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Has anyone experienced similar? I have been a TV member since 2008; originally I registered with a Loxinfo email address but many years ago changed the registered address to my current gmail. All has been fine with my postings and receiving replies and the newsletter has just kept on arriving. That is until the 9th August. I received my last newsletter on the 8th Aug. and assumed TV were taking a Mothers Day vacation for a while. Alas no vacation. I checked my Profile and Settings and found that TV had reverted to the ancient Loxinfo email address for some reason. I changed it back to the current which blocked my account with a note stating Group validating. During this process TV sent an email with a link to press. I did inform Support that I had not received this, but actually did. Took longer to arrive than anticipated. So this proves that Auto TV and my email do communicate. I have had contact with TV Support and explained the situation. They have been as useful as a chocolate teapot. I still am not receiving newsletters even though registering again for these. TV Support informed me that my email address for these newsletters was in any case my current gmail. Newsletters are not going to my Trash nor is there any firewall blocking them. I was also not trying to change my email address, I had just found that TV had reverted to the old without any communication from me. During the period from the 8th August I have not downloaded any new programs nor altered any settings. Just turn on as per normal, but this time, no TV. Any ideas! TV Support just puts the blame on my computer!


Could I ask you to please add some paragraph returns to your future posts, this would make it easier to read.

The ThaiVisa system, as with most bulletinboard/forum software, is mostly automated and maintained by pre-programmed scripts. I wouldn't expect the people maintaining these types of sites to fully understand how it will function under all circumstances.

That said, I would guess that either your original name change was undone on the server side, either by an automated script or by a backup/restore routine that overwrote the database. It's also possible the bb/forum database contains some time of glitch that affects how the automated scripts act on your account record.

At this point I would say, log in to ThaiVisa and verify that all your account data is displaying correctly and there are no corrupted entries.

Check your ThaiVisa Notification Options. (try toggling them, save changes, then toggle back to the setting you want, save changes.

In the notification options, try enabling "Notify me when someone 'likes' my posts" for email notification, and see if you receive emails (note: this option may not work for some ThaiVisa members)

Recheck your spam email inbox.

If you haven't received anything after 72 hours I would suggest updating the ThaiVisa account to another email address.

Sometimes these types of glitches are impossible to diagnose. After exhausting these and any other ThaiVisa member suggestions you may need to ask the all powerful George to create a new user account and suspend the old one.


Thanks RichCor. Apologies for lack of paragraphs which is not usual for me. I wrote the post whilst watching the television so I guess I was not concentrating.

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