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Australian couple in Thai baby scandal want boy back


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No one is free from guilt in this whole messy situation.


The parents are really on a different planet given they had no idea what they were getting into dealing with Thai Laws and lack of research by his own admission he didn't know about the process of taking her back, while in Thailand. They obviously decided to pick the best of the litter and flee. Glad they aren't my parents! His sex offences which he did time for are unforgivable. This has been done to death on this thread so I won't comment any further.


The Agency in which handled the whole situation .. complete fcukup which will affect two kids for the rest of their lives. Just another making money opportunity handle over the internet. 


The Australian Government for allowing this guy to have a passport given his criminal record and allowing him to bring back a baby with what paperwork???? Both of them were obviously in Thailand on 30day TR's yet return home with a baby??? Somebody is not doing their job at both ends of the travel. Surely some questions had to be asked somewhere.


The Thai girl, well who know because Thais never admit they are wrong!


Thai Government for allowing blackmarket surrogacy to operate. Can't be above board given the mess this has turned out to be.


No-one wins here except maybe those who skimmed money of the proceeds and have bolted!


Now why are these things investigated by journalists? Oh thats right its about ratings and riding on the wave of Australian Public sentiment now that it is found he is a Pedo. 


It is the most biased piece of journalism i have seen in a while and I hope that they follow up to find out how this sort of thing can actually occur. If the little boy never had DS, then this would continue to roll on.


Basic Human trafficking where someone is making money and if this guy wasn't a pedo than there would be no real story!


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Now why are these things investigated by journalists? Oh thats right its about ratings and riding on the wave of Australian Public sentiment now that it is found he is a Pedo. 


It is the most biased piece of journalism i have seen in a while and I hope that they follow up to find out how this sort of thing can actually occur. If the little boy never had DS, then this would continue to roll on.


Basic Human trafficking where someone is making money and if this guy wasn't a pedo than there would be no real story!



There wouldn't be a story because a childless couple would have got a child and the impoverished mother would have been paid for the service. A not pleasant but symbiotic situation.


There is a story because he's a #$@$#$ child molesting POS and the Australian Government are as guilty as sin. Now Aussie officials are running for cover because the pedo has threatened to sue them. !#@$%$^% W-ANKERS! 22 offences and they let him roam free?

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Now why are these things investigated by journalists? Oh thats right its about ratings and riding on the wave of Australian Public sentiment now that it is found he is a Pedo. 


It is the most biased piece of journalism i have seen in a while and I hope that they follow up to find out how this sort of thing can actually occur. If the little boy never had DS, then this would continue to roll on.


Basic Human trafficking where someone is making money and if this guy wasn't a pedo than there would be no real story!



There wouldn't be a story because a childless couple would have got a child and the impoverished mother would have been paid for the service. A not pleasant but symbiotic situation.


There is a story because he's a #$@$#$ child molesting POS and the Australian Government are as guilty as sin. Now Aussie officials are running for cover because the pedo has threatened to sue them. !#@$%$^% W-ANKERS! 22 offences and they let him roam free?


Agree .. if nothing else this has exposed what is going on and the lack of checks done in human lives. Heads should role as well.

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TWENTY TWO convictions for child sex offences, the youngest victim being a seven year old girl? What is the scum even doing out of jail?!
Some of these judges need to be put on the dole and replaced with people who understand the concept of protecting society.

Why on earth was he allowed a passport and why were the Thai Authorities not informed he's a pedophile?
The whole business stinks!

Your the man. I had whole visions of bumping into this creep in Oz but I'd rather bump into him back home where the odds are stacked on my side.

I've felt sick ever since this story aired.....it seems like nobody in power has their eye on the ball, it's a real worry in this modern society, any society.

Another reason why all these creeps should be castrated and have their peckers removed on conviction.

We must protect children at all costs, children and the elderly, to hell with the rest of society. And before someone cracks in with so ething woes to say, I don't consider myself eligible for the elderly tag.....not yet anyway.

This creep gave up his right to anything the first time he interfered with a child.
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