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Homeless Swede found on Bangkok street


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Sadly this is common story with Swedes! Yes it is the low cost of lubricants!

I personally know this man and he is a repeat offender and really doesn't want to go back to Sweden.

He is very obvious in his location and when I offered to have him sent back to Sweden he said he did not want to go.

So as usual the media is only telling half the truth!

Seems some have found out that Thai's are compassionate, and the odd farang taking pity on them too...

And as pointed out as soon as they are shipped home and can raise enough money to buy a cheep air ticket they will be back.

You´re a real "Swede" expert, aren´t you?

Around half a million Swedes visit Thailand anually and 1 mentaly ill guy which we know very little about the whole story why he is where he is and suddenly it´s "common story with swedes" Troll post of the year.

Edited by DonThaiToMe
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Plenty local beggars’ fighting for every baht without the Swedish starting to muscle in on the event get him off the street lock him up or have him deported and blacklisted he is just an embarrassment to all decent foreigners living here.

Are you so out of touch that you don't know that there are at least 6 westerners sleeping rough in Bangkok? And about 20 in Pattaya, all with similar stories to tell as this guy. It is estimated there are 200 western men sleeping rough around Thailand.

This Swede has been around for years, he used to come into Subway on Sukhumvit to beg. People would give him 100 baht to go away, he smelt so bad.

Another sleeps rough in Nong Khai and has a full face tattoo. I have seen Thais run away form him he looks so scary. Well, you make your bed, you lie in it, whether it's mistaking a thieving prostitute for a girlfriend, turning your self into a drunken idiot, or covering you face and body with ugly markings.

The guy with the face tattoo died recently I believe

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He came here and found out what it's all about. Unfortunately, his addiction made it impossible to get by. He should go home, before he destroys himself, and destroys what's left of his esteem, if indeed he has any left. Why stay near Nana? He would find more help in the woods!

Maybe the Thai police should keep him sleeping there, bringing him daily meals to support him so he has just enough to survive.

He will be a terrific example for all the other day-dreamers and misfits that come to this country for all the wrong reasons....

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure ;)

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Edited by larsjohnsson
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Makes a hard man humble and a soft man crumble.

Surely the Swedish Embassy would have some information about the guy. Even if he no longer has any relatives (like me) there would still be records, as well as verifiable information (like, where was he living in Sweden, driver's license, job, etc).

So many similar stories. Repeat visitor. "Tricked" out his entire life savings. No plane ticket. No passport. Overstayed visa. (No relatives/friends or none that can afford to send money.)

And people wonder why so many foreigners in Thailand studiously avoid other foreigners.

"Tricked" out his entire life savings.

Can't speak about this particular person or what mental issues he is struggling to deal with, but blaming Thailand or Thais for his situation or that of any foreigner who comes here unable to manage his own affairs or control his impulses is ridiculous.

If he really has mental issues then he ought to have his affairs managed for him by the generous nanny state he came from. I know clueless farang love to claim that this or that is a Thai scam and some "girl" with a few years education outsmarted them, but seriously if you think you are an adult capable of looking after yourself you should be embarrassed to proclaim you were "tricked" by someone who has spent her entire life matching wits with a water buffalo. And, if someone is legitimately unable to deal with day to day personal financial matters then someone at home ought to be protecting him ... either family or the courts or welfare system.

I suppose people forging your signature to steal your assets aided and abetted by crooked lawyers and others also fits your mentality that foreigners who get scammed deserve it.

There are many ways beyond your wildest imagination that you can be scammed and some are very intricate indeed. But Maybe you are one who keeps all your money outside Thailand so they cannot scam it off you - enjoy that life!

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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.
Thailand is a country you need to be a strong willed person. Make sure you control Thailand not allow Thailand, especially Pattaya, Patong etc control you.
Will power and control are not viable options to those suffering from mental disease, drug or alcohol addiction.

People suffering from those diseases are easily manipulated and taken advantage of. I hope he is repatriated and finds the help that is readily available in his home country.

