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Cleared 4 year overstay this month. Returned without problems.

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Not deliberately trying to provoke but quite simply .the OP should not have been allowed back in the country. Forget crackdown deadlines its totally out of orderShould have been charged daily for the entire 4 years and he many not have been so glib about it......

"Should have been charged daily for the entire 4 years"

"the OP should not have been allowed back in the country. Forget crackdown deadlines its totally out of order"

But the law was in his favor! Why so blood thirsty?

More, Pontifical as the Pope?

More Thai, than the Thai Immigration? lol blink.pngbah.gif

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I was just denied visa , wait so phom phen Thai Embassy saw the overstay stamp obviously and still issued you a Tourist Visa? Did u use some agent or went by yourself?


Cambodia? I would in that country always use an agent. convenient, not expensive and possible,

more successful.


Edited by ALFREDO
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Good luck for you. Still this was a very ignorant thing....4 years...

5k a year. Not too shabby. Probably better than the losers slobbering it out on Visa Run minivans every 30/60/90 days for those same 4 years, and probably spent 3 times as much for doing so.

Wow, i can't believe you are calling people who made an effort to stay in Thailand legally a "loser" I can see from this comment you are a real winner!

The morals of some of the people on TV is just amazing. You congratulate a guy for breaking the law just because he didn't feel like doing a visa run.

I never had to take a minivan but i did stay legal the last 20 years. Been working and doing my 90 reports. Never was a problem or a hard thing to do. Just mail it in or take a little trip to immigration, no big deal. I didn't want to do this, but i did to stay legal.

This is a visa information forum, not judgment by St Peter at the pearly gates. Not trying to be rude, but just chill. Your payment for doing it right is that you don't have to worry or be afraid all the time. That's why you do that, right? It's why I do. He made a mistake and he did the right thing.

I dont see where I'm judging anyone. Where did i make a judgement about him? If you have seen my posts i agree there should be another visa category. I also agree with immigration about the crack down, as there are allot of criminal elements in Thailand hiding out and hopefully this will also help fix the teacher situation that schools do the work and get them work permits and force the schools to pay more when they have fewer teachers to choose from. We all know Thailand is not perfect and don't always make sense, but Thailand is what it is.

Like i said i find it amazing that people are congratulating him for breaking the law when he admits the only reason he broke the law was pretty much he was lazy and didn't want to do visa runs. Then you have posters calling me and others that follow the rules as losers. Don't see where i need to chill as I'm noting going after anyone to judging anyone.

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But surely that means you are stuck in Thailand and you couldn't leave the country in those 4 years? It is people like you that are making the Thai authorities stricter, which sucks for the rest of us who are legit.

" It is people like you that are making the Thai authorities stricter, which sucks for the rest of us who are legit."

So, please write, which of the new stricter laws and punishments, are a problem for you, or make your legal stay in TH more difficult?

You legal, so what is the problem, change for you? blink.png

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OP is devoid of all responsibility. He lived here for 4 years knowing he could be arrested and deported at any time leaving all of his Thai life behind. No sense of loyalty to friends, lovers or work colleagues, as they could/would have all been discarded in an instant, or worse, burdened with his criminality. Pretty unsavoury one might say. On the other hand he might be a complete loner who had no one else in his life whatsoever for 4 years.

What is your problem?

OP dd not made any crime, overstay is no crime it is a offence! And the maximum fine is 20000 baht and for sure there are situations in life that some peopel decide for overstay. But it is their decision, they not hurt anybody, not harmed anybody.

All the people who are here on ED Visa only because the only way to stay in Thaland, or to go to the border every month for Visaruns and pay the schoold or Visarun companys a lot og money, sorry I would choose overstay also.

And there are nobody went to prison because of overstay, people who went to priison and deported have been here with complete no money, or made soft crimes. Now most of TV members do like overstay is the worsed thing what somebody in Thailand can do.

Care about your own problems and your own befavior, sure we could find many things to critisis

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I think many are upset, (including myself) that this guys just does not care about the law and chooses to overstay. I'm sure many here that are upset have a visa same as me. We follow the rules to stay legal in Thailand. Guys like him who dont care are one of the reasons for immigration to preform these crack downs. It's never been hard to stay in Thailand legally. For allot of people that are being affected (not me as I have a B visa and work permit) one of their options to do visa runs has been stopped because of people like him. People get upset because of exactly what he did is a result of the new crack down which is effecting so many long time stayers.

