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Wife purchased an iPhone 5S from True Move few months back. No problems. Then she decided to change service providers and went with AIS. Cheaper or so she thought.

First bill comes in and instead of the quoted 499 Baht monthly fee her bill came to 700 + Baht. AIS claimed that she used SMS close to 70 times during the first month they provided her service.

Many trips to both an Apple store, an Apple service center, and AIS so far has proven hopeless in solving the problem. It seems when an individual or the wife attempts to make contact and the number called is busy or U are using your phone AIS generates an SMS message . Messages show up as follows; "14:20 This number tried to contact you" or a time and a message saying "number called is busy". I finally got AIS to admit it's their company sending the message out and charging the wife's phone 3 Baht for each call that didn't connect regardless who made the call. It also doesn't matter what make of phone one is attempting to contact or U are trying to connect to. Never had that problem with True.

Today took the cake when an AIS "manager" actually stood there and said, "hey it isn't our fault, Steve Jobs died" ! Guess Mr. Jobs set up the AIS phone system during his spare time. Attempting to place the blame on the iPhone is pure bullshit.

Anyone else having a similar problem? AIS is steadfast in not cancelling her contract insisting she must wait the additional 12 + months before a service provider can be changed. And be prepared to continue paying for our generated AIS messages.

Just imagine if one goes overseas for a couple of months, turns their phone off and then discovers AIS is charging 3 Baht each time someone attempts calling your number.

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