As a side note, there is an extensive network of AA and NA groups in Thailand. Google AA or NA Thailand for more information.

One Day At A Time

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Seems easy enough to verify with a PM and follow-on phone calls to him and anyone else involved.

The Swedish community in Thailand is huge relative to the population of Sweden and it seems like a wonderful opportunity for them to band together and take care of one of their own citizens (which it sounds like they are doing notwithstanding the doubting Swedes).


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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure ;)

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Your post has valid points, minus the first and last sentence.
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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.

There's a cure for the Thai female pheromones

Just marry one

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He came here and found out what it's all about. Unfortunately, his addiction made it impossible to get by. He should go home, before he destroys himself, and destroys what's left of his esteem, if indeed he has any left. Why stay near Nana? He would find more help in the woods!

Maybe the Thai police should keep him sleeping there, bringing him daily meals to support him so he has just enough to survive.

He will be a terrific example for all the other day-dreamers and misfits that come to this country for all the wrong reasons....

I've found that a persons true worth is shown by their compassion and generosity to those less fortunate, particularly of those suffering from mental illness and addiction.
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i read this situation i understand this man wants stay in Thailand and not return to Sweden. Somebody already said that Austrian expat paid him ticket home but he still returned again to Thailand and he knew that he cannot survive in Thailand. Even if somebody oay him again ticket to Sweden i am sure he will return again. Yes weather is beautiful in Thailand, everybody would stay with no work enjoy their life but it doesnt go that way. I understand somebody is depressed but he should find medical help for himself back in Sweden. Many people want stay in Thailand with no plan for future, no income, have some money leave work in their homecountry go to Thailand spend money with gf, i mean no offense but when somebody expect he is 60 year old and think that 20 year old girl will love him its clearly stupid. Everybody can try in his own country i barely see old man with young lady in Europe and when i see i aee him have good car good clothes so reason is money. Myself many tine miss Thailand miss my gf miss weather but i know i must work and save buy condo for yourself for future make a plan.

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Thank you for an update. It seems most people who read these threads do not read everything, as shown on the comments posted after yours.

I wish this man all the best for when he eventually gets home.

well I read somebody had already paid for his fare home once but he came back, if that's true no soppy sympathy from me as he's just a pest who never should have come back.

Edited by jacky54
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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure ;)

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Upto to you my friend. We have his passport in our possession, and can see the stamps. We bought the ticket already, and got the money for immigration. We paid the Swedish embassy to escort him all the way (we had to pay them) . We contacted the Swedish "sossen" to pick him up at Arlanda. This with own funds. Especially from my good Swedish friend. You can still contribute, as all this costed around 50K total. He leaves on Wednesday.

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Upto to you my friend. We have his passport in our possession, and can see the stamps. We bought the ticket already, and got the money for immigration. We paid the Swedish embassy to escort him all the way (we had to pay them) . We contacted the Swedish "sossen" to pick him up at Arlanda. This with own funds. Especially from my good Swedish friend. You can still contribute, as all this costed around 50K total. He leaves on Wednesday.

This time of year a one-way non-stop ticket Bangkok-Stockholm costs barely 10 000 THB (with Norwegian etc.). Did you buy him business class?

Edited by mramazing
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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Your post has valid points, minus the first and last sentence.

He have not been living at the Nana streets since April. I was reading an interview with him in a Swedish site a couple of days ago. He came to Thailand in May. His third trip after one in the end last year and one in January. He is divorced in Sweden with two children. And he don't like to go home..........so I agree about everything in the "morteena"story is wrong.

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Makes a hard man humble and a soft man crumble.

Surely the Swedish Embassy would have some information about the guy. Even if he no longer has any relatives (like me) there would still be records, as well as verifiable information (like, where was he living in Sweden, driver's license, job, etc).

So many similar stories. Repeat visitor. "Tricked" out his entire life savings. No plane ticket. No passport. Overstayed visa. (No relatives/friends or none that can afford to send money.)

And people wonder why so many foreigners in Thailand studiously avoid other foreigners.