Since you are so happy for the OP, I guess you don't care about illegal immigrants in your home country either.

What BS, how you can blame an overstayer that Visaruns are not allowed anymore? he never made any visarun, thats the basic of overstay biggrin.png everybody who drive without helmet, use phone while driving, dring alcohol on a budda day, pay a woman for ...

I am sure you never made in Thailand this things, because you are all legal ....

The problem is that in Thailand nobody care about law, even the Thais dont care, the courts, the police nobody care, and then you blame people for doing something like overstay? really you must be a happy person with no problems at all ....

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OP is devoid of all responsibility. He lived here for 4 years knowing he could be arrested and deported at any time leaving all of his Thai life behind. No sense of loyalty to friends, lovers or work colleagues, as they could/would have all been discarded in an instant, or worse, burdened with his criminality. Pretty unsavoury one might say. On the other hand he might be a complete loner who had no one else in his life whatsoever for 4 years.

What is your problem?

OP dd not made any crime, overstay is no crime it is a offence! And the maximum fine is 20000 baht and for sure there are situations in life that some peopel decide for overstay. But it is their decision, they not hurt anybody, not harmed anybody.

All the people who are here on ED Visa only because the only way to stay in Thaland, or to go to the border every month for Visaruns and pay the schoold or Visarun companys a lot og money, sorry I would choose overstay also.

And there are nobody went to prison because of overstay, people who went to priison and deported have been here with complete no money, or made soft crimes. Now most of TV members do like overstay is the worsed thing what somebody in Thailand can do.

Care about your own problems and your own befavior, sure we could find many things to critisis

they hurt those that are caught in the resulting crackdowns because it becomes more difficult to do out/ins on visa exempts and tourist visas

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5000 THB per year

No visa run

No 90 days reports

No waiting for hours at immigration

No immigration interview

No MOE interview

No school fees

I am an idiot

1. You are assuming we arent being wound up

2. How many of us would have slept soundly over that 4 year period knowing we could end up in IDC ?

Thanks, but no thanks to that 'option'.

After 37 years in Thailand I have never once in that period ever been asked for my passport by immigration, when I travel I provide the hotel with a my passport # My Tim card, # (haven't left the country since 1996) date of entry, a Thai drivers lic and or a copy of my yellow book has always been enough never has a Thai policeman outside of the annual immigration process seen my passport. I have never, never, never done a 90 day report in 37 years

The only crime I commit, leave sleeping dogs lie

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OP is devoid of all responsibility. He lived here for 4 years knowing he could be arrested and deported at any time leaving all of his Thai life behind. No sense of loyalty to friends, lovers or work colleagues, as they could/would have all been discarded in an instant, or worse, burdened with his criminality. Pretty unsavoury one might say. On the other hand he might be a complete loner who had no one else in his life whatsoever for 4 years.

What is your problem?

OP dd not made any crime, overstay is no crime it is a offence! And the maximum fine is 20000 baht and for sure there are situations in life that some peopel decide for overstay. But it is their decision, they not hurt anybody, not harmed anybody.

All the people who are here on ED Visa only because the only way to stay in Thaland, or to go to the border every month for Visaruns and pay the schoold or Visarun companys a lot og money, sorry I would choose overstay also.

And there are nobody went to prison because of overstay, people who went to priison and deported have been here with complete no money, or made soft crimes. Now most of TV members do like overstay is the worsed thing what somebody in Thailand can do.

Care about your own problems and your own befavior, sure we could find many things to critisis

they hurt those that are caught in the resulting crackdowns because it becomes more difficult to do out/ins on visa exempts and tourist visas

yes your right, the only one who are really hurt, that us!!!

I mean we got hurt, our brain get damaged when we read your daily whining! Yeah you are a real pain in the asslaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Can't you post every two days, only once a week?whistling.gif

Edited by Bender
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It also brings to mind either your doing something illegal here or working without a permit, Now you just put a huge target on your back. Privacy laws are different here than where you come from sleep well it may be short lived victory. Remember this is Thailand physic's work differently here.

