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Crazy House/Vodka-Coke Scam.


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The old Vodka-Coke scam used to be fairly common on Soi Cowboy but tonight was the first time I've been hit with it at Crazy House.


For those of you who don't know, the Vodka-Coke scam is when you offer to buy a girl a "lady drink", normally the girl will ask "Is vodka coke OK?"  Not knowing, you say "Sure. no problem."

The hook is what arrives is not a mixed vodka-coke, instead, 2 separate glasses; one a shot of vodka and one a small glass of coke which she then mixes.   Billed as TWO drinks...not one. In the case of Crazy House, B300 instead of B150.


What really ticked me off is she didn't even ask...she just went ahead and ordered it and as soon as it arrived, went dancing.  As soon as I saw the separate shot glass I knew I'd been had.


My complaint to the manager got the expected blank stare.

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These lows always make me laugh. They are only able to make money by fooling, cheating, scamming others. I don't interact with such lows coz it always makes me mess my pants as i laugh at them so hard. Leeches.
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I've learned to ask how much before placing an order. I also make a mental note of menu prices and photos on the menu of what I'm ordering. If the order is half the size of the picture I offer to pay half the price and tell them if they argue I pay nothing. They always seem embarrassed and accept my offer.

If I meet a lady, I no longer buy lady drinks, but pay for her time direct. If the bar complains I ask for my tab and leave. If I like the lady, we leave together. They always want expensive beer and liquor for obvious reasons and I feel the money is better spent in her pocket. If a lady I don't know asks if I want to buy her a drink my response is, 'no.' If they ask why, I ask them if they want to buy me a drink?

However, in the past 8 years here, I've refused to pay rip off prices and the bars and restaurants never called the police.

I've had lady drinks placed on my tab with ladies I never spoke with and after arguing I refused to pay my tab for wasting my time and walked out. The tab has always been one or two beers.

One night I went to the restaurant at the end of the street in Soy Cowboy with a friend and we both ordered a half rack of ribs. When they arrived at the table, half the meat was missing on each order with the meatless bones sticking out. We both told them to shove the bill and immediately walked out and paid nothing when they said it is what it is. I had been a regular customer there for years. I never went back. The ignorance is unbelievable.

I had a taxi try to rip me off by refusing to turn on the meter and trying to charge me 500 THB on a 100 THB ride. I refused to pay and he called the Police. The cop said pay him 100 THB and I refused to pay anything because the meter was not on. The cop left and I took a picture of the driver, his ID on the dash and license plate. He asked why and I told him I was going to try to get his license suspended! He drove off spinning his wheels. I did file a complaint, but who knows what the outcome was. Hopefully he learned to turn on the meter!

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, but if everyone would refuse to pay for the rip offs and not return to the place of business, it would stop.

These rip offs kill tourism.


I am not sure which is worse, your actions or how proud you are of them.


You mention that these rip offs kill tourism.  If everyone acted the way you did then tourism would cease to exist.  All businesses would close up shop.

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I had a taxi try to rip me off by refusing to turn on the meter and trying to charge me 500 THB on a 100 THB ride. I refused to pay and he called the Police. The cop said pay him 100 THB and I refused to pay anything because the meter was not on. The cop left and I took a picture of the driver, his ID on the dash and license plate. He asked why and I told him I was going to try to get his license suspended! He drove off spinning his wheels. I did file a complaint, but who knows what the outcome was. Hopefully he learned to turn on the meter!

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, but if everyone would refuse to pay for the rip offs and not return to the place of business, it would stop.

These rip offs kill tourism.


Good of you to stand your ground with all the BS around here.


Regarding taxi complaints, I read somewhere here that complaints go onto the driver's record and they get fined when they renew their license.  This includes drivers who refuse to take passengers, although most people probably wouldn't bother about something like that.

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Well Done the OP,   


Why pay for two and only get one, as the one already has profit built in already///


The big boys that flash the cash have fu..ed thailand as the locals come to expect half wits willing  not to question...


Thailand is about to implode,    and the Cambodians are all ready rubbing their hands.....

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I've learned to ask how much before placing an order. I also make a mental note of menu prices and photos on the menu of what I'm ordering. If the order is half the size of the picture I offer to pay half the price and tell them if they argue I pay nothing. They always seem embarrassed and accept my offer.

If I meet a lady, I no longer buy lady drinks, but pay for her time direct. If the bar complains I ask for my tab and leave. If I like the lady, we leave together. They always want expensive beer and liquor for obvious reasons and I feel the money is better spent in her pocket. If a lady I don't know asks if I want to buy her a drink my response is, 'no.' If they ask why, I ask them if they want to buy me a drink?

However, in the past 8 years here, I've refused to pay rip off prices and the bars and restaurants never called the police.

I've had lady drinks placed on my tab with ladies I never spoke with and after arguing I refused to pay my tab for wasting my time and walked out. The tab has always been one or two beers.