Previous posters in this thread have indicated he's done this before. He's a serial repeat hobo and chooses to live this way.

I've talked to homeless people in large cities of rich western countries. They prefer to live on the street. It is very difficult to understand.

Those that are familiar with mental illness and substance addiction understand what causes people to travel this sad path.

Choice has little to do with this, much like someone suffering a terminal disease, which it is in many instances.

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Upto to you my friend. We have his passport in our possession, and can see the stamps. We bought the ticket already, and got the money for immigration. We paid the Swedish embassy to escort him all the way (we had to pay them) . We contacted the Swedish "sossen" to pick him up at Arlanda. This with own funds. Especially from my good Swedish friend. You can still contribute, as all this costed around 50K total. He leaves on Wednesday.

This time of year a one-way non-stop ticket Bangkok-Stockholm costs barely 10 000 THB (with Norwegian etc.). Did you buy him business class?

A scam.................

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since the foreigner is not entitled to any special rights or privileges, if they intend to stay in Thailand. The second one would be buying property, which as most know, gives you virtually no rights in ownership.


And fail in a big way! You need to catch up on laws, and not what your bar-girl intelligence leads you to believe.

You are, as you write, one of the mosts that don't know about buying a home with rights.

Yes ,thanks Doc.I have a home ----and yellow book-----and no bugger can throw me out.

Wrong ! Yellow book is just house registration book for foreigners, to prove that you are at a particular address, it does not give you any special rights. Essentially if the immigration knock at your door, they have the right to revoke your status in Thailand and are not obliged to give a reason, and just deport you. Unless you are a Thai citizen, essentially you have zero rights.

Enlighten your braincells with this link


But thanks for the zero value reply, as useful as fart in a lift !

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I used to know a Swede who did the exact same thing, he didn't want any help. Just wanted to be left alone to live under the bridge out the back of Phra Athit road.

That man went back home luckily, mental issues and an addiction to Sang Som were not helping his plight.

Was back on the Kao San Road the other day after a long trip back to the UK and went to the Reggae bar that used to run in the Soi behind Kao San and there I found a new homeless Westerner, looked like he had a broken arm as well. Was living under a makeshift shelter made from plastic sheets. All very sorry looking.

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Upto to you my friend. We have his passport in our possession, and can see the stamps. We bought the ticket already, and got the money for immigration. We paid the Swedish embassy to escort him all the way (we had to pay them) . We contacted the Swedish "sossen" to pick him up at Arlanda. This with own funds. Especially from my good Swedish friend. You can still contribute, as all this costed around 50K total. He leaves on Wednesday.

This time of year a one-way non-stop ticket Bangkok-Stockholm costs barely 10 000 THB (with Norwegian etc.). Did you buy him business class?

Yes must have been business ;) Not even a direct flight with Thai is Close to that price. This time of the year a one way ticket is 10-14k with Norwegian. It doesn't sound right......In the Swedish forum they also like to collect money for him...so it must be a popular thing now

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...when will laws be put in place...or enforced if they exist..... ...one would think that swindling someone would be against the law.... ....it is rampant..... ..and in many cases, there are children involved.... ...and regardless of the personality or conduct of the mother....she is even given custody.... ...no deterrents when the laws are stacked against foreigners....in favor of Thais.... ...human rights hub.....??? ...get real.... ..and the embassies turn a blind eye...why risk a 'good stint'....

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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Did you buy him business class?

TThe Norwegian ticket was 3700 SEK. Overstay 20,000 THB. New clothes, hotel three nights, trips to embassy, escort by Swedish embassy. Total about 50,000 THB

The Embassy is one minute walking from where he is......and you pay for trips to the embassy???

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Did you buy him business class?

TThe Norwegian ticket was 3700 SEK. Overstay 20,000 THB. New clothes, hotel three nights, trips to embassy, escort by Swedish embassy. Total about 50,000 THB

The Embassy is one minute walking from where he is......and you pay for trips to the embassy???

He is staying in a hotel in Ratchada Soi 17..
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