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I Miss Thai Food....`

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I really really miss Thai food and since ive been back in the UK have not really eaten anything even slightly spicy, its all stodge stodge stodge and im sick of it.

I used to eat 3 or 4 big meals a day over there and always stayed slim yet back here I seem to eat less but grow larger :D

The trouble is I find it difficult to source all the simple ingredients that you would get in Thailand here in England and dont have the confidence to cook up the simple Thai dishes.

So I would like to hear how you guys in the UK cope and if you can offer and tips/recipes etc on how I can spice up my life, I would love to hear your ideas!

Thanks :o


first off - the climate will have an impact on your weight, and you will almost certainly feel less hungry in hot weather despite what anyone says.

secondly - sourcing your food shouldnt be a big problem, do you know of any chinese or thai food stores near you... obviously not otherwise you would have already been to them. the supermarkets are getting better but you'll need to find a proper store... try looking around in the areas that have a moderate to high asian community - not so much indian, as they dont seem to stock everything youll need for thai cooking - but its a good start.

so once youve found something to cook, youll need a recipe obviously, any thai cookery book or website will be the answer to this... although im a little lost why you say you dont have the "confidence".. youre not on masterchef!! just get on and have a go - its the best way to learn!

i taught myself thai cookery after returning from thailand for a year before my, now, wife came to UK... i really enjoyed it - i cant get a look-in nowadays :D

we also cheat a little - my wifes mum sends us food parcels of "dried things" every other month... shrimp, squid, chilies, lemon grass, kafir lime leaves etc etc...

if youre unable to find any shops you can buy online and have it mailed to you - a quick google will find these mailorder places... i know theyre there cos ive used em before

all the best - happy cooking




PS - now youre back in UK dont forget the thai food festival - august 13th battersea park :o


Now that i know a little about coconuts i recommend using coconut oil for cooking. It is still oil, but it won't make you gain weight as other oils do. Actually it needs more energy to be processed by your body, helping your metabolism. It sure made a difference for me when i used it instead of palm oil.

Getting fresh ingredients can be hard, but all larger cities have a distribution point for asian food. They supply the restaurants and asian supermarkets. If you can find one of those you will be able to buy anything you like. Don't be shocked when you see the prices of some products! I have seen durian for 50 euro per kilo!! And it still gets sold!

I especially like the packages with all the ingredients pre mixed. Just add a little water/oil or coconut milk , stir and ready. Can't be any easier. Thai dishes are simple, you just need some practice with the amounts for the ingredients. Practice and you will get the hang of it.

I used to eat 3 or 4 big meals a day over there and always stayed slim yet back here I seem to eat less but grow larger :D

You're not alone with this Soph..

I normally gain about 10kg's in weight during the 6 months when I'm in the UK.. which I loose during the first month when I get back to Thailand... during the next five months it stays at the same level, maybe loosing a few more kilos..

I too seem to eat less when in the UK... :o

totster :D


an easy way to cook some yummy stuff is just get a rice cooker and buy lots of frozen vegetables, then just make rice unthaw your veggies or steam them or cook them in some water withsome sauce hoy and add some meat of your choice and just use lots of sauce.. sauce pig (or wahtever its called..)

I found some frozen veggies that is like an oriental style mix with like baby corn and asian style of stuff. this is really easy and is mostly for time saving.


Here is simple healthy Thai dish.

YUM MOO!Or Nua or Kai. Up to you.

Cook you meat. When done let it cool down.

Chop up a whole onion.Slice the onion in half and then slice it so who have little moon shaped pieces of onion. Put this in bowl.

Chop about a dozen baby tomatoes in half. Add to bowl.

Chop up a little fresh corriander and add to bowl.

Get an unpripe mango(if you can) if not then a ripe one will do.

Peel the mango. Then take a big knife and hit the mango with the blade until slithers start top come off. Continue until mango is all added to bowl. Add a hand full of peanuts and put to the side

Chop up some chilies(depends how hot you want it) Add to bowl.

Add meat to bowl now.

Chop and squeeze some limes into the bowl. Add some fish sauce and sugar. Taste the sauce. If its ok. Then mix all ingredients in the bowl until the meat and all is covered with the sauce. Dish it up. And Enjoy. Nice and easy and healthy.


Hi Soph, I can't remember where you are at the moment, but here in Liverpool I can get everything I want in our Asian shops. One shop has a weekly import direct from Thailand.

If you would like some simple Thai recipes with easy to source ingredients (Tescos) pm me and I'll send you a few that are dead easy to do.


This is an easy fusion dish i love.

Spicy and sour salmon salad (Yum Salmon)

-sliced/diced salmon (or smoked )

-lime/lemon juice

-fish sauce

-veggies as cabbage ,tettuce,carrot


-chopped garlic ,red onion,lemon glass, shallot

mix all together.

(yes i mean raw salmon).. you can cook it if you want .

This is an easy fusion dish i love.

Spicy and sour salmon salad (Yum Salmon)

-sliced/diced salmon (or smoked )

-lime/lemon juice

-fish sauce

-veggies as cabbage ,tettuce,carrot


-chopped garlic ,red onion,lemon glass, shallot

mix all together.

(yes i mean raw salmon).. you can cook it if you want .

Nice! Similar to mine. Just substitute any meat or fish etc.

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