One night I went to the restaurant at the end of the street in Soy Cowboy with a friend and we both ordered a half rack of ribs. When they arrived at the table, half the meat was missing on each order with the meatless bones sticking out. We both told them to shove the bill and immediately walked out and paid nothing when they said it is what it is. I had been a regular customer there for years. I never went back. The ignorance is unbelievable.

I had a taxi try to rip me off by refusing to turn on the meter and trying to charge me 500 THB on a 100 THB ride. I refused to pay and he called the Police. The cop said pay him 100 THB and I refused to pay anything because the meter was not on. The cop left and I took a picture of the driver, his ID on the dash and license plate. He asked why and I told him I was going to try to get his license suspended! He drove off spinning his wheels. I did file a complaint, but who knows what the outcome was. Hopefully he learned to turn on the meter!

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, but if everyone would refuse to pay for the rip offs and not return to the place of business, it would stop.

These rip offs kill tourism.

I am not sure which is worse, your actions or how proud you are of them.
You mention that these rip offs kill tourism.  If everyone acted the way you did then tourism would cease to exist.  All businesses would close up shop.
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Another troll that came from underneath the bridge! If you enjoy getting ripped off, you need professional help. Please leave as you are creating problems for us who have lived here for many years.
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I've learned to ask how much before placing an order. I also make a mental note of menu prices and photos on the menu of what I'm ordering. If the order is half the size of the picture I offer to pay half the price and tell them if they argue I pay nothing. They always seem embarrassed and accept my offer.



If the order was twice as big as the picture would you offer to pay twice as much? 


They probably accept your offer because they do not want to disrupt the other paying customers who do not have issues with their bills or service.  They just want you out of the restaurant as quickly and quietly as possible.

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I've learned to ask how much before placing an order. I also make a mental note of menu prices and photos on the menu of what I'm ordering. If the order is half the size of the picture I offer to pay half the price and tell them if they argue I pay nothing. They always seem embarrassed and accept my offer.


If the order was twice as big as the picture would you offer to pay twice as much? 
They probably accept your offer because they do not want to disrupt the other paying customers who do not have issues with their bills or service.  They just want you out of the restaurant as quickly and quietly as possible.

Another troll slithered out from the shadows! There seems to be some very unhappy, mentally challenged individuals that have nothing better to do then to attempt to make others unhappy. Unlike you I'm a happy, honorable person that takes offense to rude, ignorant, trolls and people who attempt to take advantage of others. Your comment makes no sense, whatsoever. Perhaps next time you should think before you embarrass yourself. If the meal was larger and the service good, I would tip 25-30%, and recommend the restaurant.

Edited by Kabula
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I've learned to ask how much before placing an order. I also make a mental note of menu prices and photos on the menu of what I'm ordering. If the order is half the size of the picture I offer to pay half the price and tell them if they argue I pay nothing. They always seem embarrassed and accept my offer.


If the order was twice as big as the picture would you offer to pay twice as much? 
They probably accept your offer because they do not want to disrupt the other paying customers who do not have issues with their bills or service.  They just want you out of the restaurant as quickly and quietly as possible.

Another troll slithered out from the shadows! There seems to be some very unhappy, mentally challenged individuals that have nothing better to do then to attempt to make others unhappy. Unlike you I'm a happy, honorable person that takes offense to rude, ignorant, trolls and people who attempt to take advantage of others. Your comment makes no sense, whatsoever. Perhaps next time you should think before you embarrass yourself. If the meal was larger and the service good, I would tip 25-30%, and recommend the restaurant.




You posted on a public forum about your behavior.  You seem to think that the normal rules of society don't apply to you.  When you purchase food, or a service sometimes it is better than expected, sometimes it is worse.  If I receive worse than expected I may say something and hope they would fix it, but I would never create my own rules and demand that I would pay half or nothing at all. 


You stated "However, in the past 8 years here, I've refused to pay rip off prices and the bars and restaurants never called the police."


You think that because you have not had the police called on you that your actions are reasonable?  If you were dining in a restaurant would you want the police to show up to handle someone else's dispute and disturb your meal?  If you have been in Thailand for 8 years then you should know how important it is to remain calm and not cause someone else to lose face.


We have a difference of opinion on how to act in certain situations and I have just stated my opinion on the matter.  You have decided that because I have a difference in opinion that I am a troll, mentally challenged, unhappy, rude, and ignorant. 


My comments make perfect logical sense.  You suggest that you should pay half for a meal if it is half the size of the picture.  So logically you should pay more if it is larger than the picture, but you only use that logic when it is in your benefit.  If you refuse to pay, then the restaurant owner has to eat that cost.  If you pay a large tip as you suggest, then that money goes to the server, not the restaurant owner.


Just keep in mind that most people do not act as you do in public.  The average Thai would never dream of doing such a thing either.  How often do you see someone else do what you have described?  There are a few here on TV that support your opinions, but the reality is that you and them are a minority.

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