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When I went in to renew my retirement visa yesterday,

Immigration had me sign the following "Acknowledgment of Penalties for a Visa Overstay":

In the case that the alien surrenders himself/herself:

Overstay more than 90 days forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 1 year

Overstay more than 1 year forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 3 years

Overstay more than 3 years forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 5 years

Overstay more than 5 years forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 10 years

In the case that the alien is being apprehended:

Overstay for less than 1 year forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 5 year

Overstay for more than 1 year forbidden from re-entering the kingdom for 10 years

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5000 THB per year

No visa run

No 90 days reports

No waiting for hours at immigration

No immigration interview

No MOE interview

No school fees

I am an idiot

I think the peace of mind is worth the extra few baht.

One simple request to see his passport could have landed this guy in the lock-up.

Only one idiot.

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Good luck for you. Still this was a very ignorant thing....4 years...

5k a year. Not too shabby. Probably better than the losers slobbering it out on Visa Run minivans every 30/60/90 days for those same 4 years, and probably spent 3 times as much for doing so.

Wow, i can't believe you are calling people who made an effort to stay in Thailand legally a "loser" I can see from this comment you are a real winner!

The morals of some of the people on TV is just amazing. You congratulate a guy for breaking the law just because he didn't feel like doing a visa run.

I never had to take a minivan but i did stay legal the last 20 years. Been working and doing my 90 reports. Never was a problem or a hard thing to do. Just mail it in or take a little trip to immigration, no big deal. I didn't want to do this, but i did to stay legal.

This is a visa information forum, not judgment by St Peter at the pearly gates. Not trying to be rude, but just chill. Your payment for doing it right is that you don't have to worry or be afraid all the time. That's why you do that, right? It's why I do. He made a mistake and he did the right thing.

I dont see where I'm judging anyone. Where did i make a judgement about him? If you have seen my posts i agree there should be another visa category. I also agree with immigration about the crack down, as there are allot of criminal elements in Thailand hiding out and hopefully this will also help fix the teacher situation that schools do the work and get them work permits and force the schools to pay more when they have fewer teachers to choose from. We all know Thailand is not perfect and don't always make sense, but Thailand is what it is.

Like i said i find it amazing that people are congratulating him for breaking the law when he admits the only reason he broke the law was pretty much he was lazy and didn't want to do visa runs. Then you have posters calling me and others that follow the rules as losers. Don't see where i need to chill as I'm noting going after anyone to judging anyone.

I'm sure not calling you a loser, though smile.png And I might have confused your sentiments with a lot of other posters here. Apologies if I did.

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I just don't get it with some of you people, you all want to be here but for some reason a lot of you figure your above and beyond any law concerning Visas in Thailand, dont use the excuse about it being a inconvenience a lot of foreigners live, work and contribute to Thailand and do it the legal way. If you can't follow the law or the rules you dont belong here period. I give you no sympathy.

I give your spelling and grammar no sympathy.

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I find the persistent idea in this thread that people like this overstayer (who was quickly let back in) played a major role in these crackdowns absolutely ridiculous. It is absolutely laughable that people believe this notion - it's clearly not the case.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

I love it! Just get a work permit and the right visa. Again, plain disregard for people who don't have a 'regular' situation of a job in Thailand, ignoring some of the good comments in this thread about people who may earn money through different means that do not break the law. Or indeed, as when I moved to Thailand (like I said above) having plenty of money in the bank. They DON'T give work permits and visas for money in the bank.

If the 'laws' (again, laughable they're called this when money usually circumvents them - seems the only idiots are those who bust their guts trying desperately to stay legal) here weren't outdated then people wouldn't be doing things like this.

This thread is hilarious...

Agree, completely. Also, the endlessly repeated meme that an overstayer, or even some English teacher without WP somewhere, are 'destroying' Thailand, amounts to hysteria (more likely, an excuse to assume the worst about strangers).

Firsly, there are NO system social services in Thailand (like there are in the UK EU or US) for a foreigner to 'take advantage' of. So really, someone could overstay for years and never take a single thing away from anyone else! Even if they wanted to. Someone overstaying doesn't mean they have free rent, or free food, or anything free at all. Not having the right visa isn't great. But it's hardly 'destroying' Thailand. If someone is truly a violent criminal or something that is completely different.

Secondly, Thailand's unemployment numbers are as low as unemployment can be. Far lower unemployment numbers than most anywhere else in the world at this time. If some person is teaching English without a WP, there's no line of 'poor, hardworking Thai people' behind that person who were 'kept away' from that job. So that doesn't even make any sense.

