) - I can not install my own service dish because this is specifically prevented as a condition in my contract

What are the options for getting this channel without installing a dish?
I have tried to buy access via web - stream and found:
  1. Access via CNBC pro, is available, but this is a service tariff for getting online market data real time - The access to TV then is bundled FOC - I just need to TV part - The cost is $30 and am reluctant to pay this just for TV, but I might need to pay the premium to get the TV part.
  2. I have have also tried http://www.livestation.com - To subscribe at $5.99 - It CNBC is not being made available as an option when location is Thailand.

Does anyone know if I can get CNBC channel on the new digital boxes that I keep seeing advertised, but do these need a dish?

Any inside knowledge or creative Thoughts anyone?

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Looks like I jumped the gun and presumed that the App was supplier of the broadcast content and it only acts as a remote control app.

The PC app it what accesses the broadcast content which is downloadable at http://xbmc.org/

- Anyone reading this latter and wanting the same - watch YouTube overview video

- Thanks goes to joncl - For his callout

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  • 4 weeks later...

It depends on what source in what add-ons you use for example;

1. iLive

2. Sports devil

3. Navi-X

4. Free IPTV PVR

5. several other add-ons

All have different sources for CNBC

Edited by joncl
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It depends on what source in what add-ons you use for example;

1. iLive

2. Sports devil

3. Navi-X

4. Free IPTV PVR

5. several other add-ons

All have different sources for CNBC

Yes, I understand thank you. Therefore could you say which exact add-on you used to get your screen capture above?

Edited by WorriedNoodle
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Option 4 above ..

OK thanks.

So this is like a PVR add-on client rather than video player add-on right? I couldn't find Free IPTV PVR exactly as you named it, but enabled PVR IPTV Simple Client which is much the same thing I guess. However these need playlists therefore:

* What about the url for the m3u playlist, where exactly is that to be found - and the EPG url for that matter with regards your screen capture for CNBC above? Any help much appreciated thanks.

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Yes it is the same thing, so for the m3u file (1) you can make your own and customise it to what you want only (2) get one off the net (google helps) or (3) get one from the many on xbmc.org or like web sites

For the EPG you will need to also make your own to match your m3u list for the Thai time zone (the pvr does not hadle time zones well in the EPG) and it is all outlined how to do it on this link http://www.webgrabplus.com/documentation then you will need to run that EPG grabber at least once every 24-48 hours to update the PVR.

For the icons - again you will need to make your own group of channel icons (more help on xbmc.org) (I simply never bothered to do this)

Then you will want a xbmc skin the behaves well with the PVR/EPG and I would recommend the CCM skin on xbmc.org

Edited by joncl
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Appreciate all of the time you have spent with useful links to various help sites. I have followed up on some, but it takes time. There's one Google link takes us to at github that produces lists various IPTV m3u urls (some very clear especially Asian based ones) but until now I have not found any m3u link "using Google" to get the CNBC Asia screen capture from your post #3. I guess you are teasing us by not being more specific? wink.png

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