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how much cash to enter without a visa?

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many visits to the Kingdom and I never brought one single baht in my wallet, only debit/credit cards. Just do not present yourself like a "junk" and everything will be fine.. hahaha

Do not be scared, enjoy! wai2.gif


Edited by deepcell
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Thanks for all the replies, I arranged to gather 3000$ in cash before my arrival, I have a re-entry permit with an ED visa but with the current situation I wouldn't like to be left stranded at the airport because all my money is in a Thai bank only accessible after immigration. 

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I have never been asked about funds by anyone at the airport.
I used to carry about 2 or 3000 baht maximum. I assume a credit card would be more than useful back up.

Probably depends on your appearance, which would be the case in most countries. If you appear scruffy and carrying a backpack, your financial resources might, rightly or wrongly, seem more of a concern.
I recall one time entering the UK and sailing through immigrations as usual, but the girl behind me looked like she was leftover from some hippie revival. She was getting an extensive grilling from the officer who looked anything but pleased. I would guess that's common with immigrations everywhere.

Most immi officers arn't that nieve,only in the UK maybe.I like the clean but scruffy look,keeps touts,pickpockets at bay.Immi dont hassle me either.You can't tell a book from it's cover.
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Unless you look like an 'undesirable' in overall manner and appearance, with inappropriate clothing etc., you are unlikely to be asked. You should have a booked flight out of Thailand within the 30 day period to reduce suspicion. Of course you won't even be allowed to board the flight to Thailand without an outgoing ticket, (unless you have a long-term visa, proof of funds etc)

Pray tell,what do undesirables look like.Rolf Harris,Gary Glitter amongst others seem to have travelled all right but you wouldnt be inviting them home for Sunday lunch would you.Even off the Queens xmas card list.
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Unless you look like an 'undesirable' in overall manner and appearance, with inappropriate clothing etc., you are unlikely to be asked. You should have a booked flight out of Thailand within the 30 day period to reduce suspicion. Of course you won't even be allowed to board the flight to Thailand without an outgoing ticket, (unless you have a long-term visa, proof of funds etc)


I do not think that is true, I have been to Thailand many times without a return ticket, purely because I was not 100% sure on when I wanted to return, maybe 10 days, maybe 3 weeks?



Yes its not a hard and fast rule previous to the current enforcement/crackdown as twice I have signed disclaimers for the relevant airlines, but suspect once September comes you'll not get on without an inbound within 30 days, or a flight elsewhere

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It depend on how long you want to stay. I have never been asked how much money I have. But they ask people from some countries like Philippines they only get a month visa if they can show 10 000 in cash. But if you really want to stay here for sometime why take the risk with only 15000 Baht. You need at least 700 Baht a day for a simple decent hotel room.

Why pay that much,250 fan,or 400b.ac hw and cable,plenty left for street food,water and skytrain.
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