I mean, if Thailand wants to crack down in nonsensical, nationalistic ways about these ideas, that really is their right. And I respect Thailand, a lot -even if that doesn't include every extremist faction to come along at each turn. But that posters here take it on SO personally, as if their eyes were burning red with rage - this is just unhealthy on their parts. Thai culture doesn't even respect it when people behave that way, so really, it kind of just shows who has or has not appreciated the culture they claim to be a part of. The first rule in Thai society, is not to freak out in anger smile.png ha

This Illegals are stealing money from any correct Thai and farong tax payer !!

As they are using any public infrastructure in all Thailand without paying there part !

This crocks have to be kicked out !

Hope Thai Visa isn't going into a forum of criminals and illegals !

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I find the persistent idea in this thread that people like this overstayer (who was quickly let back in) played a major role in these crackdowns absolutely ridiculous. It is absolutely laughable that people believe this notion - it's clearly not the case.

The OP did indeed make a conscious choice, a choice which disregarded any responsibility he may have had for anyone else who he may have been close too. You suggest that he made his choice to break several laws due to the state of Thailand's roads? What a nonsense argument from someone who apparently condones his behaviour. If he was on the correct visa with a work permit monthly runs would not be necessary, would they?

I love it! Just get a work permit and the right visa. Again, plain disregard for people who don't have a 'regular' situation of a job in Thailand, ignoring some of the good comments in this thread about people who may earn money through different means that do not break the law. Or indeed, as when I moved to Thailand (like I said above) having plenty of money in the bank. They DON'T give work permits and visas for money in the bank.

If the 'laws' (again, laughable they're called this when money usually circumvents them - seems the only idiots are those who bust their guts trying desperately to stay legal) here weren't outdated then people wouldn't be doing things like this.

This thread is hilarious...

Agree, completely. Also, the endlessly repeated meme that an overstayer, or even some English teacher without WP somewhere, are 'destroying' Thailand, amounts to hysteria (more likely, an excuse to assume the worst about strangers).

Firsly, there are NO system social services in Thailand (like there are in the UK EU or US) for a foreigner to 'take advantage' of. So really, someone could overstay for years and never take a single thing away from anyone else! Even if they wanted to. Someone overstaying doesn't mean they have free rent, or free food, or anything free at all. Not having the right visa isn't great. But it's hardly 'destroying' Thailand. If someone is truly a violent criminal or something that is completely different.

Secondly, Thailand's unemployment numbers are as low as unemployment can be. Far lower unemployment numbers than most anywhere else in the world at this time. If some person is teaching English without a WP, there's no line of 'poor, hardworking Thai people' behind that person who were 'kept away' from that job. So that doesn't even make any sense.

I mean, if Thailand wants to crack down in nonsensical, nationalistic ways about these ideas, that really is their right. And I respect Thailand, a lot -even if that doesn't include every extremist faction to come along at each turn. But that posters here take it on SO personally, as if their eyes were burning red with rage - this is just unhealthy on their parts. Thai culture doesn't even respect it when people behave that way, so really, it kind of just shows who has or has not appreciated the culture they claim to be a part of. The first rule in Thai society, is not to freak out in anger smile.png ha

This Illegals are stealing money from any correct Thai and farong tax payer !!

As they are using any public infrastructure in all Thailand without paying there part !

This crocks have to be kicked out !

Hope Thai Visa isn't going into a forum of criminals and illegals !

Why do you want to kick out the crocks? Crocodiles are a native species.

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Fwiw I did not work in Thailand and I am well off. I did not ever use any sort of social services here and I never harmed anyone. I know my choice to overstay was one most people would not consider. I jumped through the endless hoops for years, practically on house arrest having to always check in with immigration and leave on arbitrary dates, but decided it was worth risking a day in IDC to avoid the circus show. Now that they are being more strict I'm back to juggling through legislation to remain legal and in Thailand. I do not regret my choice, and I would not if I had been arrested, thrown in IDC, and deported and blacklisted, just because it was such a relief to not have to suffer through the process. Also I was able to travel freely, regularly traveled in Thailand, booked hotels, opened a bank account, and everything else on overstay. I contributed to the economy for years at no expense to anyone besides the visa run companies. Anyone who thinks I was doing something morally wrong or harmful simply because I didn't have an up to date stamp in a book is being too narrow minded without knowing anything about me.

so you never walked on a public street,

you never putted your garbage in the bin, ( you putted it beside the road,

you never used a public toilett, just pissed beside the tree to fertilice,

you never ever used any public transport which is much sponsored by all

regulary tax payers !

Great !!

You just say, everyone who keeps the law is stupid !

Great !

This are the foreigners which any country needs !

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Fwiw I did not work in Thailand and I am well off. I did not ever use any sort of social services here and I never harmed anyone. I know my choice to overstay was one most people would not consider. I jumped through the endless hoops for years, practically on house arrest having to always check in with immigration and leave on arbitrary dates, but decided it was worth risking a day in IDC to avoid the circus show. Now that they are being more strict I'm back to juggling through legislation to remain legal and in Thailand. I do not regret my choice, and I would not if I had been arrested, thrown in IDC, and deported and blacklisted, just because it was such a relief to not have to suffer through the process. Also I was able to travel freely, regularly traveled in Thailand, booked hotels, opened a bank account, and everything else on overstay. I contributed to the economy for years at no expense to anyone besides the visa run companies. Anyone who thinks I was doing something morally wrong or harmful simply because I didn't have an up to date stamp in a book is being too narrow minded without knowing anything about me.

so you never walked on a public street,

you never putted your garbage in the bin, ( you putted it beside the road,

you never used a public toilett, just pissed beside the tree to fertilice,

you never ever used any public transport which is much sponsored by all

regulary tax payers !

Great !!

You just say, everyone who keeps the law is stupid !

Great !

This are the foreigners which any country needs !

Please calm down. The man over-stayed his visa, and then did the right thing by paying his fine and becoming legal. End of story.

Edited by John1thru10
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Haha hw abt all illegal forgeiner in Europe they are a million . Even they are illegal they can free medication from some Europe country .transportation in Thai u talk abt this old red bus half are free . Transportation bus in Bkk are she it compare to UK Germany France . I m sure ur old guy or married to Thai girl for be hater like that talk abt tax Lol

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Haha hw abt all illegal forgeiner in Europe they are a million . Even they are illegal they can free medication from some Europe country .transportation in Thai u talk abt this old red bus half are free . Transportation bus in Bkk are she it compare to UK Germany France . I m sure ur old guy or married to Thai girl for be hater like that talk abt tax Lol

haha - he walked on the sidewalk illegally, though! smile.png

Edited by John1thru10
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I just don't get it with some of you people, you all want to be here but for some reason a lot of you figure your above and beyond any law concerning Visas in Thailand, dont use the excuse about it being a inconvenience a lot of foreigners live, work and contribute to Thailand and do it the legal way. If you can't follow the law or the rules you dont belong here period. I give you no sympathy.

I give your spelling and grammar no sympathy.

how many languages you know to write, read and speak ?

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Fwiw I did not work in Thailand and I am well off. I did not ever use any sort of social services here and I never harmed anyone. I know my choice to overstay was one most people would not consider. I jumped through the endless hoops for years, practically on house arrest having to always check in with immigration and leave on arbitrary dates, but decided it was worth risking a day in IDC to avoid the circus show. Now that they are being more strict I'm back to juggling through legislation to remain legal and in Thailand. I do not regret my choice, and I would not if I had been arrested, thrown in IDC, and deported and blacklisted, just because it was such a relief to not have to suffer through the process. Also I was able to travel freely, regularly traveled in Thailand, booked hotels, opened a bank account, and everything else on overstay. I contributed to the economy for years at no expense to anyone besides the visa run companies. Anyone who thinks I was doing something morally wrong or harmful simply because I didn't have an up to date stamp in a book is being too narrow minded without knowing anything about me.

so you never walked on a public street,

you never putted your garbage in the bin, ( you putted it beside the road,

you never used a public toilett, just pissed beside the tree to fertilice,

you never ever used any public transport which is much sponsored by all

regulary tax payers !

Great !!

You just say, everyone who keeps the law is stupid !

Great !

This are the foreigners which any country needs !

Please calm down. The man over-stayed his visa, and then did the right thing by paying his fine and becoming legal. End of story.

4 years !! 1.460 days, so he broke the law just 1460 times ! forget it, its over ! a funny mind !

So, if you will not pay your duties in your home country for 4 years,

your gvt will say , ok, it happens,

story over !

If you would have family and kids in Thailand,

you would change your mind !!

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